History of src/solver.d
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10:15 | [3ef79e5266d25568] part of check-in [d95246eada] Make it build on dmd 2.062. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
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19:18 | [a342d9597f1d9525] part of check-in [7bd1ed1180] more. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
19:02 | [97e58dfa28df65c7] part of check-in [b96971b0b6] refactoring. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
17:59 | [da568e3b806540de] part of check-in [9e34cad783] One-way road finder. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
17:06 | [accda2201a6a857e] part of check-in [3893826f55] dangerness loosened. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
16:24 | [a41fda48c5fe0806] part of check-in [9fd05a2326] better integrated horo-push. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
16:16 | [b158ce3255b33a97] part of check-in [70423f9ad9] horock-push mode. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
15:57 | [1e2f760afef7fe9f] part of check-in [50fc08d883] Fast solver should go towards up (since it knows nothing about water...) (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
15:32 | [3f2a2d28b89b3fbf] part of check-in [1b261bd13b] Run Wind and Forest both and take better. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
15:12 | [4eed871f814ba3b0] part of check-in [84fb0102a2] Minor parameter adjustment. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
14:26 | [ec50c689624301b2] part of check-in [6c02dd0cf0] Minor change of BFS ordering. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
14:02 | [25a73167930e3586] part of check-in [b2ea244589] Switcher implemented. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
13:52 | [77a8a9a8973002b1] part of check-in [8bc4298777] BFS result reusing of solver "wind". (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
13:40 | [8a530414bd295205] part of check-in [2e02a085bf] Further solver names. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
13:36 | [cc3cdceae20eed85] part of check-in [b4c948b5ca] Death move avoider for Sovler-wind. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
13:28 | [ee76621ab7188714] part of check-in [e784787a7c] Renamed solvers. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
13:17 | [7de11f2564488051] part of check-in [1110e2f932] Migrated to no-clone deathmove (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
12:53 | [3413d0e80fd69f87] part of check-in [971863e35a] No-cloning death-move(). With several fixes to the simulator. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
10:23 | [15905b6766caaf1d] part of check-in [ff8066db42] Replanning. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
09:54 | [434706ae08dfc66e] part of check-in [1c7a01b7f4] clear improvement. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
09:38 | [5e89251084030d6c] part of check-in [ffac82fc99] Hopefully the correct way to detect deadly-round-trip. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
09:21 | [fc45f9bc575c213e] part of check-in [c5c6ef71be] float up replanner. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
08:06 | [3fbaa7115d831a14] part of check-in [3c50d3dc78] Solver_2 is fast enough. MasterSolver may not be needed. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
07:57 | [469e63844195a7a0] part of check-in [fa2f8e21f2] messages to stderr. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
07:56 | [4176698dd9ba368b] part of check-in [9a93aeb664] Adoptive replanning. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
01:06 | [707b7344a0841f62] part of check-in [913d120d42] size tuning solver (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
00:42 | [4dfcc976e17caad5] part of check-in [310a3c5d41] speed testing... 100x100 no-op is fast enough... (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
00:38 | [e30aef925f9048ea] part of check-in [d40deaae5a] Trampoline factored out. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
00:13 | [cf5501d5881f7842] part of check-in [5491fa544d] several fixes. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
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23:36 | [2f1962d30be4fa0a] part of check-in [b83558c1a5] Speed up update(). (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
23:07 | [8600b351b2af2b6a] part of check-in [a487d35804] test (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
21:58 | [36995877ce5f2cde] part of check-in [f8d6e266eb] Do not rush to L even all \ are collected. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
21:40 | [8629f9c48aba56fd] part of check-in [c88611bab8] horock solver (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
21:01 | [22c356ff1975e92f] part of check-in [a03584f1c6] Refactored. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
20:17 | [42b4ef037737dcd0] part of check-in [ff0ab77d3d] new game class. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
16:11 | [393baf841678f948] part of check-in [e8aa141dbe] Make manual GUI operation faster for Solver2 by delaying plan making. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
16:02 | [57f6f73657cc3655] part of check-in [8acc8e6c78] Prioritize distant lambda. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
15:42 | [dde2fe1d85562c17] part of check-in [0d078369c8] score update & tweaked to solve contest2 (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
15:15 | [b38729b48307e77e] part of check-in [f6c126aeeb] better flushed check. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
14:56 | [dca9b6f10b63ba61] part of check-in [45b72fc54e] Last 10 step optimization. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
13:44 | [ede3d182d99f2de5] part of check-in [879099f815] Moved 'abort' behavior completely out of Game. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
11:37 | [98744373e0968733] part of check-in [c2c105fda0] Support 'G' at any timing. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
11:24 | [df1ca9c8d7e8adb9] part of check-in [9f1a8c70cd] Razor using solver. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
11:16 | [cabc7d361baa4f5a] part of check-in [34bbd14c1a] Razor searching. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
03:50 | [673d840a0e1a2769] part of check-in [faa7422a78] now the robot can push the rock and turn left/right. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
03:33 | [d8cdcee0dd6dc539] part of check-in [ea96f24715] Introduced choke_count to cumlatively count the robot chose to "wait" (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
03:26 | [01f7e924127970bf] part of check-in [2f2eff2f03] fall rock mode. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
03:00 | [4aac390deb513002] part of check-in [6e4c06b018] Solver supports trampoline. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
01:39 | [69c19d5fe197eaad] part of check-in [fec7ddc502] Refactoring for ease of changine main solver. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
01:04 | [7cfac19f78d8844c] part of check-in [0c10424b3c] Minor fix for danger avoidance. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
00:47 | [dca756d0b000be21] part of check-in [68c41bdbe0] Hori-Susumu kun. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
00:43 | [4f413ed4f5088aec] part of check-in [901abf2f53] optimized multiple lambda target. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
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23:56 | [1708425009125a5d] part of check-in [c743b817b7] death avoider for 'W'. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
23:33 | [6a465bd844fac2d9] part of check-in [aea6cfc7e3] further clean up. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
23:13 | [ee353f733f706a26] part of check-in [c4d04122d8] Dead end avoider. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
22:45 | [3df785b1c1414432] part of check-in [62a5c6c47f] Correctly implemented below-rock avoider. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
22:21 | [6098061a6d0ff01b] part of check-in [5fc8a9c49b] rock pusher. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
22:02 | [e22cb888fb6353ea] part of check-in [b4aceba693] 1 step death move detector rev.1 (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
21:29 | [0bb4050087a6fb3f] part of check-in [9d4aca73fa] GUI+Solver revived. (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |
18:16 | [42db89cb5c63a7bd] part of check-in [6293256fec] Preparing for submission... (user: kinaba branch: trunk) [diff] [annotate] | |