DELETED _lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp Index: _lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp +++ _lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Fenwick Tree -// O(log N) per each operation -// -// Verified by -// - SRM424 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -template -struct FenwickTree -{ - vector x; - FenwickTree(size_t n, const T& v = T()) : x(n, v) {} - - void incr( int k, const T& a ) { // z[k] += a; - for(; k < x.size(); k|=k+1) - x[k] += a; - } - - T sum(int i, int j) { // z[i]+...+z[j] : inclusive - if(i) - return sum(0, j) - sum(0, i-1); - else { - T v = T(); - for(; j>=0; j=(j&(j+1))-1) - v += x[j]; - return v; - } - } -}; DELETED _lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp Index: _lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp +++ _lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Range Minimum Query -// O(N log N) construction -// O(1) per each query -// returns the LEFTMOST/ALL minimum index (I hope) -// -// Verified by -// - SRM337 Div1 LV2 -// - SRM431 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -template -struct RMQ -{ - vector< vector > rm; - vector d; - - RMQ( const vector& d ) : d(d) { - int n = d.size(); - - // rm[k][x] = i s.t. d[i] is the minimum in [x, x+2^k) - rm.push_back( vector(n) ); - for(int x=0; x d[rm[k-1][x + (1< all(int L, int R) const { - vector ans; - int minValue = d[(*this)(L, R)]; - while( L <= R ) { - int C = (*this)(L, R); - if( minValue < d[C] ) - break; - ans.push_back(C); - L = C+1; - } - return ans; - } -}; DELETED _lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf Index: _lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf ================================================================== --- _lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf +++ _lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf cannot compute difference between binary files DELETED _lib/doc/lb_ub.txt Index: _lib/doc/lb_ub.txt ================================================================== --- _lib/doc/lb_ub.txt +++ _lib/doc/lb_ub.txt @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -lb = lower_bound(k) - ... k-1] lb [k ... - - -ub = upper_bound(k) - .., k] ub [k+1 ... - - -なので任意の開閉区間をイテレータの [) 区間に直すには - - [A, B] - = [ lower_bound(A), upper_bound(B) ) - - [A, B) - = [ lower_bound(A), lower_bound(B) ) - - (A, B] - = [ upper_bound(A), upper_bound(B) ) - - (A, B) - = [ upper_bound(A), lower_bound(B) ) DELETED _lib/doc/nim.txt Index: _lib/doc/nim.txt ================================================================== --- _lib/doc/nim.txt +++ _lib/doc/nim.txt @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// SRM338 Div1 LV3 - -定理のステートメント - - 対象となるゲーム - - 二人ゲーム - - 二人とも動かせる手の集合は同じ - - 動かせなくなった方が負け - - 無限ループしない - - nim - - サイズ s1, s2, .., sk の山がある - - どれか一つ山を選んで 1 ~ 山サイズ の任意個取り除ける - - 最後の山を取った方が勝ち(山がなくなって打つ手が無くなった方が負け) - - *n をサイズ n の山が1個だけの nim とする - - *0 は負け - - *n は勝ち n>=1 - - ゲーム - - 状態 G から打てる手で遷移する先を G1, ..., Gk とする - G = {G1, ..., Gk} と書く - - 等価 - - 二つのゲームG, Fが等価なことを G ≡ F と書く - 等価というのは勝ち負け一致よりもっと強い。二つのゲームの和を取ると必敗になること - *n と *n は同サイズの山2つのnimは必敗なので等価。同サイズでなければ必勝なので等価でない - - 定理 - - G1≡*n1, ..., Gk≡*nk ならば、G={G1, ..., Gk} ≡ *mex(n1,...,nk) - where mex(S) = min(nat \setminus S) - 帰納的に、全てのゲームはなんらかの *n と等価 - - -おまけ - @G を G のnim値とする。つまりG≡*@G - G = X + Y ならば @G = @X xor @Y - 山が複数のnimの勝敗は全部xorとった1つ山のnimに等しいのと同じ原理。 DELETED _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml Index: _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml ================================================================== --- _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml +++ _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -(**************************************************************************** - * Written in - * Alice 1.4 - * - ****************************************************************************) - -fun solve (n : int, k : int) : bool = - let - open Word - infix 5 << andb - val mask = (0wx1 << fromInt n) - 0wx1 - in - (fromInt k) andb mask = mask - end - -fun main () = - let - fun readLine () = - case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of - | NONE => [] - | SOME(s) => map Int.fromString (String.tokens (fn x => x = #" ") s) - - fun parseOne c = - case readLine() of - | [SOME n, SOME k] => (c, (n, k)) - | _ => assert false - - fun spawn solveOne (c, inp) = - (c, solve inp) - - fun printOne (c, ans) = - print ("Case #" ^ Int.toString (c+1) ^ ": " ^ (if ans then "ON" else "OFF") ^ "\n") - in - case readLine () of - | [SOME t] => printOne ( solveOne (List.tabulate (t, parseOne))) - | _ => assert false - end - -do main () -do OS.Process.exit 0 DELETED _lib/gcj/! Index: _lib/gcj/! ================================================================== --- _lib/gcj/! +++ _lib/gcj/! @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Written in -// ActionScript (using mtasc 1.14) -// -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -class A -{ - static function main(mc) - { - var input_string = ""; - var input = input_string.split("\n"); - var T = Number(input[0]); - - var output_string = "" - for(var C=1; C<=T; ++C) - { - var theCase = input[C].split(" "); - var N = Number(theCase[0]); - var K = Number(theCase[1]); - output_string += "Case #" + C + ": " + (solve(N,K)?"ON":"OFF") + "\n" - } - - _root.createTextField("tf",0,0,0,800,600); - = output_string; - } - - static function solve(N, K) - { - var mask = (1<= s.length() ? return; - }; - return a; -}; - -global TO_STRING = func { - arg x; - lexical s = ""; - func{ s = s + this; } ); - return s; -}; - -global LESS = func { - arg x; - arg y; - - xl = x.length(); - yl = y.length(); - (xl < yl) ? return 1; - (xl > yl) ? return 0; - i = 0; - return loop { - (i == xl) ? return 0; - (x[i] < y[i]) ? return 1; - (x[i] > y[i]) ? return 0; - i = i+1; - }; -}; - -global SUB = func { - arg x; - arg y; - - x.length() > y.length() ? (y = [].resize(x.length()-y.length(),0).merge(y)); - z = [].resize(x.length(), 0); - i = x.length()-1; - carry = 0; - loop { - z[i] = x[i] - y[i] - carry; - carry = z[i] < 0 ? (z[i]=z[i]+10; 1) : 0; - (i=i-1) < 0 ? return; - }; - head = 0; - loop { - head == z.length()-1 ? return; - z[head] != 0 ? return; - head = head + 1; - }; - return z.slice(head, z.length()); -}; - -global DBL = func { - arg x; - - z = [].resize(x.length(), 0); - i = x.length()-1; - carry = 0; - loop { - z[i] = x[i] + x[i] + carry; - carry = z[i] > 9 ? (z[i]=z[i]-10; 1) : 0; - ((i=i-1) < 0) ? return; - }; - return (carry==1 ? [1].merge(z) : z); -}; - -global DIF = func { - arg x; - arg y; - return LESS(x, y) ? SUB(y, x) : SUB(x, y); -}; - -global MOD = func { - arg x; - arg y; - - LESS(x,y) ? return x; - z = MOD(x, DBL(y)); - LESS(z,y) ? return z; - return SUB(z,y); -}; - -global ISZERO = func { - arg x; - return x[0] == 0; -}; - -global GCD = func { - arg x; - arg y; - return ISZERO(x) ? y : GCD(MOD(y,x),x); -}; - -############################################################################# - -solve = func { - arg N; - arg t; - t = func{return FROM_STRING(this);} ); - - lexical t0 = t[0]; - lexical g = DIF(t0, t[1]); - t.slice(2, t.length()).map(func{ - g = GCD(g, DIF(t0, this)); - }); - r = MOD(t[0], g); - return TO_STRING( ISZERO(r) ? r : DIF(g,r) ); -}; - -input = sys.library("streams").stdio().read(1000000000).split("\n").map(func{return this.split(" ");}); -C = input[0][0].num(); - -CaseID = (args.length() >= 2 ? args[1].num() : 1); -loop { - "Case #".print(); - CaseID.print(); - ": ".print(); - solve( input[CaseID][0].num(), input[CaseID].slice(1,input[CaseID].length()) ).print(); - "\n".print(); - ((CaseID = CaseID+1) > C) ? return; -}; DELETED _lib/gcj/! Index: _lib/gcj/! ================================================================== --- _lib/gcj/! +++ _lib/gcj/! @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Writte in -// Claire v3.3.37 -// -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -D :: 1000000000 - -long <: ephemeral_object(hi:integer, lo:integer) - -[long!(x: integer) : long -> - long(hi = x / D, lo = x mod D) -] - -[+(x:long, y:long) : long -> - let lolo := x.lo - D + y.lo in - ( - if ( lolo < 0 ) - long(hi = x.hi + y.hi, lo = lolo + D) - else - long(hi = x.hi + y.hi + 1, lo = lolo) - ) -] - -[-(x:long, y:long) : long -> - let lolo := x.lo - y.lo in - ( - if ( lolo < 0 ) - long(hi = x.hi - y.hi - 1, lo = lolo + D) - else - long(hi = x.hi - y.hi, lo = lolo) - ) -] - -[*(x:long, y:integer) : long -> - let r := long!(0) in - let c := x in - (while (y > 0) ( - (if (y mod 2 = 1) r :+ c), - c := c + c, - y :/ 2 - ), - r) -] - -[+(x:long, y:integer) : long -> - x + long!(y) -] - -[<(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> - if (x.hi < y.hi) - true - else if (x.hi > y.hi) - false - else - x.lo < y.lo -] -[>=(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> not(x < y)] -[<=(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> not(y < x)] -[>(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> (y < x)] - -[>=(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> not(x < long!(y))] -[<=(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> not(long!(y) < x)] -[<(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> (x < long!(y))] -[>(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> (long!(y) < x)] - -[>=(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> not(long!(x) < y)] -[<=(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> not(y < long!(x))] -[<(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> (long!(x) < y)] -[>(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> (y < long!(x))] - - -[string!(x: long) : string -> - if (x.hi > 0) - let los := string!(x.lo) in - string!(x.hi) /+ make_string(9 - length(los), '0') /+ los - else - string!(x.lo) -] - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -[readLine() : list -> - list{integer!(s) | s in explode(freadline(stdin), " ")} -] - -[solve(R:integer, k:integer, N:integer, g:list) -> - let dest := make_list(N, 0) in - let earn := make_list(N, long!(0)) in - ( - for s in (0 .. N - 1) ( - let ride := long!(0) in - let i := 0 in - ( - while (i < N) - ( - let ride2 := ride + g[((s + i) mod N) + 1] in - (if (ride2 > k) - break() - else - (ride := ride2, i :+ 1)) - ), - earn[s + 1] := ride, - dest[s + 1] := ((s + i) mod N) + 1 - ) - ), - let firstVisitTime := make_list(N, -1) in - let firstVisitEarn := make_list(N, long!(0)) in - let q := 1 in - let totalEarn := long!(0) in - let i := 0 in - ( - (while (i < R) ( - if (firstVisitTime[q] = -1) - ( - firstVisitTime[q] := i, - firstVisitEarn[q] := totalEarn, - totalEarn :+ earn[q], - q := dest[q], - i :+ 1 - ) - else - ( - let loopSize := i - firstVisitTime[q] in - let loopEarn := totalEarn - firstVisitEarn[q] in - let rest := R - i in - ( - totalEarn :+ loopEarn * (rest / loopSize), - // clear - firstVisitTime := make_list(N, -1), - i := R - (rest mod loopSize) - ) - ) - )), - princ(string!(totalEarn)) - ) - ) -] - -[main() -> - let T := readLine()[1] in - for C in (1 .. T) - ( - printf("Case #~A: ", C), - let RkN := readLine() in solve(RkN[1], RkN[2], RkN[3], readLine()), - princ("\n") - ) -] - -(main()) DELETED _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs Index: _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs ================================================================== --- _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs +++ _lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -using System; -using System.Linq; - -class C -{ - static void Main() - { - long[] Ts = readLongArray(); - long T = Ts[0]; - - for(long C=1; C<=T; ++C) - { - long[] RkN = readLongArray(); - long R = RkN[0]; - long k = RkN[1]; - long N = RkN[2]; - long[] g = readLongArray(); - - Console.WriteLine("Case #{0}: {1}", C, solveSmall(R,k,N,g)); - } - } - - static long[] readLongArray() - { - return (from s in Console.ReadLine().Split(' ') select long.Parse(s)).ToArray(); - } - - static long solveSmall(long R, long k, long N, long[] g) - { - long totalEarn = 0; - - for(int i=0; i k ) - { - g = rotate(g, q); - break; - } - else - { - ride += g[q]; - } - totalEarn += ride; - } - - return totalEarn; - } - - static long[] rotate(long[] g, int s) - { - long[] g2 = new long[g.Length]; - for(int i=s; i>Code Template<< (for Visual C++) - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#define cout os -using namespace std; -typedef long long LL; -typedef complex CMP; -void END_OF_INPUT_FOR_THIS_TEST_CASE(); // stub for multi-threading - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// >>Main<< - -void case_main( ostream& os ) -{ - END_OF_INPUT_FOR_THIS_TEST_CASE(); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// >>Code Template<< (Multi-Thread Solver) - -#if 1 -#undef cout -#include -#include - -static const int THREAD_NUM = 2; -volatile int g_id; -int g_nCase; -CRITICAL_SECTION g_cs; -vector g_output; - -unsigned __stdcall thread_main( void* t_id ) { - for(;;) { - EnterCriticalSection(&g_cs); - const int id = ++g_id; - if(id>g_nCase) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_cs); break; } - cerr << setw(4) << id << " @ " << (int)t_id << " start" << endl; - - ostringstream ss; - ss << "Case #" << id << ": "; - case_main( ss ); - - EnterCriticalSection(&g_cs); - if(g_output.size()> g_nCase; - string dummy; getline(cin, dummy); - - InitializeCriticalSection(&g_cs); - vector thread; - for(int i=0; i(cout) ); -} - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// >>Code Template<< (Single-Thread Solver) - -#else -#undef cout -void END_OF_INPUT_FOR_THIS_TEST_CASE() {} -int main() { - int nCase; cin >> nCase; - string dummy; getline(cin, dummy); - - for(int id=1; id<=nCase; ++id) { - cout << "Case #" << id << ": "; - case_main( cout ); - } -} -#endif DELETED _lib/gcj/! Index: _lib/gcj/! ================================================================== --- _lib/gcj/! +++ _lib/gcj/! @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -import*; -import java.util.*; - -public class -{ - public static void main(String[] arg) - { - Scanner sc = new Scanner(; - int T = sc.nextInt(); - for(int C=1; C<=T; ++C) - { - System.out.printf("Case #%d: ", C); - (new (sc)).caseMain(); - } - } - - Scanner sc; - ( Scanner sc ) { = sc; } - - void caseMain() - { - int n = sc.nextInt(); - long[] x = new long[n]; - for(int i=0; i& q ) -{ - double a = 0.0; - - pt o = q[0]; - for(int i=1; i+1 0 ) return +1; // counter clockwise - if( outer_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return -1; // clockwise - if( inner_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return +2; // c--[a--b] on line - if( norm(b) < norm(c) ) return -2; // [a--b]--c on line - return 0; // [a--c--b] on line -} DELETED _lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp Index: _lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp +++ _lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// The circle passing three points -// -// Verified by -// - AOJ 0010 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -vector solve_linear_eq( int n, vector< vector > M, const vector& V ) -{ - vector A(V); - for(int i=0; i > M(2, vector(2)); - vector V(2); - M[0][0] = -p2.imag(); M[0][1] = +p3.imag(); V[0] = (p3.real()-p2.real())/2.0; - M[1][0] = +p2.real(); M[1][1] = -p3.real(); V[1] = (p3.imag()-p2.imag())/2.0; - V = solve_linear_eq(2, M, V); - - double A=V[0], B=V[1]; - *c = p1 + p2/2.0 + A * p2 * CMP(0,1); - *r = abs(*c - p1); -} DELETED _lib/geo/convexHull.cpp Index: _lib/geo/convexHull.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/geo/convexHull.cpp +++ _lib/geo/convexHull.cpp @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Convex Hull -- Andrew's Monotone Chain -// O(N log N) -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 336 Div1 LV3 -// - TCO09 Round2 LV2 -// - SRM 486 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -double outer_prod(const CMP& a, const CMP& b) { return imag(conj(a)*b); } -double inner_prod(const CMP& a, const CMP& b) { return real(conj(a)*b); } - -int ccw(const CMP& a, CMP b, CMP c) { - b -= a; c -= a; - if( outer_prod(b,c) > 0 ) return +1; // counter clockwise - if( outer_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return -1; // clockwise - if( inner_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return +2; // c--a--b on line - if( norm(b) < norm(c) ) return -2; // a--b--c on line - return 0; -} - -bool byX( const CMP& a, const CMP& b ) { - if( a.real() != b.real() ) - return a.real() < b.real(); - return a.imag() < b.imag(); -} - -vector convex_hull( vector p ) -{ - #define IS_RIGHT <0 // skip on-line verts - //#define IS_RIGHT ==-1 // take all - - sort(p.begin(), p.end(), &byX); - - vector ans; - for(int i=0; i=2 && ccw(ans[ans.size()-2], ans[ans.size()-1], p[i]) IS_RIGHT ) - ans.pop_back(); - if( ans.size() == p.size() ) - return ans; - for(int i=p.size()-2; i>=0; ans.push_back(p[i--])) // right-to-left - while( ans.size()>=2 && ccw(ans[ans.size()-2], ans[ans.size()-1], p[i]) IS_RIGHT ) - ans.pop_back(); - ans.pop_back(); - return ans; -} DELETED _lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp Index: _lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp +++ _lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Convex Hull -- Gift Wrapping -// O(N log N) -// -// ToDo : Rewrite by CCW... -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 336 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -bool byY( CMP a, CMP b ) -{ - if( a.imag() == b.imag() ) - return a.real() < b.real(); - return a.imag() < b.imag(); -} - -bool byArg( CMP a, CMP b ) -{ - return arg(a) < arg(b); -} - -bool isRight( CMP a, CMP b, CMP c ) -{ - return arg((c-b) / (b-a)) < 0; -} - -vector convex_hull( vector p ) -{ - vector::iterator it = min_element( p.begin(), p.end(), byY ); - CMP o = *it; - p.erase(it); - for(int i=0; i q; - q.push_back( CMP(0,0) ); - q.push_back( p[0] ); - for(int i=1; i& ps, CMP p ) -{ - bool in = false; - for(int i=0; i b.imag()) swap(a,b); - if(a.imag()<=0 && 0 o ȃm[h‚ăoX -// - Dest܂œBpXȂA -// Destɋ߂֐iޕӂւ̗oʂ𑝂₷ -// - ȂȂASrc֋߂痈ӂ -// ʂ炷 -// 3. 2.AoXȒ_ȂȂ܂ŌJԂ -// u > o ȃm[h‚āv̏́AooXς -// Queueɓ˂łƂFIFOłB -// uDestɋ߂vuSrcɋ߂vɌɕ]Kv͂ȂāA -// x̋ߎł\B̃R[hł͂̋ߎl d[] ŎĂB -// d[] ̕]KxɂƂ肷heuristicsőȂ炵B -// ƂȂƎۏ͎gɂȂȂ炵BƂłƂB -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#include -#include -#include -using namespace std; - -typedef int Vert; -typedef int Capacity; -typedef vector< vector > Graph; - -Capacity goldberg_tarjan( Graph& G, Vert Src, Vert Dest ) -{ - vector e( G.size() ); // excess : - o - vector d( G.size() ); // distance : Destւ̋||Srcւ̋-N̉ - d[Src] = G.size(); - - queue Q; // e[v]>0 ȃm[hĂL[ - - // Ƃ肠SrcS͂ŗ - for(int v=0; v!=G.size(); ++v) - if( G[Src][v] ) - { - G[v][Src] += G[Src][v]; - e[v] += G[Src][v]; - G[Src][v] = 0; - Q.push(v); - } - - // e[v]>0 ȃm[hȂȂ܂ŌJԂ - while( !Q.empty() ) - { - Vert v = Q.front(); - - for(int u=0; u!=G.size() && e[v]; ++u) - if( G[v][u] && d[v]>d[u] ) // K؂ȕɗ "PUSH" - { - Capacity f = min(e[v], G[v][u]); - G[v][u] -= f; - G[u][v] += f; - e[v] -= f; - e[u] += f; - if( e[u]==f && u!=Src && u!=Dest ) Q.push(u); - } - - if( e[v] == 0 ) // oXꂽ̂ŃL[珜 - Q.pop(); - else // oXĂȂ̂͂̂d[v]𒲐Ă蒼 "RELABEL" - { - Capacity m = numeric_limits::max(); - for(int u=0; u!=G.size(); ++u) - if( G[v][u] ) - m = min(m, d[u]+1); - d[v] = m; - } - } - - // Dest ւ̗ʂԂ - return e[Dest]; -} - -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// PKU 1459 -//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#include -#include - -int main() -{ - cin.imbue( std::locale("C") ); - for(int n,np,nc,m; cin>>n>>np>>nc>>m;) - { - // 0: src, 1: dst, 2: ... - Graph g(n+2, vector(n+2)); - - while(m--) - { - int u, v, z; char _; - cin >> _ >> u >> _ >> v >> _ >> z; - g[u+2][v+2] = z; - } - - while(np--) - { - int u, z; char _; - cin >> _ >> u >> _ >> z; - g[0][u+2] = z; - } - - while(nc--) - { - int u, z; char _; - cin >> _ >> u >> _ >> z; - g[u+2][1] = z; - } - - cout << goldberg_tarjan(g, 0, 1) << endl; - } -} DELETED _lib/graph/biMatch.cpp Index: _lib/graph/biMatch.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/graph/biMatch.cpp +++ _lib/graph/biMatch.cpp @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Bipertite max-matching (by duality, min-vert-cover) -// O(V E) -// -// Verified by -// SRM 397 Div1 Lv3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -typedef int vert; -typedef vert edge; -typedef vector edges; -typedef vector graph; - -bool augment( graph& G, int v, vector& matchTo, bool visited[] ) -{ - for(int i=0; i -int biMatch( graph& G, int L ) // [0,L):left, [L,?):right - // only left->right edges are used during computation -{ - vector matchTo(G.size(), -1); - int ans = 0; - for(vert v=0; v G ) -{ - sort( G.begin(), G.end() ); - - vector::iterator b = lower_bound( G.begin(), G.end(), 1 ); - vector::iterator e = G.end(); - - while( b < e ) - { - int n = *(--e); - if( e-b < n ) - return false; - for(vector::iterator i=e-n; i!=e; ++i) - --*i; - inplace_merge( b, e-n, e ); - b = lower_bound( G.begin(), G.end(), 1 ); - } - return true; -} DELETED _lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp Index: _lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp +++ _lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Dinic's Algorithm -// O(V E) -// -// G : bidirectional (G[i].has(j) <==> G[j].has(i)) -// F : flow-capacity F[i][j] = Capacity, F[j][i] = 0 -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 399 Div1 LV3 -// - PKU 1459 -// - CodeCraft 09 CUTS -// - SRM 465 Div1 LV2 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -static const int NV = 512; -typedef int flow; -typedef int vert; -typedef vert edge; -typedef vector edges; -typedef vector graph; -typedef flow flow_graph[NV][NV]; - -flow dinic_dfs( graph& G, flow_graph F, vert v, vert D, - int LV[], flow flow_in, int blocked[] ) -{ - flow flow_out = 0; - for(int i=0; i!=G[v].size(); ++i) { - int u = G[v][i]; - if( LV[v]+1==LV[u] && F[v][u] ) { - flow f = min(flow_in-flow_out, F[v][u]); - if( u==D || !blocked[u] && (f=dinic_dfs(G,F,u,D,LV,f,blocked)) ) { - F[v][u] -= f; - F[u][v] += f; - flow_out += f; - if( flow_in == flow_out ) return flow_out; - } - } - } - blocked[v] = (flow_out==0); - return flow_out; -} - -flow maxFlow( graph& G, flow_graph F, vert S, vert D ) -{ - for( flow total=0 ;; ) { - int LV[NV] = {0}; - vector Q(1, S); - for(int lv=1; !Q.empty(); ++lv) { - vector Q2; - for(int i=0; i!=Q.size(); ++i) { - edges& ne = G[Q[i]]; - for(int j=0; j!=ne.size(); ++j) - if( F[Q[i]][ne[j]] && !LV[ne[j]] && ne[j]!=S ) - LV[ne[j]]=lv, Q2.push_back(ne[j]); - } - Q.swap(Q2); - } - - if( !LV[D] ) - return total; - - int blocked[NV] = {}; - total += dinic_dfs( G, F, S, D, LV, 0x7fffffff, blocked ); - } -} DELETED _lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp Index: _lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp +++ _lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// MinCost-MaxFlow -// O(??) -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 487 Div2 LV3 -// - SRM 491 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -using namespace std; - -template -class IdGen -{ - map v2id_; - vector id2v_; -public: - int v2id(const T& v) { - if( !v2id_.count(v) ) { v2id_[v] = size(); id2v_.push_back(v); } - return v2id_[v]; - } - const T& id2v(int i) const { return id2v_[i]; } - int size() const { return id2v_.size(); } -}; - -template -class MinCostFlow -{ - IdGen idgen; - - vector G[NV]; - Flow F[NV][NV]; - Cost C[NV][NV]; - -public: - void addEdge( Vert s_, Vert t_, Cost c, Flow f ) - { - int s = idgen.v2id(s_), t = idgen.v2id(t_); - G[s].push_back(t); - G[t].push_back(s); - C[s][t] = c; - C[t][s] = -c; - F[s][t] = f; - F[t][s] = 0; - } - - pair calc( Vert s_, Vert t_ ) - { - const int N=idgen.size(), S=idgen.v2id(s_), T=idgen.v2id(t_); - static const Cost COST_INF = 1e+300; // !!EDIT HERE!! - static const Flow FLOW_INF = 0x7fffffff; - - Cost total_cost = 0; - Flow total_flow = 0; - vector h(N, 0); // potential - for(Flow RF=FLOW_INF; RF>0; ) // residual flow - { - // Dijkstra -- find the min-cost path - vector d(N, COST_INF); d[S] = 0; - vector prev(N, -1); - - typedef pair< Cost, pair > cedge; - priority_queue< cedge, vector, greater > Q; - Q.push( cedge(0, make_pair(S,S)) ); - while( !Q.empty() ) { - cedge e =; Q.pop(); - if( prev[e.second.second] >= 0 ) - continue; - prev[e.second.second] = e.second.first; - - int u = e.second.second; - for(int i=0; i 0 && d[v] > d[u]+r_cost ) - Q.push( cedge(d[v]=d[u]+r_cost, make_pair(u,v)) ); - } - } - - if( prev[T] < 0 ) - break; // Finished - - // Run the flow as much as possible - Flow f = RF; - for(int u=T; u!=S; u=prev[u]) - f = min(f, F[prev[u]][u]); - RF -= f; - total_flow += f; - - for(int u=T; u!=S; u=prev[u]) - { - total_cost += f * C[prev[u]][u]; - F[prev[u]][u] -= f; - F[u][prev[u]] += f; - } - - // Update the potential - for(int u=0; u G[j].has(i)) -// F : flow-capacity F[i][j] = F[j][i] = Capacity -// -// Verified by -// - CodeCraft 09 CUTS -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -static const int NV = 512; -typedef int flow; -typedef int vert; -typedef vert edge; -typedef vector edges; -typedef vector graph; -typedef flow flow_graph[NV][NV]; - -flow_graph GHF; -void GomoryHu( graph& G, flow_graph F, flow_graph AllPairMinCut ) -{ - int N = G.size(); - vector parent(N, 0); - vector weight(N, 0); - - // construct the Gomory-Hu Tree - for(vert s=1; s prev(N, -1); prev[s]=s; - queue Q; Q.push(s); - while( !Q.empty() ) { - vert v = Q.front(); Q.pop(); - for(int i=0; i ps_s; - for(vert v=s ;; v=parent[v]) - { ps_s.push_back(v); if( v==parent[v] ) break; } - reverse(ps_s.begin(), ps_s.end()); - - for(vert t=s+1; t ps_t; - for(vert v=t ;; v=parent[v]) - { ps_t.push_back(v); if( v==parent[v] ) break; } - reverse(ps_t.begin(), ps_t.end()); - - vert ca; - for(int i=0; i > graph; - -cost bidi_minCut( graph G, int N ) -{ - vector V; - for(int v=0; v1; --n) - { - // invariant: - // the current set of vertices = {V[0] .. V[n-1]} - - // order the vertices - // v0 = 0 (arbitrary), - // v1 = (u that maximizes \Sigma G[v0][u]) - // v2 = (u that maximizes \Sigma G[v0][u]+G[v1][u]) - // ... - // vn-2 - // vn-1 = (maximizes lastCut = \Sigma G[v0][u]+G[vn-2][u]) - vector vs; - cost lastCut = 0; - { - vector ws(n, 0); - ws[0] = 1; - - for(int i=0; i isp(N+1, true); - vector ps; - for(int p=2; p<=N; ++p) - if( isp[p] ) { - ps.push_back(p); - for(int q=p+p; q<=N; q+=p) - isp[q] = false; - } DELETED _lib/numeric/fft.cpp Index: _lib/numeric/fft.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/numeric/fft.cpp +++ _lib/numeric/fft.cpp @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Fast Discrete Fourier Transform -// O(n log n) -// n must be a power of 2. -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 436 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -CMP tmp[65536*4]; - -template -void fft_impl( CMP a[], int n, int stride = 1 ) -{ - if( n > 1 ) - { - CMP *ev=a, *od=a+stride; - int s2=stride*2, n2=n/2; - - fft_impl( ev, n2, s2 ); - fft_impl( od, n2, s2 ); - - for(int i=0; i& a ) -{ - fft_impl<+1>(&a[0], a.size()); -} - -void ifft( vector& a ) -{ - fft_impl<-1>(&a[0], a.size()); - for(int i=0; i solve_linear_eq( int n, vector< vector > M, const vector& V ) -{ - vector A(V); - for(int i=0; i0 -// Be careful that this implementation does not support the -// case M[0][0]=M[1][1]=...=0. (zero-division) -// -// TODO: support M[0][0]=M[1][1]=...=0 -// QUICKHACK: -// find the least degenerated k and -// calc initial vectors by gauss_jordan... -// -// Verified by -// - (Checked by random data to match with linearEq.cpp) -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -vector solve_teplitz( int n, vector< vector > M, const vector& V ) -{ - vector f, b, x; - - // invariants - // M|k f|k = (1 0 ... 0) - // M|k b|k = (0 ... 0 1) - // M|k x|k = V|k - f.push_back( 1 / M[0][0] ); - b.push_back( 1 / M[0][0] ); - x.push_back( V[0] / M[0][0] ); - - for(int k=2; k<=n; ++k) - { - // M|k (f|k-1 0) = (1 0 ... 0 ea) - double ea = 0; - for(int i=0; i u = 1 / (1-ea.eb), v = -ea /(1-ea.eb) - double u = 1/(1-ea*eb), v = -ea/(1-ea*eb); - vector ff; - for(int i=0; i0 ? b[i-1] : 0) ); - - // similarly... - u = -eb/(1-ea*eb), v = 1/(1-ea*eb); - vector bb; - for(int i=0; i0 ? b[i-1] : 0) ); - - // update - f.swap(ff); - b.swap(bb); - - // M|k (x|k 0) (V|k ec) - double ec = 0; - for(int i=0; i vMul( const vector< vector >& A, const vector& B ) -{ - const int n = A.size(); - - vector C(n); - for(int i=0; i > mMul( const vector< vector >& A, const vector< vector >& B ) -{ - const int n = A.size(); - - vector< vector > C(n, vector(n)); - for(int i=0; i > mPow( vector< vector > M, LL t ) // t>0 -{ - vector< vector > R; - for(; t; t>>=1, M=mMul(M,M)) - if( t&1 ) - R = (R.empty() ? M : mMul(R,M)); - return R; -} - -vector< vector > mAdd( const vector< vector >& A, const vector< vector >& B ) -{ - const int n = A.size(); - - vector< vector > C(n, vector(n)); - for(int i=0; i -// g(n) = Sigma_{d|n} f(d)mebius(n/d) -// -// Verified by -// - CodeCraft '11 PSTR -// -// Further memoization or more might be needed. -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -int mebius(int n) -{ - int f = 1; - for(int q=2; q*q<=n; ++q) - if( n%q == 0 ) - { - if( n%(q*q) == 0 ) - return 0; - n /= q; - f *= -1; - } - if(n>1) - f *= -1; - return f; -} - DELETED _lib/numeric/modArith.cpp Index: _lib/numeric/modArith.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/numeric/modArith.cpp +++ _lib/numeric/modArith.cpp @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Modulo Arithmetics -// -// Verified by -// - TCO10 R3 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -static const int MODVAL = 1000000007; // op/ depends on primarity of the MODVAL -struct mint -{ - int val; - mint():val(0){} - mint(int x):val(x%MODVAL) {} - mint(LL x):val(x%MODVAL) {} -}; - -mint operator+(mint x, mint y) { return x.val+y.val; } -mint operator-(mint x, mint y) { return x.val-y.val+MODVAL; } -mint operator*(mint x, mint y) { return LL(x.val)*y.val; } -mint POW(mint x, int e) { - mint v = 1; - for(;e;x=x*x,e>>=1) - if(e&1) - v=v*x; - return v; -} -mint operator/(mint x, mint y) { return x * POW(y, MODVAL-2); } - -vector FAC_(1,1); -void FAC_INIT(int n) { for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) FAC_.push_back( FAC_.back()*i ); } -mint FAC(mint x) { return FAC_[x.val]; } -mint C(mint n, mint k) { return k.val<0 || n.val e ) return 0; - if( k <= 1 ) return k*(e-b+1); - return DIV(SUB(POW(k, e+1), POW(k,b)), k-1); -} - -LL Cpascal(LL n, LL k) -{ - vector< vector > c(n+1, vector(k+1)); - for(LL nn=1; nn<=n; ++nn) - for(LL kk=0; kk<=min(nn,k); ++kk) - c[nn][kk] = kk==0 || kk==nn ? 1 : ADD(c[nn-1][kk-1], c[nn-1][kk]); - return c[n][k]; -} - -vector< vector > MATMUL(vector< vector >& a, vector< vector >& b) -{ - int N = a.size(); - vector< vector > c(N, vector(N)); - for(int i=0; i > v(2, vector(2)); - vector< vector > x(2, vector(2)); - v[0][0] = v[1][1] = 1; - x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; - x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; - for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) - if(e&1) - v = MATMUL(v, x); - return v[1][0]; -} - -// works for non-prime MODVAL -LL HYP(LL x_, LL e) // e x^0 + (e-1) x^1 + ... + 1 x^e-1 = GEO(x,1)+GEO(x,2)+...+GEO(x,e) -{ - vector< vector > v(3, vector(3)); - vector< vector > x(3, vector(3)); - v[0][0] = v[1][1] = v[2][2] = 1; - x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; x[0][2] = 0; - x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; x[1][2] = 0; - x[2][0] = 0 ; x[2][1] = 1; x[2][2] = 1; - e++; - for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) - if(e&1) - v = MATMUL(v, x); - return v[2][0]; -} -*/ DELETED _lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp Index: _lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp +++ _lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Modulo Arithmetics -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 397 Div1 LV2 -// - SRM 428 Div1 LV2 -// - CodeCraft 2010 CNTINT DRAW -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -static const LL MODVAL = 1000000007; // must fit in 32-bits - -LL ADD(LL x, LL y) { return (x+y)%MODVAL; } -LL SUB(LL x, LL y) { return (x-y+MODVAL)%MODVAL; } -LL MUL(LL x, LL y) { return (x*y)%MODVAL; } -LL POW(LL x, LL e) { - LL v = 1; - for(;e;x=MUL(x,x),e>>=1) - if(e&1) - v = MUL(v, x); - return v; -} - -// MODVAL must be a prime!! -LL DIV(LL x, LL y) { return MUL(x, POW(y, MODVAL-2)); } - -// MODVAL must be a prime!! -LL C(LL n, LL k) { - LL v = 1; - for(LL i=1; i<=k; ++i) - v = DIV(MUL(v, n-i+1), i); - return v; -} - -// MODVAL must be a prime!! -LL GSS(LL k, LL b, LL e) // k^b + k^b+1 + ... + k^e -{ - if( b > e ) return 0; - if( k <= 1 ) return k*(e-b+1); - return DIV(SUB(POW(k, e+1), POW(k,b)), k-1); -} - - - - -LL Cpascal(LL n, LL k) -{ - vector< vector > c(n+1, vector(k+1)); - for(LL nn=1; nn<=n; ++nn) - for(LL kk=0; kk<=min(nn,k); ++kk) - c[nn][kk] = kk==0 || kk==nn ? 1 : ADD(c[nn-1][kk-1], c[nn-1][kk]); - return c[n][k]; -} - -vector< vector > MATMUL(vector< vector >& a, vector< vector >& b) -{ - int N = a.size(); - vector< vector > c(N, vector(N)); - for(int i=0; i > v(2, vector(2)); - vector< vector > x(2, vector(2)); - v[0][0] = v[1][1] = 1; - x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; - x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; - for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) - if(e&1) - v = MATMUL(v, x); - return v[1][0]; -} - -// works for non-prime MODVAL -LL HYP(LL x_, LL e) // e x^0 + (e-1) x^1 + ... + 1 x^e-1 = GEO(x,1)+GEO(x,2)+...+GEO(x,e) -{ - vector< vector > v(3, vector(3)); - vector< vector > x(3, vector(3)); - v[0][0] = v[1][1] = v[2][2] = 1; - x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; x[0][2] = 0; - x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; x[1][2] = 0; - x[2][0] = 0 ; x[2][1] = 1; x[2][2] = 1; - e++; - for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) - if(e&1) - v = MATMUL(v, x); - return v[2][0]; -} DELETED _lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp Index: _lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp +++ _lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Next Combination -// -// Verified by -// - SRM345 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -LL next_combination(LL p) -{ - assert( p > 0 ); - LL lsb = p & -p; - LL rem = p + lsb; - LL rit = rem & ~p; - return rem | (rit/lsb >> 1)-1; -} DELETED _lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp Index: _lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp +++ _lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ - -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Enumerate all positive reduced fractions in a -// systematic manner. -// [pl/ql, pr/qr] --> [pl/ql, pm/qm] + [pm/qm, pr/qr] -// --> ... -// -// Verified by -// - CodeCraft 09 FRACTION -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -void sternBrocot(LL pl = 0, LL ql = 1, LL pr = 1, LL qr = 0) -{ - LL pm = pl + pr, qm = ql + qr; - sternBrocot(pl, ql, pm, qm); - sternBrocot(pm, qm, pr, qr); -} - -/* -bool fleq(LL p1, LL q1, LL p2, LL q2) -{ - return p1*q2 <= p2*q1; -} - -void sternBrocot(LL pl = 0, LL ql = 1, LL pr = 1, LL qr = 0) -{ - for(;;) { - LL pm = pl + pr, qm = ql + qr; - - if( fleq(c,d,pm,qm) ) { -// pr = pm, qr = qm; // [pl/ql, pm/qm] - LL X = c*ql - d*pl; - LL Y = d*pr - c*qr; - LL k = max(1LL, Y/X); - pr += k*pl; - qr += k*ql; - } - else if( fleq(pm,qm,a,b) ) { -// pl = pm, ql = qm; // [pm/qm, pr/qr] - LL X = b*pr - a*qr; - LL Y = a*ql - b*pl; - LL k = max(1LL, Y/X); - pl += k*pr; - ql += k*qr; - } - else { - cout << pm+qm*base << "/" << qm << endl; - break; - } - } -} -*/ DELETED _lib/typical/amap.cpp Index: _lib/typical/amap.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/typical/amap.cpp +++ _lib/typical/amap.cpp @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -// -// accumulative map -// basically a map, but it eliminates duplication lazily -// first keep all inserted elements in a vector. only when the buffer -// overflows, it eliminates duplication -// - -template)> -struct amap -{ - typedef typename vector< pair >::iterator iterator; - - vector< pair > kv; - amap() { kv.reserve(LIMIT); } - - void add(const K& k, const V& v) - { - kv.push_back( make_pair(k,v) ); - if( kv.size() == LIMIT ) - normalize(); - } - - iterator begin() { return kv.begin(); } - iterator end() { return kv.end(); } - void swap( amap& rhs ) { kv.swap(rhs.kv); } - - // Tested: SRM 469 Lv3 - void normalize() - { - sort(kv.begin(), kv.end()); - int i=0; - for(int j=0; j Q( 1, start ); - set V; V.insert(start); - - for(int step=0; !Q.empty(); ++step) - { - vector Qold; Qold.swap(Q); - for(int qi=0; qi>=1) - c += x&1; - return c; -} DELETED _lib/typical/comb.cpp Index: _lib/typical/comb.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/typical/comb.cpp +++ _lib/typical/comb.cpp @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// number of combinations choosing k out of n -// # you might better consider to use Pascal's triangle -// # for comb modulo some number... -// -// Verified by -// - SRM 350 Div1 LV2 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -LL comb(LL n, LL k) -{ - k = min(k, n-k); - - LL c = 1; - for(LL i=0; i -struct DP2 -{ - const int N1, N2; - vector data; - DP2(int N1, int N2, const T& t = T()) - : N1(N1), N2(N2), data(N1*N2, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2) - { return data[ (i1*N2)+i2 ]; } - void swap(DP2& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - -// Tested: Codeforces #13 C -template -struct DP2x -{ - const int N1, N2; - vector data; - DP2x(int, int N2, const T& t = T()) - : N1(2), N2(N2), data(N1*N2, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2) - { i1&=1; return data[ (i1*N2)+i2 ]; } - void swap(DP2x& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - -// Tested: SRM 452 Lv3 -template -struct DP3 -{ - int N1, N2, N3; - vector data; - DP3(int N1, int N2, int N3, const T& t = T()) - : N1(N1), N2(N2), N3(N3), data(N1*N2*N3, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) - { return data[ ((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3 ]; } - void swap(DP3& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - -// Tested: SRM 468 Lv2 -template -struct DP3x -{ - int N1, N2, N3; - vector data; - DP3x(int, int N2, int N3, const T& t = T()) - : N1(2), N2(N2), N3(N3), data(N1*N2*N3, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T) < (1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) - { i1&=1; return data[ ((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3 ]; } - void swap(DP3x& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - -// Not Tested -template -struct DP4 -{ - int N1, N2, N3, N4; - vector data; - DP4(int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, const T& t = T()) - : N1(N1), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), data(N1*N2*N3*N4, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) - { return data[ (((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4 ]; } - void swap(DP4& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - -// Not Tested -template -struct DP4x -{ - int N1, N2, N3, N4; - vector data; - DP4x(int, int N2, int N3, int N4, const T& t = T()) - : N1(2), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), data(N1*N2*N3*N4, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) - { i1&=1; return data[ (((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4 ]; } - void swap(DP4x& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - - -// Tested: SRM 351 Lv2 -template -struct DP5 -{ - int N1, N2, N3, N4, N5; - vector data; - DP5(int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, const T& t = T()) - : N1(N1), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), N5(N5), data(N1*N2*N3*N4*N5, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) - { return data[ ((((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4)*N5+i5 ]; } - void swap(DP5& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; - -// Not Tested -template -struct DP5x -{ - int N1, N2, N3, N4, N5; - vector data; - DP5x(int, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, const T& t = T()) - : N1(2), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), N5(N5), data(N1*N2*N3*N4*N5, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } - T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) - { i1&=1; return data[ ((((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4)*N5+i5 ]; } - void swap(DP5x& rhs) - { data.swap(; } -}; DELETED _lib/typical/idGen.cpp Index: _lib/typical/idGen.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/typical/idGen.cpp +++ _lib/typical/idGen.cpp @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// ID Assignment -// -// Verified by -// - ACM/ICPC Tokyo 2010 A -// - SRM 491 Div1 LV3 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -template -class IdGen -{ - map v2id_; - vector id2v_; -public: - int v2id(const T& v) { - if( !v2id_.count(v) ) { v2id_[v] = size(); id2v_.push_back(v); } - return v2id_[v]; - } - const T& id2v(int i) const { return id2v_[i]; } - int size() const { return id2v_.size(); } -}; DELETED _lib/typical/inMap.cpp Index: _lib/typical/inMap.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/typical/inMap.cpp +++ _lib/typical/inMap.cpp @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - -bool inMap(int H, int W, int y, int x) -{ - return (0<=y && y left(n); - { - map h; h[-1] = -1; - for(int i=0; i::iterator it = h.lower_bound(R[i]); - left[i] = (--it)->second+1; - h.erase( ++it, h.end() ); - h[ R[i] ] = i; - } - } - vector right(n); - { - map h; h[-1] = n; - for(int i=n-1; i>=0; --i) { - // position of the highest building < R[i] - map::iterator it = h.lower_bound(R[i]); - right[i] = (--it)->second-1; - h.erase( ++it, h.end() ); - h[ R[i] ] = i; - } - } - LL ans = 0; - for(int i=0; i>1)-1); -} - -// Is it possible to cover the goal by at most k elements from mask? -// Assumption: goal \subseteq \bigcup mask -bool canCover( LL goal, set& mask, int k ) -{ - // optimizer - for(bool update=true; update; ) { - update = false; - - // if *it \subseteq *jt for some jt, then we NEVER use it - // if *it is the only mask covering some city, we ALWAYS use it - for(set::iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ) { - bool isSubset = false; - LL onlyByMe = *it & goal; - for(set::iterator jt=mask.begin(); jt!=mask.end(); ++jt) - if( it!=jt ) { - onlyByMe &= ~*jt; - isSubset |= (*it & *jt & goal) == (*it & goal); - } - - update |= isSubset | !!onlyByMe; - - if( isSubset ) - mask.erase(it++); - else if( onlyByMe ) { - if( --k < 0 ) - return false; - goal &= ~*it; - mask.erase(it++); - } - else - ++it; - } - - if( mask.size()<=k || goal==0 ) - return true; - } - - // exhaustive search - vector ms(mask.begin(), mask.end()); - for(LL i=(1LL< X in mask -// -// Verified by -// - Google Code Jam 09 Round2 C -// (The "Only" part never tested, in the test cases of -// the problem, that optimization had never used. -// Be careful to use that; to be on the safer side, -// consider using the mode.) -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -int minCover_exhaustive( int goal, const set& mask ) -{ - typedef int STATE; - - vector Q( 1, 0 ); - set visited; - for(int step=0; step<=mask.size(); ++step) - { - vector Q2; - for(int i=0; i::const_iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ++it) - if( !visited.count( s|*it ) ) - { - visited.insert( s|*it ); - Q2.push_back( s|*it ); - } - } - Q.swap(Q2); - } - return -1; -} - -template -int minCover( int goal, set mask ) -{ - if( Subs ) - for(set::iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ) - { - bool needed = true; - for(int m=1; m<=goal; m<<=1) - if( (goal&m) && !(*it&m) && mask.count(*it|m)) - {needed = false; break;} - - if( needed ) - ++it; - else - mask.erase(it++); - } - - if( Only ) - for(set::iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ) - { - int onlyByMe = goal & *it; - for(set::iterator jt=mask.begin(); jt!=mask.end(); ++jt) - onlyByMe &= ~*jt; - - if( !onlyByMe ) - ++it; - else - mask.erase(it++), goal &= ~onlyByMe; - } - - return minCover_exhaustive(goal, mask); -} DELETED _lib/typical/ternery.cpp Index: _lib/typical/ternery.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/typical/ternery.cpp +++ _lib/typical/ternery.cpp @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// ternery search (for shita-ni-totsu) -{ - double x = ~min~; - double w = ~max~; - for(int i=0; i<~iteration~; ++i) // or, while( w-x > ~eps~ ) be careful for precision! - { - double y = 2*x/3 + w/3; - double z = x/3 + 2*w/3; - double fx = f(x); - double fy = f(y); - double fz = f(z); - double fw = f(w); - if( fx < fy ) w = y; - else if( fz > fw ) x = z; - else if( fy < fz ) w = z; - else x = y; - } -} DELETED _lib/typical/unionfind.cpp Index: _lib/typical/unionfind.cpp ================================================================== --- _lib/typical/unionfind.cpp +++ _lib/typical/unionfind.cpp @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -//------------------------------------------------------------- -// Union-Find -// Balancing + Path-Compression : O(invAckermann) -// -// Verified by -// - SRM Member Pilot 2 Div1 LV2 -//------------------------------------------------------------- - -struct UnionFind -{ - vector uf, sz; - int nc; - - UnionFind(int N): uf(N), sz(N,1), nc(N) - { for(int i=0; i= sz[b] ) swap(a, b); - uf[a] = b; - sz[b] += sz[a]; - --nc; - } - return (a!=b); - } -}; ADDED lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp Index: lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp +++ lib/dataStructure/fenwickTree.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Fenwick Tree +// O(log N) per each operation +// +// Verified by +// - SRM424 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +template +struct FenwickTree +{ + vector x; + FenwickTree(size_t n, const T& v = T()) : x(n, v) {} + + void incr( int k, const T& a ) { // z[k] += a; + for(; k < x.size(); k|=k+1) + x[k] += a; + } + + T sum(int i, int j) { // z[i]+...+z[j] : inclusive + if(i) + return sum(0, j) - sum(0, i-1); + else { + T v = T(); + for(; j>=0; j=(j&(j+1))-1) + v += x[j]; + return v; + } + } +}; ADDED lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp Index: lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp +++ lib/dataStructure/rmq.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Range Minimum Query +// O(N log N) construction +// O(1) per each query +// returns the LEFTMOST/ALL minimum index (I hope) +// +// Verified by +// - SRM337 Div1 LV2 +// - SRM431 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +template +struct RMQ +{ + vector< vector > rm; + vector d; + + RMQ( const vector& d ) : d(d) { + int n = d.size(); + + // rm[k][x] = i s.t. d[i] is the minimum in [x, x+2^k) + rm.push_back( vector(n) ); + for(int x=0; x d[rm[k-1][x + (1< all(int L, int R) const { + vector ans; + int minValue = d[(*this)(L, R)]; + while( L <= R ) { + int C = (*this)(L, R); + if( minValue < d[C] ) + break; + ans.push_back(C); + L = C+1; + } + return ans; + } +}; ADDED lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf Index: lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf ================================================================== --- lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf +++ lib/doc/hitori-sharp.pdf cannot compute difference between binary files ADDED lib/doc/lb_ub.txt Index: lib/doc/lb_ub.txt ================================================================== --- lib/doc/lb_ub.txt +++ lib/doc/lb_ub.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +lb = lower_bound(k) + ... k-1] lb [k ... + + +ub = upper_bound(k) + .., k] ub [k+1 ... + + +なので任意の開閉区間をイテレータの [) 区間に直すには + + [A, B] + = [ lower_bound(A), upper_bound(B) ) + + [A, B) + = [ lower_bound(A), lower_bound(B) ) + + (A, B] + = [ upper_bound(A), upper_bound(B) ) + + (A, B) + = [ upper_bound(A), lower_bound(B) ) ADDED lib/doc/nim.txt Index: lib/doc/nim.txt ================================================================== --- lib/doc/nim.txt +++ lib/doc/nim.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// SRM338 Div1 LV3 + +定理のステートメント + + 対象となるゲーム + - 二人ゲーム + - 二人とも動かせる手の集合は同じ + - 動かせなくなった方が負け + - 無限ループしない + + nim + - サイズ s1, s2, .., sk の山がある + - どれか一つ山を選んで 1 ~ 山サイズ の任意個取り除ける + - 最後の山を取った方が勝ち(山がなくなって打つ手が無くなった方が負け) + + *n をサイズ n の山が1個だけの nim とする + - *0 は負け + - *n は勝ち n>=1 + + ゲーム + - 状態 G から打てる手で遷移する先を G1, ..., Gk とする + G = {G1, ..., Gk} と書く + + 等価 + - 二つのゲームG, Fが等価なことを G ≡ F と書く + 等価というのは勝ち負け一致よりもっと強い。二つのゲームの和を取ると必敗になること + *n と *n は同サイズの山2つのnimは必敗なので等価。同サイズでなければ必勝なので等価でない + + 定理 + - G1≡*n1, ..., Gk≡*nk ならば、G={G1, ..., Gk} ≡ *mex(n1,...,nk) + where mex(S) = min(nat \setminus S) + 帰納的に、全てのゲームはなんらかの *n と等価 + + +おまけ + @G を G のnim値とする。つまりG≡*@G + G = X + Y ならば @G = @X xor @Y + 山が複数のnimの勝敗は全部xorとった1つ山のnimに等しいのと同じ原理。 ADDED lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml Index: lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml ================================================================== --- lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml +++ lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.aml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +(**************************************************************************** + * Written in + * Alice 1.4 + * + ****************************************************************************) + +fun solve (n : int, k : int) : bool = + let + open Word + infix 5 << andb + val mask = (0wx1 << fromInt n) - 0wx1 + in + (fromInt k) andb mask = mask + end + +fun main () = + let + fun readLine () = + case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of + | NONE => [] + | SOME(s) => map Int.fromString (String.tokens (fn x => x = #" ") s) + + fun parseOne c = + case readLine() of + | [SOME n, SOME k] => (c, (n, k)) + | _ => assert false + + fun spawn solveOne (c, inp) = + (c, solve inp) + + fun printOne (c, ans) = + print ("Case #" ^ Int.toString (c+1) ^ ": " ^ (if ans then "ON" else "OFF") ^ "\n") + in + case readLine () of + | [SOME t] => printOne ( solveOne (List.tabulate (t, parseOne))) + | _ => assert false + end + +do main () +do OS.Process.exit 0 ADDED lib/gcj/! Index: lib/gcj/! ================================================================== --- lib/gcj/! +++ lib/gcj/! @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Written in +// ActionScript (using mtasc 1.14) +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +class A +{ + static function main(mc) + { + var input_string = ""; + var input = input_string.split("\n"); + var T = Number(input[0]); + + var output_string = "" + for(var C=1; C<=T; ++C) + { + var theCase = input[C].split(" "); + var N = Number(theCase[0]); + var K = Number(theCase[1]); + output_string += "Case #" + C + ": " + (solve(N,K)?"ON":"OFF") + "\n" + } + + _root.createTextField("tf",0,0,0,800,600); + = output_string; + } + + static function solve(N, K) + { + var mask = (1<= s.length() ? return; + }; + return a; +}; + +global TO_STRING = func { + arg x; + lexical s = ""; + func{ s = s + this; } ); + return s; +}; + +global LESS = func { + arg x; + arg y; + + xl = x.length(); + yl = y.length(); + (xl < yl) ? return 1; + (xl > yl) ? return 0; + i = 0; + return loop { + (i == xl) ? return 0; + (x[i] < y[i]) ? return 1; + (x[i] > y[i]) ? return 0; + i = i+1; + }; +}; + +global SUB = func { + arg x; + arg y; + + x.length() > y.length() ? (y = [].resize(x.length()-y.length(),0).merge(y)); + z = [].resize(x.length(), 0); + i = x.length()-1; + carry = 0; + loop { + z[i] = x[i] - y[i] - carry; + carry = z[i] < 0 ? (z[i]=z[i]+10; 1) : 0; + (i=i-1) < 0 ? return; + }; + head = 0; + loop { + head == z.length()-1 ? return; + z[head] != 0 ? return; + head = head + 1; + }; + return z.slice(head, z.length()); +}; + +global DBL = func { + arg x; + + z = [].resize(x.length(), 0); + i = x.length()-1; + carry = 0; + loop { + z[i] = x[i] + x[i] + carry; + carry = z[i] > 9 ? (z[i]=z[i]-10; 1) : 0; + ((i=i-1) < 0) ? return; + }; + return (carry==1 ? [1].merge(z) : z); +}; + +global DIF = func { + arg x; + arg y; + return LESS(x, y) ? SUB(y, x) : SUB(x, y); +}; + +global MOD = func { + arg x; + arg y; + + LESS(x,y) ? return x; + z = MOD(x, DBL(y)); + LESS(z,y) ? return z; + return SUB(z,y); +}; + +global ISZERO = func { + arg x; + return x[0] == 0; +}; + +global GCD = func { + arg x; + arg y; + return ISZERO(x) ? y : GCD(MOD(y,x),x); +}; + +############################################################################# + +solve = func { + arg N; + arg t; + t = func{return FROM_STRING(this);} ); + + lexical t0 = t[0]; + lexical g = DIF(t0, t[1]); + t.slice(2, t.length()).map(func{ + g = GCD(g, DIF(t0, this)); + }); + r = MOD(t[0], g); + return TO_STRING( ISZERO(r) ? r : DIF(g,r) ); +}; + +input = sys.library("streams").stdio().read(1000000000).split("\n").map(func{return this.split(" ");}); +C = input[0][0].num(); + +CaseID = (args.length() >= 2 ? args[1].num() : 1); +loop { + "Case #".print(); + CaseID.print(); + ": ".print(); + solve( input[CaseID][0].num(), input[CaseID].slice(1,input[CaseID].length()) ).print(); + "\n".print(); + ((CaseID = CaseID+1) > C) ? return; +}; ADDED lib/gcj/! Index: lib/gcj/! ================================================================== --- lib/gcj/! +++ lib/gcj/! @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Writte in +// Claire v3.3.37 +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +D :: 1000000000 + +long <: ephemeral_object(hi:integer, lo:integer) + +[long!(x: integer) : long -> + long(hi = x / D, lo = x mod D) +] + +[+(x:long, y:long) : long -> + let lolo := x.lo - D + y.lo in + ( + if ( lolo < 0 ) + long(hi = x.hi + y.hi, lo = lolo + D) + else + long(hi = x.hi + y.hi + 1, lo = lolo) + ) +] + +[-(x:long, y:long) : long -> + let lolo := x.lo - y.lo in + ( + if ( lolo < 0 ) + long(hi = x.hi - y.hi - 1, lo = lolo + D) + else + long(hi = x.hi - y.hi, lo = lolo) + ) +] + +[*(x:long, y:integer) : long -> + let r := long!(0) in + let c := x in + (while (y > 0) ( + (if (y mod 2 = 1) r :+ c), + c := c + c, + y :/ 2 + ), + r) +] + +[+(x:long, y:integer) : long -> + x + long!(y) +] + +[<(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> + if (x.hi < y.hi) + true + else if (x.hi > y.hi) + false + else + x.lo < y.lo +] +[>=(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> not(x < y)] +[<=(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> not(y < x)] +[>(x:long, y:long) : boolean -> (y < x)] + +[>=(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> not(x < long!(y))] +[<=(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> not(long!(y) < x)] +[<(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> (x < long!(y))] +[>(x:long, y:integer) : boolean -> (long!(y) < x)] + +[>=(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> not(long!(x) < y)] +[<=(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> not(y < long!(x))] +[<(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> (long!(x) < y)] +[>(x:integer, y:long) : boolean -> (y < long!(x))] + + +[string!(x: long) : string -> + if (x.hi > 0) + let los := string!(x.lo) in + string!(x.hi) /+ make_string(9 - length(los), '0') /+ los + else + string!(x.lo) +] + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +[readLine() : list -> + list{integer!(s) | s in explode(freadline(stdin), " ")} +] + +[solve(R:integer, k:integer, N:integer, g:list) -> + let dest := make_list(N, 0) in + let earn := make_list(N, long!(0)) in + ( + for s in (0 .. N - 1) ( + let ride := long!(0) in + let i := 0 in + ( + while (i < N) + ( + let ride2 := ride + g[((s + i) mod N) + 1] in + (if (ride2 > k) + break() + else + (ride := ride2, i :+ 1)) + ), + earn[s + 1] := ride, + dest[s + 1] := ((s + i) mod N) + 1 + ) + ), + let firstVisitTime := make_list(N, -1) in + let firstVisitEarn := make_list(N, long!(0)) in + let q := 1 in + let totalEarn := long!(0) in + let i := 0 in + ( + (while (i < R) ( + if (firstVisitTime[q] = -1) + ( + firstVisitTime[q] := i, + firstVisitEarn[q] := totalEarn, + totalEarn :+ earn[q], + q := dest[q], + i :+ 1 + ) + else + ( + let loopSize := i - firstVisitTime[q] in + let loopEarn := totalEarn - firstVisitEarn[q] in + let rest := R - i in + ( + totalEarn :+ loopEarn * (rest / loopSize), + // clear + firstVisitTime := make_list(N, -1), + i := R - (rest mod loopSize) + ) + ) + )), + princ(string!(totalEarn)) + ) + ) +] + +[main() -> + let T := readLine()[1] in + for C in (1 .. T) + ( + printf("Case #~A: ", C), + let RkN := readLine() in solve(RkN[1], RkN[2], RkN[3], readLine()), + princ("\n") + ) +] + +(main()) ADDED lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs Index: lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs ================================================================== --- lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs +++ lib/gcj/!gcj-smpl.cs @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +using System; +using System.Linq; + +class C +{ + static void Main() + { + long[] Ts = readLongArray(); + long T = Ts[0]; + + for(long C=1; C<=T; ++C) + { + long[] RkN = readLongArray(); + long R = RkN[0]; + long k = RkN[1]; + long N = RkN[2]; + long[] g = readLongArray(); + + Console.WriteLine("Case #{0}: {1}", C, solveSmall(R,k,N,g)); + } + } + + static long[] readLongArray() + { + return (from s in Console.ReadLine().Split(' ') select long.Parse(s)).ToArray(); + } + + static long solveSmall(long R, long k, long N, long[] g) + { + long totalEarn = 0; + + for(int i=0; i k ) + { + g = rotate(g, q); + break; + } + else + { + ride += g[q]; + } + totalEarn += ride; + } + + return totalEarn; + } + + static long[] rotate(long[] g, int s) + { + long[] g2 = new long[g.Length]; + for(int i=s; i>Code Template<< (for Visual C++) + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#define cout os +using namespace std; +typedef long long LL; +typedef complex CMP; +void END_OF_INPUT_FOR_THIS_TEST_CASE(); // stub for multi-threading + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// >>Main<< + +void case_main( ostream& os ) +{ + END_OF_INPUT_FOR_THIS_TEST_CASE(); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// >>Code Template<< (Multi-Thread Solver) + +#if 1 +#undef cout +#include +#include + +static const int THREAD_NUM = 2; +volatile int g_id; +int g_nCase; +CRITICAL_SECTION g_cs; +vector g_output; + +unsigned __stdcall thread_main( void* t_id ) { + for(;;) { + EnterCriticalSection(&g_cs); + const int id = ++g_id; + if(id>g_nCase) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_cs); break; } + cerr << setw(4) << id << " @ " << (int)t_id << " start" << endl; + + ostringstream ss; + ss << "Case #" << id << ": "; + case_main( ss ); + + EnterCriticalSection(&g_cs); + if(g_output.size()> g_nCase; + string dummy; getline(cin, dummy); + + InitializeCriticalSection(&g_cs); + vector thread; + for(int i=0; i(cout) ); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// >>Code Template<< (Single-Thread Solver) + +#else +#undef cout +void END_OF_INPUT_FOR_THIS_TEST_CASE() {} +int main() { + int nCase; cin >> nCase; + string dummy; getline(cin, dummy); + + for(int id=1; id<=nCase; ++id) { + cout << "Case #" << id << ": "; + case_main( cout ); + } +} +#endif ADDED lib/gcj/! Index: lib/gcj/! ================================================================== --- lib/gcj/! +++ lib/gcj/! @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import*; +import java.util.*; + +public class +{ + public static void main(String[] arg) + { + Scanner sc = new Scanner(; + int T = sc.nextInt(); + for(int C=1; C<=T; ++C) + { + System.out.printf("Case #%d: ", C); + (new (sc)).caseMain(); + } + } + + Scanner sc; + ( Scanner sc ) { = sc; } + + void caseMain() + { + int n = sc.nextInt(); + long[] x = new long[n]; + for(int i=0; i& q ) +{ + double a = 0.0; + + pt o = q[0]; + for(int i=1; i+1 0 ) return +1; // counter clockwise + if( outer_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return -1; // clockwise + if( inner_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return +2; // c--[a--b] on line + if( norm(b) < norm(c) ) return -2; // [a--b]--c on line + return 0; // [a--c--b] on line +} ADDED lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp Index: lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp +++ lib/geo/circle_3pt.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// The circle passing three points +// +// Verified by +// - AOJ 0010 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +vector solve_linear_eq( int n, vector< vector > M, const vector& V ) +{ + vector A(V); + for(int i=0; i > M(2, vector(2)); + vector V(2); + M[0][0] = -p2.imag(); M[0][1] = +p3.imag(); V[0] = (p3.real()-p2.real())/2.0; + M[1][0] = +p2.real(); M[1][1] = -p3.real(); V[1] = (p3.imag()-p2.imag())/2.0; + V = solve_linear_eq(2, M, V); + + double A=V[0], B=V[1]; + *c = p1 + p2/2.0 + A * p2 * CMP(0,1); + *r = abs(*c - p1); +} ADDED lib/geo/convexHull.cpp Index: lib/geo/convexHull.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/geo/convexHull.cpp +++ lib/geo/convexHull.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Convex Hull -- Andrew's Monotone Chain +// O(N log N) +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 336 Div1 LV3 +// - TCO09 Round2 LV2 +// - SRM 486 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +double outer_prod(const CMP& a, const CMP& b) { return imag(conj(a)*b); } +double inner_prod(const CMP& a, const CMP& b) { return real(conj(a)*b); } + +int ccw(const CMP& a, CMP b, CMP c) { + b -= a; c -= a; + if( outer_prod(b,c) > 0 ) return +1; // counter clockwise + if( outer_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return -1; // clockwise + if( inner_prod(b,c) < 0 ) return +2; // c--a--b on line + if( norm(b) < norm(c) ) return -2; // a--b--c on line + return 0; +} + +bool byX( const CMP& a, const CMP& b ) { + if( a.real() != b.real() ) + return a.real() < b.real(); + return a.imag() < b.imag(); +} + +vector convex_hull( vector p ) +{ + #define IS_RIGHT <0 // skip on-line verts + //#define IS_RIGHT ==-1 // take all + + sort(p.begin(), p.end(), &byX); + + vector ans; + for(int i=0; i=2 && ccw(ans[ans.size()-2], ans[ans.size()-1], p[i]) IS_RIGHT ) + ans.pop_back(); + if( ans.size() == p.size() ) + return ans; + for(int i=p.size()-2; i>=0; ans.push_back(p[i--])) // right-to-left + while( ans.size()>=2 && ccw(ans[ans.size()-2], ans[ans.size()-1], p[i]) IS_RIGHT ) + ans.pop_back(); + ans.pop_back(); + return ans; +} ADDED lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp Index: lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp +++ lib/geo/convexHull_old.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Convex Hull -- Gift Wrapping +// O(N log N) +// +// ToDo : Rewrite by CCW... +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 336 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +bool byY( CMP a, CMP b ) +{ + if( a.imag() == b.imag() ) + return a.real() < b.real(); + return a.imag() < b.imag(); +} + +bool byArg( CMP a, CMP b ) +{ + return arg(a) < arg(b); +} + +bool isRight( CMP a, CMP b, CMP c ) +{ + return arg((c-b) / (b-a)) < 0; +} + +vector convex_hull( vector p ) +{ + vector::iterator it = min_element( p.begin(), p.end(), byY ); + CMP o = *it; + p.erase(it); + for(int i=0; i q; + q.push_back( CMP(0,0) ); + q.push_back( p[0] ); + for(int i=1; i& ps, CMP p ) +{ + bool in = false; + for(int i=0; i b.imag()) swap(a,b); + if(a.imag()<=0 && 0 o ȃm[h‚ăoX +// - Dest܂œBpXȂA +// Destɋ߂֐iޕӂւ̗oʂ𑝂₷ +// - ȂȂASrc֋߂痈ӂ +// ʂ炷 +// 3. 2.AoXȒ_ȂȂ܂ŌJԂ +// u > o ȃm[h‚āv̏́AooXς +// Queueɓ˂łƂFIFOłB +// uDestɋ߂vuSrcɋ߂vɌɕ]Kv͂ȂāA +// x̋ߎł\B̃R[hł͂̋ߎl d[] ŎĂB +// d[] ̕]KxɂƂ肷heuristicsőȂ炵B +// ƂȂƎۏ͎gɂȂȂ炵BƂłƂB +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include +#include +#include +using namespace std; + +typedef int Vert; +typedef int Capacity; +typedef vector< vector > Graph; + +Capacity goldberg_tarjan( Graph& G, Vert Src, Vert Dest ) +{ + vector e( G.size() ); // excess : - o + vector d( G.size() ); // distance : Destւ̋||Srcւ̋-N̉ + d[Src] = G.size(); + + queue Q; // e[v]>0 ȃm[hĂL[ + + // Ƃ肠SrcS͂ŗ + for(int v=0; v!=G.size(); ++v) + if( G[Src][v] ) + { + G[v][Src] += G[Src][v]; + e[v] += G[Src][v]; + G[Src][v] = 0; + Q.push(v); + } + + // e[v]>0 ȃm[hȂȂ܂ŌJԂ + while( !Q.empty() ) + { + Vert v = Q.front(); + + for(int u=0; u!=G.size() && e[v]; ++u) + if( G[v][u] && d[v]>d[u] ) // K؂ȕɗ "PUSH" + { + Capacity f = min(e[v], G[v][u]); + G[v][u] -= f; + G[u][v] += f; + e[v] -= f; + e[u] += f; + if( e[u]==f && u!=Src && u!=Dest ) Q.push(u); + } + + if( e[v] == 0 ) // oXꂽ̂ŃL[珜 + Q.pop(); + else // oXĂȂ̂͂̂d[v]𒲐Ă蒼 "RELABEL" + { + Capacity m = numeric_limits::max(); + for(int u=0; u!=G.size(); ++u) + if( G[v][u] ) + m = min(m, d[u]+1); + d[v] = m; + } + } + + // Dest ւ̗ʂԂ + return e[Dest]; +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// PKU 1459 +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include +#include + +int main() +{ + cin.imbue( std::locale("C") ); + for(int n,np,nc,m; cin>>n>>np>>nc>>m;) + { + // 0: src, 1: dst, 2: ... + Graph g(n+2, vector(n+2)); + + while(m--) + { + int u, v, z; char _; + cin >> _ >> u >> _ >> v >> _ >> z; + g[u+2][v+2] = z; + } + + while(np--) + { + int u, z; char _; + cin >> _ >> u >> _ >> z; + g[0][u+2] = z; + } + + while(nc--) + { + int u, z; char _; + cin >> _ >> u >> _ >> z; + g[u+2][1] = z; + } + + cout << goldberg_tarjan(g, 0, 1) << endl; + } +} ADDED lib/graph/biMatch.cpp Index: lib/graph/biMatch.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/graph/biMatch.cpp +++ lib/graph/biMatch.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Bipertite max-matching (by duality, min-vert-cover) +// O(V E) +// +// Verified by +// SRM 397 Div1 Lv3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +typedef int vert; +typedef vert edge; +typedef vector edges; +typedef vector graph; + +bool augment( graph& G, int v, vector& matchTo, bool visited[] ) +{ + for(int i=0; i +int biMatch( graph& G, int L ) // [0,L):left, [L,?):right + // only left->right edges are used during computation +{ + vector matchTo(G.size(), -1); + int ans = 0; + for(vert v=0; v G ) +{ + sort( G.begin(), G.end() ); + + vector::iterator b = lower_bound( G.begin(), G.end(), 1 ); + vector::iterator e = G.end(); + + while( b < e ) + { + int n = *(--e); + if( e-b < n ) + return false; + for(vector::iterator i=e-n; i!=e; ++i) + --*i; + inplace_merge( b, e-n, e ); + b = lower_bound( G.begin(), G.end(), 1 ); + } + return true; +} ADDED lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp Index: lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp +++ lib/graph/maxFlow.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Dinic's Algorithm +// O(V E) +// +// G : bidirectional (G[i].has(j) <==> G[j].has(i)) +// F : flow-capacity F[i][j] = Capacity, F[j][i] = 0 +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 399 Div1 LV3 +// - PKU 1459 +// - CodeCraft 09 CUTS +// - SRM 465 Div1 LV2 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +static const int NV = 512; +typedef int flow; +typedef int vert; +typedef vert edge; +typedef vector edges; +typedef vector graph; +typedef flow flow_graph[NV][NV]; + +flow dinic_dfs( graph& G, flow_graph F, vert v, vert D, + int LV[], flow flow_in, int blocked[] ) +{ + flow flow_out = 0; + for(int i=0; i!=G[v].size(); ++i) { + int u = G[v][i]; + if( LV[v]+1==LV[u] && F[v][u] ) { + flow f = min(flow_in-flow_out, F[v][u]); + if( u==D || !blocked[u] && (f=dinic_dfs(G,F,u,D,LV,f,blocked)) ) { + F[v][u] -= f; + F[u][v] += f; + flow_out += f; + if( flow_in == flow_out ) return flow_out; + } + } + } + blocked[v] = (flow_out==0); + return flow_out; +} + +flow maxFlow( graph& G, flow_graph F, vert S, vert D ) +{ + for( flow total=0 ;; ) { + int LV[NV] = {0}; + vector Q(1, S); + for(int lv=1; !Q.empty(); ++lv) { + vector Q2; + for(int i=0; i!=Q.size(); ++i) { + edges& ne = G[Q[i]]; + for(int j=0; j!=ne.size(); ++j) + if( F[Q[i]][ne[j]] && !LV[ne[j]] && ne[j]!=S ) + LV[ne[j]]=lv, Q2.push_back(ne[j]); + } + Q.swap(Q2); + } + + if( !LV[D] ) + return total; + + int blocked[NV] = {}; + total += dinic_dfs( G, F, S, D, LV, 0x7fffffff, blocked ); + } +} ADDED lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp Index: lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp +++ lib/graph/mincostFlow.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// MinCost-MaxFlow +// O(??) +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 487 Div2 LV3 +// - SRM 491 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +using namespace std; + +template +class IdGen +{ + map v2id_; + vector id2v_; +public: + int v2id(const T& v) { + if( !v2id_.count(v) ) { v2id_[v] = size(); id2v_.push_back(v); } + return v2id_[v]; + } + const T& id2v(int i) const { return id2v_[i]; } + int size() const { return id2v_.size(); } +}; + +template +class MinCostFlow +{ + IdGen idgen; + + vector G[NV]; + Flow F[NV][NV]; + Cost C[NV][NV]; + +public: + void addEdge( Vert s_, Vert t_, Cost c, Flow f ) + { + int s = idgen.v2id(s_), t = idgen.v2id(t_); + G[s].push_back(t); + G[t].push_back(s); + C[s][t] = c; + C[t][s] = -c; + F[s][t] = f; + F[t][s] = 0; + } + + pair calc( Vert s_, Vert t_ ) + { + const int N=idgen.size(), S=idgen.v2id(s_), T=idgen.v2id(t_); + static const Cost COST_INF = 1e+300; // !!EDIT HERE!! + static const Flow FLOW_INF = 0x7fffffff; + + Cost total_cost = 0; + Flow total_flow = 0; + vector h(N, 0); // potential + for(Flow RF=FLOW_INF; RF>0; ) // residual flow + { + // Dijkstra -- find the min-cost path + vector d(N, COST_INF); d[S] = 0; + vector prev(N, -1); + + typedef pair< Cost, pair > cedge; + priority_queue< cedge, vector, greater > Q; + Q.push( cedge(0, make_pair(S,S)) ); + while( !Q.empty() ) { + cedge e =; Q.pop(); + if( prev[e.second.second] >= 0 ) + continue; + prev[e.second.second] = e.second.first; + + int u = e.second.second; + for(int i=0; i 0 && d[v] > d[u]+r_cost ) + Q.push( cedge(d[v]=d[u]+r_cost, make_pair(u,v)) ); + } + } + + if( prev[T] < 0 ) + break; // Finished + + // Run the flow as much as possible + Flow f = RF; + for(int u=T; u!=S; u=prev[u]) + f = min(f, F[prev[u]][u]); + RF -= f; + total_flow += f; + + for(int u=T; u!=S; u=prev[u]) + { + total_cost += f * C[prev[u]][u]; + F[prev[u]][u] -= f; + F[u][prev[u]] += f; + } + + // Update the potential + for(int u=0; u G[j].has(i)) +// F : flow-capacity F[i][j] = F[j][i] = Capacity +// +// Verified by +// - CodeCraft 09 CUTS +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +static const int NV = 512; +typedef int flow; +typedef int vert; +typedef vert edge; +typedef vector edges; +typedef vector graph; +typedef flow flow_graph[NV][NV]; + +flow_graph GHF; +void GomoryHu( graph& G, flow_graph F, flow_graph AllPairMinCut ) +{ + int N = G.size(); + vector parent(N, 0); + vector weight(N, 0); + + // construct the Gomory-Hu Tree + for(vert s=1; s prev(N, -1); prev[s]=s; + queue Q; Q.push(s); + while( !Q.empty() ) { + vert v = Q.front(); Q.pop(); + for(int i=0; i ps_s; + for(vert v=s ;; v=parent[v]) + { ps_s.push_back(v); if( v==parent[v] ) break; } + reverse(ps_s.begin(), ps_s.end()); + + for(vert t=s+1; t ps_t; + for(vert v=t ;; v=parent[v]) + { ps_t.push_back(v); if( v==parent[v] ) break; } + reverse(ps_t.begin(), ps_t.end()); + + vert ca; + for(int i=0; i > graph; + +cost bidi_minCut( graph G, int N ) +{ + vector V; + for(int v=0; v1; --n) + { + // invariant: + // the current set of vertices = {V[0] .. V[n-1]} + + // order the vertices + // v0 = 0 (arbitrary), + // v1 = (u that maximizes \Sigma G[v0][u]) + // v2 = (u that maximizes \Sigma G[v0][u]+G[v1][u]) + // ... + // vn-2 + // vn-1 = (maximizes lastCut = \Sigma G[v0][u]+G[vn-2][u]) + vector vs; + cost lastCut = 0; + { + vector ws(n, 0); + ws[0] = 1; + + for(int i=0; i isp(N+1, true); + vector ps; + for(int p=2; p<=N; ++p) + if( isp[p] ) { + ps.push_back(p); + for(int q=p+p; q<=N; q+=p) + isp[q] = false; + } ADDED lib/numeric/fft.cpp Index: lib/numeric/fft.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/numeric/fft.cpp +++ lib/numeric/fft.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Fast Discrete Fourier Transform +// O(n log n) +// n must be a power of 2. +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 436 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +CMP tmp[65536*4]; + +template +void fft_impl( CMP a[], int n, int stride = 1 ) +{ + if( n > 1 ) + { + CMP *ev=a, *od=a+stride; + int s2=stride*2, n2=n/2; + + fft_impl( ev, n2, s2 ); + fft_impl( od, n2, s2 ); + + for(int i=0; i& a ) +{ + fft_impl<+1>(&a[0], a.size()); +} + +void ifft( vector& a ) +{ + fft_impl<-1>(&a[0], a.size()); + for(int i=0; i solve_linear_eq( int n, vector< vector > M, const vector& V ) +{ + vector A(V); + for(int i=0; i0 +// Be careful that this implementation does not support the +// case M[0][0]=M[1][1]=...=0. (zero-division) +// +// TODO: support M[0][0]=M[1][1]=...=0 +// QUICKHACK: +// find the least degenerated k and +// calc initial vectors by gauss_jordan... +// +// Verified by +// - (Checked by random data to match with linearEq.cpp) +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +vector solve_teplitz( int n, vector< vector > M, const vector& V ) +{ + vector f, b, x; + + // invariants + // M|k f|k = (1 0 ... 0) + // M|k b|k = (0 ... 0 1) + // M|k x|k = V|k + f.push_back( 1 / M[0][0] ); + b.push_back( 1 / M[0][0] ); + x.push_back( V[0] / M[0][0] ); + + for(int k=2; k<=n; ++k) + { + // M|k (f|k-1 0) = (1 0 ... 0 ea) + double ea = 0; + for(int i=0; i u = 1 / (1-ea.eb), v = -ea /(1-ea.eb) + double u = 1/(1-ea*eb), v = -ea/(1-ea*eb); + vector ff; + for(int i=0; i0 ? b[i-1] : 0) ); + + // similarly... + u = -eb/(1-ea*eb), v = 1/(1-ea*eb); + vector bb; + for(int i=0; i0 ? b[i-1] : 0) ); + + // update + f.swap(ff); + b.swap(bb); + + // M|k (x|k 0) (V|k ec) + double ec = 0; + for(int i=0; i vMul( const vector< vector >& A, const vector& B ) +{ + const int n = A.size(); + + vector C(n); + for(int i=0; i > mMul( const vector< vector >& A, const vector< vector >& B ) +{ + const int n = A.size(); + + vector< vector > C(n, vector(n)); + for(int i=0; i > mPow( vector< vector > M, LL t ) // t>0 +{ + vector< vector > R; + for(; t; t>>=1, M=mMul(M,M)) + if( t&1 ) + R = (R.empty() ? M : mMul(R,M)); + return R; +} + +vector< vector > mAdd( const vector< vector >& A, const vector< vector >& B ) +{ + const int n = A.size(); + + vector< vector > C(n, vector(n)); + for(int i=0; i +// g(n) = Sigma_{d|n} f(d)mebius(n/d) +// +// Verified by +// - CodeCraft '11 PSTR +// +// Further memoization or more might be needed. +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +int mebius(int n) +{ + int f = 1; + for(int q=2; q*q<=n; ++q) + if( n%q == 0 ) + { + if( n%(q*q) == 0 ) + return 0; + n /= q; + f *= -1; + } + if(n>1) + f *= -1; + return f; +} + ADDED lib/numeric/modArith.cpp Index: lib/numeric/modArith.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/numeric/modArith.cpp +++ lib/numeric/modArith.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Modulo Arithmetics +// +// Verified by +// - TCO10 R3 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +static const int MODVAL = 1000000007; // op/ depends on primarity of the MODVAL +struct mint +{ + int val; + mint():val(0){} + mint(int x):val(x%MODVAL) {} + mint(LL x):val(x%MODVAL) {} +}; + +mint operator+(mint x, mint y) { return x.val+y.val; } +mint operator-(mint x, mint y) { return x.val-y.val+MODVAL; } +mint operator*(mint x, mint y) { return LL(x.val)*y.val; } +mint POW(mint x, int e) { + mint v = 1; + for(;e;x=x*x,e>>=1) + if(e&1) + v=v*x; + return v; +} +mint operator/(mint x, mint y) { return x * POW(y, MODVAL-2); } + +vector FAC_(1,1); +void FAC_INIT(int n) { for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) FAC_.push_back( FAC_.back()*i ); } +mint FAC(mint x) { return FAC_[x.val]; } +mint C(mint n, mint k) { return k.val<0 || n.val e ) return 0; + if( k <= 1 ) return k*(e-b+1); + return DIV(SUB(POW(k, e+1), POW(k,b)), k-1); +} + +LL Cpascal(LL n, LL k) +{ + vector< vector > c(n+1, vector(k+1)); + for(LL nn=1; nn<=n; ++nn) + for(LL kk=0; kk<=min(nn,k); ++kk) + c[nn][kk] = kk==0 || kk==nn ? 1 : ADD(c[nn-1][kk-1], c[nn-1][kk]); + return c[n][k]; +} + +vector< vector > MATMUL(vector< vector >& a, vector< vector >& b) +{ + int N = a.size(); + vector< vector > c(N, vector(N)); + for(int i=0; i > v(2, vector(2)); + vector< vector > x(2, vector(2)); + v[0][0] = v[1][1] = 1; + x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; + x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; + for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) + if(e&1) + v = MATMUL(v, x); + return v[1][0]; +} + +// works for non-prime MODVAL +LL HYP(LL x_, LL e) // e x^0 + (e-1) x^1 + ... + 1 x^e-1 = GEO(x,1)+GEO(x,2)+...+GEO(x,e) +{ + vector< vector > v(3, vector(3)); + vector< vector > x(3, vector(3)); + v[0][0] = v[1][1] = v[2][2] = 1; + x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; x[0][2] = 0; + x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; x[1][2] = 0; + x[2][0] = 0 ; x[2][1] = 1; x[2][2] = 1; + e++; + for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) + if(e&1) + v = MATMUL(v, x); + return v[2][0]; +} +*/ ADDED lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp Index: lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp +++ lib/numeric/modArithOld.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Modulo Arithmetics +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 397 Div1 LV2 +// - SRM 428 Div1 LV2 +// - CodeCraft 2010 CNTINT DRAW +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +static const LL MODVAL = 1000000007; // must fit in 32-bits + +LL ADD(LL x, LL y) { return (x+y)%MODVAL; } +LL SUB(LL x, LL y) { return (x-y+MODVAL)%MODVAL; } +LL MUL(LL x, LL y) { return (x*y)%MODVAL; } +LL POW(LL x, LL e) { + LL v = 1; + for(;e;x=MUL(x,x),e>>=1) + if(e&1) + v = MUL(v, x); + return v; +} + +// MODVAL must be a prime!! +LL DIV(LL x, LL y) { return MUL(x, POW(y, MODVAL-2)); } + +// MODVAL must be a prime!! +LL C(LL n, LL k) { + LL v = 1; + for(LL i=1; i<=k; ++i) + v = DIV(MUL(v, n-i+1), i); + return v; +} + +// MODVAL must be a prime!! +LL GSS(LL k, LL b, LL e) // k^b + k^b+1 + ... + k^e +{ + if( b > e ) return 0; + if( k <= 1 ) return k*(e-b+1); + return DIV(SUB(POW(k, e+1), POW(k,b)), k-1); +} + + + + +LL Cpascal(LL n, LL k) +{ + vector< vector > c(n+1, vector(k+1)); + for(LL nn=1; nn<=n; ++nn) + for(LL kk=0; kk<=min(nn,k); ++kk) + c[nn][kk] = kk==0 || kk==nn ? 1 : ADD(c[nn-1][kk-1], c[nn-1][kk]); + return c[n][k]; +} + +vector< vector > MATMUL(vector< vector >& a, vector< vector >& b) +{ + int N = a.size(); + vector< vector > c(N, vector(N)); + for(int i=0; i > v(2, vector(2)); + vector< vector > x(2, vector(2)); + v[0][0] = v[1][1] = 1; + x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; + x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; + for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) + if(e&1) + v = MATMUL(v, x); + return v[1][0]; +} + +// works for non-prime MODVAL +LL HYP(LL x_, LL e) // e x^0 + (e-1) x^1 + ... + 1 x^e-1 = GEO(x,1)+GEO(x,2)+...+GEO(x,e) +{ + vector< vector > v(3, vector(3)); + vector< vector > x(3, vector(3)); + v[0][0] = v[1][1] = v[2][2] = 1; + x[0][0] = x_; x[0][1] = 0; x[0][2] = 0; + x[1][0] = 1 ; x[1][1] = 1; x[1][2] = 0; + x[2][0] = 0 ; x[2][1] = 1; x[2][2] = 1; + e++; + for(;e;x=MATMUL(x,x),e>>=1) + if(e&1) + v = MATMUL(v, x); + return v[2][0]; +} ADDED lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp Index: lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp +++ lib/numeric/nextComb.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Next Combination +// +// Verified by +// - SRM345 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +LL next_combination(LL p) +{ + assert( p > 0 ); + LL lsb = p & -p; + LL rem = p + lsb; + LL rit = rem & ~p; + return rem | (rit/lsb >> 1)-1; +} ADDED lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp Index: lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp +++ lib/numeric/sternBrocot.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Enumerate all positive reduced fractions in a +// systematic manner. +// [pl/ql, pr/qr] --> [pl/ql, pm/qm] + [pm/qm, pr/qr] +// --> ... +// +// Verified by +// - CodeCraft 09 FRACTION +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +void sternBrocot(LL pl = 0, LL ql = 1, LL pr = 1, LL qr = 0) +{ + LL pm = pl + pr, qm = ql + qr; + sternBrocot(pl, ql, pm, qm); + sternBrocot(pm, qm, pr, qr); +} + +/* +bool fleq(LL p1, LL q1, LL p2, LL q2) +{ + return p1*q2 <= p2*q1; +} + +void sternBrocot(LL pl = 0, LL ql = 1, LL pr = 1, LL qr = 0) +{ + for(;;) { + LL pm = pl + pr, qm = ql + qr; + + if( fleq(c,d,pm,qm) ) { +// pr = pm, qr = qm; // [pl/ql, pm/qm] + LL X = c*ql - d*pl; + LL Y = d*pr - c*qr; + LL k = max(1LL, Y/X); + pr += k*pl; + qr += k*ql; + } + else if( fleq(pm,qm,a,b) ) { +// pl = pm, ql = qm; // [pm/qm, pr/qr] + LL X = b*pr - a*qr; + LL Y = a*ql - b*pl; + LL k = max(1LL, Y/X); + pl += k*pr; + ql += k*qr; + } + else { + cout << pm+qm*base << "/" << qm << endl; + break; + } + } +} +*/ ADDED lib/typical/amap.cpp Index: lib/typical/amap.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/typical/amap.cpp +++ lib/typical/amap.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// +// accumulative map +// basically a map, but it eliminates duplication lazily +// first keep all inserted elements in a vector. only when the buffer +// overflows, it eliminates duplication +// + +template)> +struct amap +{ + typedef typename vector< pair >::iterator iterator; + + vector< pair > kv; + amap() { kv.reserve(LIMIT); } + + void add(const K& k, const V& v) + { + kv.push_back( make_pair(k,v) ); + if( kv.size() == LIMIT ) + normalize(); + } + + iterator begin() { return kv.begin(); } + iterator end() { return kv.end(); } + void swap( amap& rhs ) { kv.swap(rhs.kv); } + + // Tested: SRM 469 Lv3 + void normalize() + { + sort(kv.begin(), kv.end()); + int i=0; + for(int j=0; j Q( 1, start ); + set V; V.insert(start); + + for(int step=0; !Q.empty(); ++step) + { + vector Qold; Qold.swap(Q); + for(int qi=0; qi>=1) + c += x&1; + return c; +} ADDED lib/typical/comb.cpp Index: lib/typical/comb.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/typical/comb.cpp +++ lib/typical/comb.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// number of combinations choosing k out of n +// # you might better consider to use Pascal's triangle +// # for comb modulo some number... +// +// Verified by +// - SRM 350 Div1 LV2 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +LL comb(LL n, LL k) +{ + k = min(k, n-k); + + LL c = 1; + for(LL i=0; i +struct DP2 +{ + const int N1, N2; + vector data; + DP2(int N1, int N2, const T& t = T()) + : N1(N1), N2(N2), data(N1*N2, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2) + { return data[ (i1*N2)+i2 ]; } + void swap(DP2& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + +// Tested: Codeforces #13 C +template +struct DP2x +{ + const int N1, N2; + vector data; + DP2x(int, int N2, const T& t = T()) + : N1(2), N2(N2), data(N1*N2, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2) + { i1&=1; return data[ (i1*N2)+i2 ]; } + void swap(DP2x& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + +// Tested: SRM 452 Lv3 +template +struct DP3 +{ + int N1, N2, N3; + vector data; + DP3(int N1, int N2, int N3, const T& t = T()) + : N1(N1), N2(N2), N3(N3), data(N1*N2*N3, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) + { return data[ ((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3 ]; } + void swap(DP3& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + +// Tested: SRM 468 Lv2 +template +struct DP3x +{ + int N1, N2, N3; + vector data; + DP3x(int, int N2, int N3, const T& t = T()) + : N1(2), N2(N2), N3(N3), data(N1*N2*N3, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T) < (1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) + { i1&=1; return data[ ((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3 ]; } + void swap(DP3x& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + +// Not Tested +template +struct DP4 +{ + int N1, N2, N3, N4; + vector data; + DP4(int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, const T& t = T()) + : N1(N1), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), data(N1*N2*N3*N4, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) + { return data[ (((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4 ]; } + void swap(DP4& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + +// Not Tested +template +struct DP4x +{ + int N1, N2, N3, N4; + vector data; + DP4x(int, int N2, int N3, int N4, const T& t = T()) + : N1(2), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), data(N1*N2*N3*N4, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) + { i1&=1; return data[ (((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4 ]; } + void swap(DP4x& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + + +// Tested: SRM 351 Lv2 +template +struct DP5 +{ + int N1, N2, N3, N4, N5; + vector data; + DP5(int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, const T& t = T()) + : N1(N1), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), N5(N5), data(N1*N2*N3*N4*N5, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) + { return data[ ((((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4)*N5+i5 ]; } + void swap(DP5& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; + +// Not Tested +template +struct DP5x +{ + int N1, N2, N3, N4, N5; + vector data; + DP5x(int, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, const T& t = T()) + : N1(2), N2(N2), N3(N3), N4(N4), N5(N5), data(N1*N2*N3*N4*N5, t) { assert(data.size()*sizeof(T)<(1<<26)); } + T& operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) + { i1&=1; return data[ ((((i1*N2)+i2)*N3+i3)*N4+i4)*N5+i5 ]; } + void swap(DP5x& rhs) + { data.swap(; } +}; ADDED lib/typical/idGen.cpp Index: lib/typical/idGen.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/typical/idGen.cpp +++ lib/typical/idGen.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// ID Assignment +// +// Verified by +// - ACM/ICPC Tokyo 2010 A +// - SRM 491 Div1 LV3 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +template +class IdGen +{ + map v2id_; + vector id2v_; +public: + int v2id(const T& v) { + if( !v2id_.count(v) ) { v2id_[v] = size(); id2v_.push_back(v); } + return v2id_[v]; + } + const T& id2v(int i) const { return id2v_[i]; } + int size() const { return id2v_.size(); } +}; ADDED lib/typical/inMap.cpp Index: lib/typical/inMap.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/typical/inMap.cpp +++ lib/typical/inMap.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + +bool inMap(int H, int W, int y, int x) +{ + return (0<=y && y left(n); + { + map h; h[-1] = -1; + for(int i=0; i::iterator it = h.lower_bound(R[i]); + left[i] = (--it)->second+1; + h.erase( ++it, h.end() ); + h[ R[i] ] = i; + } + } + vector right(n); + { + map h; h[-1] = n; + for(int i=n-1; i>=0; --i) { + // position of the highest building < R[i] + map::iterator it = h.lower_bound(R[i]); + right[i] = (--it)->second-1; + h.erase( ++it, h.end() ); + h[ R[i] ] = i; + } + } + LL ans = 0; + for(int i=0; i>1)-1); +} + +// Is it possible to cover the goal by at most k elements from mask? +// Assumption: goal \subseteq \bigcup mask +bool canCover( LL goal, set& mask, int k ) +{ + // optimizer + for(bool update=true; update; ) { + update = false; + + // if *it \subseteq *jt for some jt, then we NEVER use it + // if *it is the only mask covering some city, we ALWAYS use it + for(set::iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ) { + bool isSubset = false; + LL onlyByMe = *it & goal; + for(set::iterator jt=mask.begin(); jt!=mask.end(); ++jt) + if( it!=jt ) { + onlyByMe &= ~*jt; + isSubset |= (*it & *jt & goal) == (*it & goal); + } + + update |= isSubset | !!onlyByMe; + + if( isSubset ) + mask.erase(it++); + else if( onlyByMe ) { + if( --k < 0 ) + return false; + goal &= ~*it; + mask.erase(it++); + } + else + ++it; + } + + if( mask.size()<=k || goal==0 ) + return true; + } + + // exhaustive search + vector ms(mask.begin(), mask.end()); + for(LL i=(1LL< X in mask +// +// Verified by +// - Google Code Jam 09 Round2 C +// (The "Only" part never tested, in the test cases of +// the problem, that optimization had never used. +// Be careful to use that; to be on the safer side, +// consider using the mode.) +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +int minCover_exhaustive( int goal, const set& mask ) +{ + typedef int STATE; + + vector Q( 1, 0 ); + set visited; + for(int step=0; step<=mask.size(); ++step) + { + vector Q2; + for(int i=0; i::const_iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ++it) + if( !visited.count( s|*it ) ) + { + visited.insert( s|*it ); + Q2.push_back( s|*it ); + } + } + Q.swap(Q2); + } + return -1; +} + +template +int minCover( int goal, set mask ) +{ + if( Subs ) + for(set::iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ) + { + bool needed = true; + for(int m=1; m<=goal; m<<=1) + if( (goal&m) && !(*it&m) && mask.count(*it|m)) + {needed = false; break;} + + if( needed ) + ++it; + else + mask.erase(it++); + } + + if( Only ) + for(set::iterator it=mask.begin(); it!=mask.end(); ) + { + int onlyByMe = goal & *it; + for(set::iterator jt=mask.begin(); jt!=mask.end(); ++jt) + onlyByMe &= ~*jt; + + if( !onlyByMe ) + ++it; + else + mask.erase(it++), goal &= ~onlyByMe; + } + + return minCover_exhaustive(goal, mask); +} ADDED lib/typical/ternery.cpp Index: lib/typical/ternery.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/typical/ternery.cpp +++ lib/typical/ternery.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +// ternery search (for shita-ni-totsu) +{ + double x = ~min~; + double w = ~max~; + for(int i=0; i<~iteration~; ++i) // or, while( w-x > ~eps~ ) be careful for precision! + { + double y = 2*x/3 + w/3; + double z = x/3 + 2*w/3; + double fx = f(x); + double fy = f(y); + double fz = f(z); + double fw = f(w); + if( fx < fy ) w = y; + else if( fz > fw ) x = z; + else if( fy < fz ) w = z; + else x = y; + } +} ADDED lib/typical/unionfind.cpp Index: lib/typical/unionfind.cpp ================================================================== --- lib/typical/unionfind.cpp +++ lib/typical/unionfind.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +//------------------------------------------------------------- +// Union-Find +// Balancing + Path-Compression : O(invAckermann) +// +// Verified by +// - SRM Member Pilot 2 Div1 LV2 +//------------------------------------------------------------- + +struct UnionFind +{ + vector uf, sz; + int nc; + + UnionFind(int N): uf(N), sz(N,1), nc(N) + { for(int i=0; i= sz[b] ) swap(a, b); + uf[a] = b; + sz[b] += sz[a]; + --nc; + } + return (a!=b); + } +};