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Differences From Artifact [aeb9a52588e83f01]:

To Artifact [f71eec6e87c84091]:

2 2 //------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 // Dinic's Algorithm 4 4 // O(V E) 5 5 // 6 6 // G : bidirectional (G[i].has(j) <==> G[j].has(i)) 7 7 // F : flow-capacity F[i][j] = Capacity, F[j][i] = 0 8 8 // 9 -// Verified by 9 +// Old versoin Verified by 10 10 // - SRM 399 Div1 LV3 11 11 // - PKU 1459 12 12 // - CodeCraft 09 CUTS 13 13 // - SRM 465 Div1 LV2 14 14 // - SRM 543 Div1 LV3 15 15 //------------------------------------------------------------- 16 16 ................................................................................ 24 24 if( !v2id_.count(v) ) { v2id_[v] = size(); id2v_.push_back(v); } 25 25 return v2id_[v]; 26 26 } 27 27 const T& id2v(int i) const { return id2v_[i]; } 28 28 int size() const { return id2v_.size(); } 29 29 }; 30 30 31 -template<typename Vert, typename Flow, int NV=2048> 31 +template<typename Vert, typename Flow, int NV=50*50*8+2> 32 32 class MaxFlow 33 33 { 34 + typedef int Edge; 35 + 36 + vector<int> G[NV]; 37 + vector<Flow> F; 38 + 34 39 IdGen<Vert> idgen; 35 - vector<int> G[NV]; 36 - Flow F[NV][NV]; 40 + map<pair<int,int>, Edge> edge_id; 41 + vector<int> Edge_to; 42 + vector<Edge> Edge_rev; 37 43 38 44 public: 39 - void addEdge( Vert s_, Vert t_, Flow f ) 45 + void add( Vert s_, Vert t_, Flow f ) 40 46 { 41 47 const int s = idgen.v2id(s_), t = idgen.v2id(t_); 42 - G[s].push_back(t); 43 - G[t].push_back(s); 44 - F[s][t] = f; 45 - F[t][s] = 0; 48 + if(!edge_id.count(make_pair(s,t))) { 49 + const int e = int(edge_id.size()); 50 + edge_id[make_pair(s,t)] = e; 51 + edge_id[make_pair(t,s)] = e+1; 52 + G[s].push_back(e); 53 + G[t].push_back(e+1); 54 + F.push_back(0); 55 + F.push_back(0); 56 + Edge_rev.push_back(e+1); 57 + Edge_rev.push_back(e); 58 + Edge_to.push_back(t); 59 + Edge_to.push_back(s); 60 + } 61 + const Edge e = edge_id[make_pair(s,t)]; 62 + F[e] = min(F[e]+f, INF); 46 63 } 47 64 48 65 Flow calc( Vert s_, Vert t_ ) 49 66 { 50 67 const int S = idgen.v2id(s_), D = idgen.v2id(t_); 51 68 for( Flow total=0 ;; ) { 52 69 // Do BFS and compute the level for each node. 53 70 int LV[NV] = {0}; 54 71 vector<int> Q(1, S); 55 72 for(int lv=1; !Q.empty(); ++lv) { 56 73 vector<int> Q2; 57 74 for(size_t i=0; i!=Q.size(); ++i) { 58 - const vector<int>& ne = G[Q[i]]; 59 - for(size_t j=0; j!=ne.size(); ++j) 60 - if( F[Q[i]][ne[j]] && !LV[ne[j]] && ne[j]!=S ) 61 - LV[ne[j]]=lv, Q2.push_back(ne[j]); 75 + const vector<Edge>& ne = G[Q[i]]; 76 + for(size_t j=0; j!=ne.size(); ++j) { 77 + Edge e = ne[j]; 78 + int t = Edge_to[e]; 79 + if( F[e] && !LV[t] && t!=S ) 80 + LV[t]=lv, Q2.push_back(t); 81 + } 62 82 } 63 83 Q.swap(Q2); 64 84 } 65 85 66 86 // Destination is now unreachable. Done. 67 87 if( !LV[D] ) 68 88 return total; 69 89 70 90 // Iterating DFS. 71 91 bool blocked[NV] = {}; 72 - total += dinic_dfs( S, D, LV, 0x7fffffff, blocked ); 92 + total += dinic_dfs( S, D, LV, INF, blocked ); 73 93 } 74 94 } 75 95 76 96 private: 77 97 Flow dinic_dfs( int v, int D, int LV[], Flow flow_in, bool blocked[] ) 78 98 { 79 99 Flow flow_out = 0; 80 100 for(size_t i=0; i!=G[v].size(); ++i) { 81 - int u = G[v][i]; 82 - if( LV[v]+1==LV[u] && F[v][u] ) { 83 - Flow f = min(flow_in-flow_out, F[v][u]); 101 + Edge e = G[v][i]; 102 + int u = Edge_to[e]; 103 + if( LV[v]+1==LV[u] && F[e] ) { 104 + Flow f = min(flow_in-flow_out, F[e]); 84 105 if( u==D || !blocked[u] && (f=dinic_dfs(u,D,LV,f,blocked))>0 ) { 85 - F[v][u] -= f; 86 - F[u][v] += f; 106 + F[e] -= f; 107 + F[Edge_rev[e]] += f; 87 108 flow_out += f; 88 109 if( flow_in == flow_out ) return flow_out; 89 110 } 90 111 } 91 112 } 92 113 blocked[v] = (flow_out==0); 93 114 return flow_out; 94 115 } 95 116 };