Check-in [f50fbbf6fe]
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SHA1 Hash:f50fbbf6fec4e024cd36fdace9d7ed728cbcc77b
Date: 2022-04-05 03:56:03
User: kinaba
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Tags And Properties

Added lib/dataStructure/lca.cpp version [df81a86e707e972b]

> 1 //------------------------------------------------------------- > 2 // The Least Common Ancestor > 3 // > 4 // Verified by > 5 // - ICPC 2021 Yokohama Regional I > 6 //------------------------------------------------------------- > 7 > 8 > 9 template<int K=17> > 10 struct Lca > 11 { > 12 const int N; > 13 const vector<int>& depth; > 14 vector<vector<int>> jump; > 15 Lca(int N, const vector<int>& parent, const vector<int>& depth) > 16 : N(N), depth(depth), jump(K, vector<int>(N, -1)) > 17 { > 18 jump[0] = parent; > 19 for(int k=0; k+1<K; ++k) > 20 for(int v=0; v<N; ++v) > 21 if(jump[k][v] != -1) > 22 jump[k+1][v] = jump[k][jump[k][v]]; > 23 } > 24 > 25 int operator()(int a, int b) const { > 26 if(depth[a]>depth[b]) swap(a,b); > 27 for(int k=0; k<K; ++k) > 28 if((depth[b]-depth[a]) & (1<<k)) > 29 b = jump[k][b]; > 30 if(a == b) > 31 return a; > 32 for(int k=K-1; k>=0; --k) > 33 if(jump[k][a] != jump[k][b]) { > 34 a = jump[k][a]; > 35 b = jump[k][b]; > 36 } > 37 return jump[0][a]; > 38 } > 39 };