Check-in [78ec862f1a]
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SHA1 Hash:78ec862f1af87636c311d60017549f08606871d1
Date: 2011-02-23 11:49:26
User: kinaba
Comment:Added the source code of "TZTester cafelier+naoya_t custom".
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Tags And Properties

Added TZTesterSp/ContestApplet.jar version [38843265df3fb2ca]

cannot compute difference between binary files

Added TZTesterSp/Makefile version [362cbea8b2a2ebd3]

> 1 TZTester.jar: tangentz/TZTester.class > 2 jar cvf TZTester.jar tangentz/TZTester.class > 3 > 4 install: TZTester.jar > 5 cp TZTester.jar ../workspace/arena_plugin > 6 > 7 clean: > 8 rm -f TZTester.jar tangentz/TZTester.class > 9 > 10 tangentz/TZTester.class: tangentz/ > 11 javac -classpath ContestApplet.jar tangentz/

Added TZTesterSp/tangentz/ version [60ea23189465161e]

> 1 package tangentz; > 2 import java.util.HashMap; > 3 import java.util.Map; > 4 import com.topcoder.client.contestant.ProblemComponentModel; > 5 import com.topcoder.shared.language.Language; > 6 import com.topcoder.shared.problem.*; > 7 > 8 > 9 /** > 10 * @author TangentZ > 11 * > 12 * This tester class is for C++ only. It is based on PopsProcessor which is wri > 13 * It reads in all the given examples for a problem and generates the equivalent > 14 * to test all the cases. The accumulated running time is 8 seconds, but it is > 15 * selectively run a specific case only. > 16 * > 17 * This tester will define three tags that can be embedded within PopsEdit/FileE > 18 * $WRITERCODE$ - place holder for writer code - will be blank if none foun > 19 * $PROBLEM$ - place holder for problem description as plain text > 20 * // $RUNTEST$ - place holder for where to put the code that starts the te > 21 * $TESTCODE$ - place holder for where to put the test code > 22 */ > 23 public class TZTester > 24 { > 25 // Map used to store my tags > 26 private HashMap<String,String> m_Tags = new HashMap<String,String>(); > 27 > 28 // Constants > 29 private static final String k_WRITERCODE = "$WRITERCODE$"; > 30 private static final String k_PROBLEM = "$PROBLEM$"; > 31 private static final String k_RUNTEST = "$RUNTEST$"; > 32 private static final String k_TESTCODE = "$TESTCODE$"; > 33 private static final String k_VERSION = "\n// Powered by TZTester 1.0 > 34 > 35 // Cut tags > 36 private static final String k_BEGINCUT = "// BEGIN CUT HERE"; > 37 private static final String k_ENDCUT = "// END CUT HERE"; > 38 > 39 // Problem-related variables > 40 private ProblemComponentModel m_Problem = null; > 41 private Language m_Language = null; > 42 > 43 /** > 44 * PreProcess the source code > 45 * > 46 * First determines if it is saved code, writer code, or nothing and sto > 47 * Secondly builds a main method with default test cases > 48 */ > 49 public String preProcess(String Source, ProblemComponentModel Problem, L > 50 { > 51 // Set defaults for the tags in case we exit out early > 52 m_Tags.put(k_WRITERCODE, ""); > 53 m_Tags.put(k_PROBLEM, ""); > 54 m_Tags.put(k_RUNTEST, "// *** WARNING *** $RUNTEST$ is not su > 55 m_Tags.put(k_TESTCODE, ""); > 56 > 57 // If there is source and the source is NOT equal to the default > 58 if( Source.length()>0 && !Source.equals(Problem.getDefaultSoluti > 59 return Source; > 60 > 61 // Check to see if the component has any signature > 62 if( !Problem.hasSignature() ) > 63 { > 64 m_Tags.put(k_TESTCODE, "// *** WARNING *** Problem has n > 65 return ""; > 66 } > 67 > 68 // Get the test cases > 69 TestCase[] TestCases = Problem.getTestCases(); > 70 > 71 // Check to see if test cases are defined > 72 if( TestCases==null || TestCases.length==0 ) > 73 { > 74 m_Tags.put(k_TESTCODE, "// *** WARNING *** No test cases > 75 return ""; > 76 } > 77 > 78 // Re-initialize the tags > 79 m_Tags.clear(); > 80 m_Tags.put(k_WRITERCODE, Problem.getDefaultSolution()); > 81 try { m_Tags.put(k_PROBLEM, Render.toHTML(m_Language)); } catch > 82 > 83 m_Problem = Problem; > 84 m_Language = Lang; > 85 > 86 // Generate the test cases > 87 generate_test_code(); > 88 return ""; > 89 } > 90 > 91 /** > 92 * This method will cut the test methods above out > 93 */ > 94 public String postProcess(String Source, Language Lang) > 95 { > 96 // Insert a version string > 97 return Source + k_VERSION; > 98 } > 99 > 100 /** > 101 * This method will return my tags. This method is ALWAYS called after > 102 * > 103 * @return a map of my tags > 104 */ > 105 public Map getUserDefinedTags() > 106 { > 107 return m_Tags; > 108 } > 109 > 110 /** > 111 * This method will generate the code for the test cases. > 112 */ > 113 private void generate_test_code() > 114 { > 115 DataType[] ParamTypes = m_Problem.getParamTypes(); > 116 DataType ReturnType = m_Problem.getReturnType(); > 117 TestCase[] Cases = m_Problem.getTestCases(); > 118 StringBuffer Code = new StringBuffer(); > 119 > 120 // <<thanks to naoya_t>> Generate the timer function > 121 Code.append("#include <ctime>\n"); > 122 Code.append("double start_time; string timer()\n"); > 123 Code.append(" { ostringstream os; os << \" (\" << int((clock()-s > 124 > 125 // Generate the vector output function > 126 Code.append("template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& o > 127 Code.append(" { os << \"{ \";\n"); > 128 Code.append(" for(typename vector<T>::const_iterator it=v.begi > 129 Code.append(" os << \'\\\"\' << *it << \'\\\"\' << (it+1==v.en > 130 > 131 // Generate the verification function > 132 generate_verification_code(Code, ReturnType); > 133 > 134 // <<modified by cafelier>> : new test code template > 135 Code.append("#define CASE(N) {cerr << \"Test Case #\" << N << \" > 136 Code.append("#define END "); > 137 generate_verifier_call(Code, ParamTypes, ReturnType, Cases[0]); > 138 Code.append("}\n"); > 139 Code.append("int main(){\n\n"); > 140 > 141 // Generate the individual test cases > 142 for(int i=0; i<Cases.length; ++i) > 143 generate_test_case(i, Code, ParamTypes, ReturnType, Case > 144 for(int i=0; i<2; ++i) > 145 generate_blank_test_case(Cases.length+i, Code, ParamType > 146 Code.append("\n}\n"); > 147 > 148 // Insert the cut tags > 149 Code.insert(0, k_BEGINCUT+"\n"); > 150 Code.append(k_ENDCUT); > 151 > 152 // Replace $TESTCODE$ > 153 m_Tags.put(k_TESTCODE, Code.toString()); > 154 } > 155 > 156 /** > 157 * This method will generate the code for verifying test cases. > 158 */ > 159 private void generate_verification_code(StringBuffer Code, DataType Retu > 160 { > 161 String TypeString = ReturnType.getDescriptor(m_Language); > 162 > 163 // <<modified by cafelier>> : new test code template > 164 Code.append("void verify_case(const " + TypeString + "& Expected > 165 > 166 // Print "PASSED" or "FAILED" based on the result > 167 // <<modified by naoya_t>> : double precision > 168 if (TypeString.equals("double")) { > 169 Code.append(" bool ok = (abs(Expected - Received) < 1e-9 > 170 } else if (TypeString.equals("vector <double>")) { > 171 // <<modified by cafelier>> : vector<double> !!! > 172 Code.append(" bool ok = true;\n"); > 173 Code.append(" for(int i=0; i<Expected.size(); ++i)\n"); > 174 Code.append(" if( abs(Expected[i]-Received[i]) >= 1e-9 > 175 Code.append(" ok = false;\n"); > 176 } else { > 177 Code.append(" bool ok = (Expected == Received);\n"); > 178 } > 179 Code.append(" if(ok) cerr << \"PASSED\" << timer() << endl; "); > 180 Code.append(" else { cerr << \"FAILED\" << timer() << endl;\n ") > 181 > 182 if (ReturnType.getDimension() == 0) > 183 { > 184 Code.append("cerr << \"\\to: \\\"\" << Expected << \'\\\ > 185 Code.append("<< \"\\tx: \\\"\" << Received << \'\\\"\' < > 186 } > 187 else > 188 { > 189 Code.append("cerr << \"\\to: \" << Expected << endl "); > 190 Code.append("<< \"\\tx: \" << Received << endl; }"); > 191 } > 192 > 193 Code.append(" }\n"); > 194 } > 195 > 196 /** > 197 * This method will generate the code for one test case. > 198 */ > 199 private void generate_test_case(int Index, StringBuffer Code, DataType[] > 200 { > 201 String[] Inputs = Case.getInput(); > 202 String Output = Case.getOutput(); > 203 String Desc = ReturnType.getDescription(); > 204 > 205 /* > 206 * Generate code for setting up individual test cases > 207 * and calling the method with these parameters. > 208 */ > 209 > 210 // <<modified by cafelier>> : new test code template > 211 Code.append("CASE("+Index+")\n"); > 212 > 213 // Generate each input variable separately > 214 for (int I = 0; I < Inputs.length; ++I) { > 215 Code.append("\t"); > 216 generate_parameter(I, Code, ParamTypes[I], Inputs[I]); > 217 Code.append("\n"); > 218 } > 219 > 220 // Generate the output variable as the last variable > 221 Code.append("\t"); > 222 generate_parameter(-1, Code, ReturnType, Output); > 223 Code.append("\n"); > 224 Code.append("END\n"); > 225 } > 226 > 227 private void generate_blank_test_case(int Index, StringBuffer Code, Data > 228 { > 229 String[] Inputs = Case.getInput(); > 230 String Output = Case.getOutput(); > 231 String Desc = ReturnType.getDescription(); > 232 > 233 Code.append("CASE("+Index+")\n"); > 234 for (int I = 0; I < Inputs.length; ++I) { > 235 Code.append("\t"); > 236 generate_parameter(I, Code, ParamTypes[I], ""); > 237 Code.append("\n"); > 238 } > 239 Code.append("\t"); > 240 generate_parameter(-1, Code, ReturnType, ""); > 241 Code.append("\n"); > 242 Code.append("END\n"); > 243 } > 244 > 245 private void generate_verifier_call(StringBuffer Code, DataType[] ParamT > 246 { > 247 String[] Inputs = Case.getInput(); > 248 String Output = Case.getOutput(); > 249 String Desc = ReturnType.getDescription(); > 250 > 251 Code.append("verify_case(_, " > 252 + m_Problem.getClassName() + "()." + m_Problem.getMethodName() > 253 for(int i=0; i<Inputs.length; ++i) > 254 { > 255 Code.append( m_Problem.getParamNames()[i] ); > 256 if( i < Inputs.length-1 ) > 257 Code.append(", "); > 258 } > 259 Code.append("));"); > 260 } > 261 > 262 /** > 263 * This method will generate the required parameter as a unique variable > 264 */ > 265 private void generate_parameter(int Index, StringBuffer Code, DataType P > 266 { > 267 // <<modified by cafelier>> : named parameters > 268 String Name = (Index==-1 ? "_" : m_Problem.getParamNames()[Index > 269 > 270 String Desc = ParamType.getBaseName(); > 271 > 272 if (ParamType.getDimension() == 0) > 273 { > 274 // Just a scalar value, simply initialize it at declarat > 275 if (Desc.equals("long") || Desc.equals("Long")) > 276 Code.append(ParamType.getDescriptor(m_Language) > 277 else > 278 Code.append(ParamType.getDescriptor(m_Language) > 279 } > 280 else > 281 { > 282 // <<modified by cafelier>> : empty array > 283 if( Input.matches("^[\\s\\{\\}]+$") ) > 284 { > 285 Code.append(ParamType.getDescriptor(m_Language) > 286 } > 287 else > 288 { > 289 // Arrays need to be converted to vector<type> b > 290 Code.append(ParamType.getBaseName().toLowerCase( > 291 Code.append(" "+ParamType.getDescriptor(m_Langu > 292 } > 293 } > 294 } > 295 }