Check-in [4e41a11c38]
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SHA1 Hash:4e41a11c3852de0a0d6bcd97ea14a1c919b8b275
Date: 2011-06-18 15:53:46
User: kinaba
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Tags And Properties

Added SRM/509-U/1A.cpp version [712b40dbdb712dc9]

1 +#include <iostream> 2 +#include <sstream> 3 +#include <iomanip> 4 +#include <vector> 5 +#include <string> 6 +#include <map> 7 +#include <set> 8 +#include <algorithm> 9 +#include <numeric> 10 +#include <iterator> 11 +#include <functional> 12 +#include <complex> 13 +#include <queue> 14 +#include <stack> 15 +#include <cmath> 16 +#include <cassert> 17 +#include <cstring> 18 +using namespace std; 19 +typedef long long LL; 20 +typedef complex<double> CMP; 21 + 22 +class LuckyRemainder { public: 23 + int getLuckyRemainder(string X) 24 + { 25 + int sum = 0; 26 + int N = X.size()-1; 27 + for(int i=0; i<X.size(); ++i) 28 + { 29 + int v = X[i]-'0'; 30 + for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) 31 + v = (v*2)%9; 32 + sum = (sum+v)%9; 33 + } 34 + return sum; 35 + } 36 +}; 37 + 38 +// BEGIN CUT HERE 39 +#include <ctime> 40 +double start_time; string timer() 41 + { ostringstream os; os << " (" << int((clock()-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000) << " msec)"; return os.str(); } 42 +template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) 43 + { os << "{ "; 44 + for(typename vector<T>::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it) 45 + os << '\"' << *it << '\"' << (it+1==v.end() ? "" : ", "); os << " }"; return os; } 46 +void verify_case(const int& Expected, const int& Received) { 47 + bool ok = (Expected == Received); 48 + if(ok) cerr << "PASSED" << timer() << endl; else { cerr << "FAILED" << timer() << endl; 49 + cerr << "\to: \"" << Expected << '\"' << endl << "\tx: \"" << Received << '\"' << endl; } } 50 +#define CASE(N) {cerr << "Test Case #" << N << "..." << flush; start_time=clock(); 51 +#define END verify_case(_, LuckyRemainder().getLuckyRemainder(X));} 52 +int main(){ 53 + 54 +CASE(0) 55 + string X = "123"; 56 + int _ = 6; 57 +END 58 +CASE(1) 59 + string X = "24816"; 60 + int _ = 3; 61 +END 62 +CASE(2) 63 + string X = "8"; 64 + int _ = 8; 65 +END 66 +CASE(3) 67 + string X = "11235813213455"; 68 + int _ = 7; 69 +END 70 +CASE(4) 71 + string X = "1"; 72 + int _ = 1; 73 +END 74 +CASE(4) 75 + string X = "4"; 76 + int _ = 4; 77 +END 78 +CASE(4) 79 + string X = "9"; 80 + int _ = 0; 81 +END 82 +/* 83 +CASE(5) 84 + string X = ; 85 + int _ = ; 86 +END 87 + */ 88 +} 89 +// END CUT HERE

Added SRM/509-U/1B.cpp version [665b46c2c4b5b562]

1 +#include <iostream> 2 +#include <sstream> 3 +#include <iomanip> 4 +#include <vector> 5 +#include <string> 6 +#include <map> 7 +#include <set> 8 +#include <algorithm> 9 +#include <numeric> 10 +#include <iterator> 11 +#include <functional> 12 +#include <complex> 13 +#include <queue> 14 +#include <stack> 15 +#include <cmath> 16 +#include <cassert> 17 +#include <cstring> 18 +using namespace std; 19 +typedef long long LL; 20 +typedef complex<double> CMP; 21 + 22 +class PalindromizationDiv1 { public: 23 + static const int INF = 0x3fffffff; 24 + static const int NOLETTER = 26; 25 + 26 + int getMinimumCost(string word, vector <string> operations) 27 + { 28 + // Cost for changing a character to another 29 + int cost[27][27]; 30 + for(int a=0; a<27; ++a) 31 + for(int b=0; b<27; ++b) 32 + cost[a][b] = (a==b ? 0 : INF); 33 + 34 + for(size_t i=0; i<operations.size(); ++i) 35 + { 36 + stringstream cin(operations[i]); 37 + string cmd; cin >> cmd; 38 + 39 + char a, b; int c; 40 + if( cmd == "add" ) { cin >> a >> c; cost[NOLETTER][ a - 'a'] = c; } 41 + if( cmd == "erase" ) { cin >> a >> c; cost[ a - 'a'][NOLETTER] = c; } 42 + if( cmd == "change" ){ cin >> a >> b >> c; cost[ a - 'a'][ b - 'a'] = c; } 43 + } 44 + 45 + // Warshall-Floyd 46 + for(int k=0; k<27; ++k) 47 + for(int i=0; i<27; ++i) 48 + for(int j=0; j<27; ++j) 49 + cost[i][j] = min(cost[i][j], cost[i][k]+cost[k][j]); 50 + 51 + // Cost for matching two letters 52 + int match_cost[27][27]; 53 + for(int i=0; i<27; ++i) 54 + for(int j=0; j<27; ++j) 55 + { 56 + match_cost[i][j] = INF; 57 + for(int k=0; k<27; ++k) 58 + match_cost[i][j] = min(match_cost[i][j], cost[i][k]+cost[j][k]); 59 + } 60 + 61 + // Solve 62 + memo.clear(); 63 + int r = rec(match_cost, word, 0, word.size()-1); 64 + return (r>=INF ? -1 : r); 65 + } 66 + 67 + map<pair<int,int>,int> memo; 68 + int rec(const int mc[27][27], const string& w, int s, int e) 69 + { 70 + // Base case 71 + if( s >= e ) 72 + return 0; 73 + 74 + // Memoizaion 75 + const pair<int,int> key(s, e); 76 + if( memo.count(key) ) 77 + return memo[key]; 78 + 79 + // take best 80 + int result = INF; 81 + result = min(result, rec(mc, w, s+1, e-1)+mc[w[s]-'a'][w[e]-'a']); 82 + result = min(result, rec(mc, w, s, e-1)+mc[NOLETTER][w[e]-'a']); 83 + result = min(result, rec(mc, w, s+1, e )+mc[w[s]-'a'][NOLETTER]); 84 + return memo[key] = result; 85 + } 86 +}; 87 + 88 +// BEGIN CUT HERE 89 +#include <ctime> 90 +double start_time; string timer() 91 + { ostringstream os; os << " (" << int((clock()-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000) << " msec)"; return os.str(); } 92 +template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) 93 + { os << "{ "; 94 + for(typename vector<T>::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it) 95 + os << '\"' << *it << '\"' << (it+1==v.end() ? "" : ", "); os << " }"; return os; } 96 +void verify_case(const int& Expected, const int& Received) { 97 + bool ok = (Expected == Received); 98 + if(ok) cerr << "PASSED" << timer() << endl; else { cerr << "FAILED" << timer() << endl; 99 + cerr << "\to: \"" << Expected << '\"' << endl << "\tx: \"" << Received << '\"' << endl; } } 100 +#define CASE(N) {cerr << "Test Case #" << N << "..." << flush; start_time=clock(); 101 +#define END verify_case(_, PalindromizationDiv1().getMinimumCost(word, operations));} 102 +int main(){ 103 + 104 +CASE(0) 105 + string word = "racecar"; 106 + vector <string> operations; 107 + int _ = 0; 108 +END 109 +CASE(1) 110 + string word = "topcoder"; 111 + string operations_[] = {"erase t 1", "erase o 1", "erase p 1", "erase c 1", "erase d 1", "erase e 1", "erase r 1"}; 112 + vector <string> operations(operations_, operations_+sizeof(operations_)/sizeof(*operations_)); 113 + int _ = 5; 114 +END 115 +CASE(2) 116 + string word = "topcoder"; 117 + string operations_[] = {"erase t 10", "erase o 1", "erase p 1", "erase c 1", "erase d 1", "erase e 1", "erase r 1"}; 118 + vector <string> operations(operations_, operations_+sizeof(operations_)/sizeof(*operations_)); 119 + int _ = 7; 120 +END 121 +CASE(3) 122 + string word = "caaaaaab"; 123 + string operations_[] = {"change b a 100000", "change c a 100000", "change c d 50000", "change b e 50000", "erase d 50000", "erase e 49999"}; 124 + vector <string> operations(operations_, operations_+sizeof(operations_)/sizeof(*operations_)); 125 + int _ = 199999; 126 +END 127 +CASE(4) 128 + string word = "moon"; 129 + string operations_[] = {"erase o 5", "add u 7", "change d p 3", "change m s 12", "change n d 6", "change s l 1"}; 130 + vector <string> operations(operations_, operations_+sizeof(operations_)/sizeof(*operations_)); 131 + int _ = -1; 132 +END 133 +CASE(5) 134 + string word = "a"; 135 + vector <string> operations; 136 + int _ = 0; 137 +END 138 +CASE(6) // killer! 139 + string word = "az"; 140 + string operations_[] = {"add u 1", "change u b 100", "change a b 2"}; 141 + vector <string> operations(operations_, operations_+sizeof(operations_)/sizeof(*operations_)); 142 + int _ = 103; 143 +END 144 +CASE(7) // killer! 145 + string word = "az"; 146 + string operations_[] = {"add b 1", "change a b 1"}; 147 + vector <string> operations(operations_, operations_+sizeof(operations_)/sizeof(*operations_)); 148 + int _ = 2; 149 +END 150 +} 151 +// END CUT HERE