Check-in [4a28d1c3b1]
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SHA1 Hash:4a28d1c3b15f02ebe2fa9a9d80a4c51427e046ad
Date: 2015-02-18 00:16:16
User: kinaba
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Tags And Properties

Added SRM/649-U/1A.cpp version [824929308b649ea7]

1 +#include <iostream> 2 +#include <sstream> 3 +#include <iomanip> 4 +#include <vector> 5 +#include <string> 6 +#include <map> 7 +#include <set> 8 +#include <algorithm> 9 +#include <numeric> 10 +#include <iterator> 11 +#include <functional> 12 +#include <complex> 13 +#include <queue> 14 +#include <stack> 15 +#include <cmath> 16 +#include <cassert> 17 +#include <tuple> 18 +using namespace std; 19 +typedef long long LL; 20 +typedef complex<double> CMP; 21 + 22 +class Decipherability { public: 23 + string check(string s, int K) 24 + { 25 + return has_unique_ans(s, s.size()-K) ? "Certain" : "Uncertain"; 26 + } 27 + 28 + bool has_unique_ans(const string& s, int R) 29 + { 30 + if(R == 0) 31 + return true; 32 + 33 + for(int a=0; a<s.size(); ++a) 34 + for(int b=a+1; b<s.size(); ++b) if(s[a] == s[b]) { 35 + if(a + 1 + (s.size()-b-1) >= R) 36 + return false; 37 + } 38 + return true; 39 + } 40 +}; 41 + 42 +// BEGIN CUT HERE 43 +#include <ctime> 44 +double start_time; string timer() 45 + { ostringstream os; os << " (" << int((clock()-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000) << " msec)"; return os.str(); } 46 +template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) 47 + { os << "{ "; 48 + for(typename vector<T>::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it) 49 + os << '\"' << *it << '\"' << (it+1==v.end() ? "" : ", "); os << " }"; return os; } 50 +void verify_case(const string& Expected, const string& Received) { 51 + bool ok = (Expected == Received); 52 + if(ok) cerr << "PASSED" << timer() << endl; else { cerr << "FAILED" << timer() << endl; 53 + cerr << "\to: \"" << Expected << '\"' << endl << "\tx: \"" << Received << '\"' << endl; } } 54 +#define CASE(N) {cerr << "Test Case #" << N << "..." << flush; start_time=clock(); 55 +#define END verify_case(_, Decipherability().check(s, K));} 56 +int main(){ 57 + 58 +CASE(0) 59 + string s = "snuke"; 60 + int K = 2; 61 + string _ = "Certain"; 62 +END 63 +CASE(1) 64 + string s = "aba"; 65 + int K = 1; 66 + string _ = "Certain"; 67 +END 68 +CASE(2) 69 + string s = "aba"; 70 + int K = 2; 71 + string _ = "Uncertain"; 72 +END 73 +CASE(3) 74 + string s = "abcdabcd"; 75 + int K = 3; 76 + string _ = "Certain"; 77 +END 78 +CASE(4) 79 + string s = "koukyoukoukokukikou"; 80 + int K = 2; 81 + string _ = "Uncertain"; 82 +END 83 +CASE(5) 84 + string s = "wolfsothe"; 85 + int K = 8; 86 + string _ = "Uncertain"; 87 +END 88 +CASE(6) 89 + string s = "aa"; 90 + int K = 2; 91 + string _ = "Certain"; 92 +END 93 +/* 94 +CASE(7) 95 + string s = ; 96 + int K = ; 97 + string _ = ; 98 +END 99 +CASE(8) 100 + string s = ; 101 + int K = ; 102 + string _ = ; 103 +END 104 +*/ 105 +} 106 +// END CUT HERE

Added SRM/649-U/1B.cpp version [19b2bb7588a58abf]

1 +#include <iostream> 2 +#include <sstream> 3 +#include <iomanip> 4 +#include <vector> 5 +#include <string> 6 +#include <map> 7 +#include <set> 8 +#include <algorithm> 9 +#include <numeric> 10 +#include <iterator> 11 +#include <functional> 12 +#include <complex> 13 +#include <queue> 14 +#include <stack> 15 +#include <cmath> 16 +#include <cassert> 17 +#include <tuple> 18 +using namespace std; 19 +typedef long long LL; 20 +typedef complex<double> CMP; 21 + 22 +class XorSequence { public: 23 + long long getmax(int N, int sz, int A0, int A1, int P, int Q, int R) 24 + { 25 + vector<int> A(sz); 26 + A[0] = A0; 27 + A[1] = A1; 28 + for(int i=2; i<sz; i++) 29 + A[i] = int((A[i-2]*LL(P) + A[i-1]*LL(Q) + R) % N); 30 + 31 + int LN = 1; 32 + while((1<<LN) != N) ++LN; 33 + 34 + return solve(LN, A); 35 + } 36 + 37 + LL solve(int LN, const vector<int>& A) 38 + { 39 + LL total = 0; 40 + 41 + vector<vector<int>> Sec(1, A); 42 + for(int Bit=LN-1; Bit>=0; --Bit) { 43 + vector<vector<int>> Next_Sec; 44 + 45 + LL p01=0, p10=0; 46 + for(vector<int>& A: Sec) { 47 + vector<int> A0, A1; 48 + LL n0=0, n1=0; 49 + for(int i=0; i<A.size(); ++i) { 50 + if((1<<Bit)&A[i]) { 51 + p01 += n0; 52 + ++n1; 53 + A1.push_back(A[i]); 54 + } else { 55 + p10 += n1; 56 + ++n0; 57 + A0.push_back(A[i]); 58 + } 59 + } 60 + if(Bit) { 61 + if(!A0.empty())Next_Sec.emplace_back(std::move(A0)); 62 + if(!A1.empty())Next_Sec.emplace_back(std::move(A1)); 63 + } 64 + } 65 + Sec.swap(Next_Sec); 66 + 67 + total += max(p01, p10); 68 + } 69 + return total; 70 + } 71 +}; 72 + 73 +// BEGIN CUT HERE 74 +#include <ctime> 75 +double start_time; string timer() 76 + { ostringstream os; os << " (" << int((clock()-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000) << " msec)"; return os.str(); } 77 +template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) 78 + { os << "{ "; 79 + for(typename vector<T>::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it) 80 + os << '\"' << *it << '\"' << (it+1==v.end() ? "" : ", "); os << " }"; return os; } 81 +void verify_case(const long long& Expected, const long long& Received) { 82 + bool ok = (Expected == Received); 83 + if(ok) cerr << "PASSED" << timer() << endl; else { cerr << "FAILED" << timer() << endl; 84 + cerr << "\to: \"" << Expected << '\"' << endl << "\tx: \"" << Received << '\"' << endl; } } 85 +#define CASE(N) {cerr << "Test Case #" << N << "..." << flush; start_time=clock(); 86 +#define END verify_case(_, XorSequence().getmax(N, sz, A0, A1, P, Q, R));} 87 +int main(){ 88 + 89 +CASE(0) 90 + int N = 4; 91 + int sz = 6; 92 + int A0 = 3; 93 + int A1 = 2; 94 + int P = 0; 95 + int Q = 1; 96 + int R = 3; 97 + long long _ = 8LL; 98 +END 99 +CASE(1) 100 + int N = 8; 101 + int sz = 8; 102 + int A0 = 2; 103 + int A1 = 5; 104 + int P = 3; 105 + int Q = 1; 106 + int R = 4; 107 + long long _ = 13LL; 108 +END 109 +CASE(2) 110 + int N = 8; 111 + int sz = 7; 112 + int A0 = 3; 113 + int A1 = 0; 114 + int P = 1; 115 + int Q = 2; 116 + int R = 4; 117 + long long _ = 12LL; 118 +END 119 +CASE(3) 120 + int N = 32; 121 + int sz = 15; 122 + int A0 = 7; 123 + int A1 = 9; 124 + int P = 11; 125 + int Q = 2; 126 + int R = 1; 127 + long long _ = 60LL; 128 +END 129 +CASE(4) 130 + int N = 131072; 131 + int sz = 131072; 132 + int A0 = 7; 133 + int A1 = 7; 134 + int P = 1; 135 + int Q = 0; 136 + int R = 0; 137 + long long _ = 0LL; 138 +END 139 +CASE(5) 140 + int N = 131072; 141 + int sz = 131070; 142 + int A0 = 411; 143 + int A1 = 415; 144 + int P = 398; 145 + int Q = 463; 146 + int R = 9191; 147 + long long _ = 4302679760LL; 148 +END 149 +/* 150 +CASE(6) 151 + int N = ; 152 + int sz = ; 153 + int A0 = ; 154 + int A1 = ; 155 + int P = ; 156 + int Q = ; 157 + int R = ; 158 + long long _ = LL; 159 +END 160 +CASE(7) 161 + int N = ; 162 + int sz = ; 163 + int A0 = ; 164 + int A1 = ; 165 + int P = ; 166 + int Q = ; 167 + int R = ; 168 + long long _ = LL; 169 +END 170 +*/ 171 +} 172 +// END CUT HERE

Added SRM/649-U/1C-U.cpp version [62008e3877180504]

1 +#include <iostream> 2 +#include <sstream> 3 +#include <iomanip> 4 +#include <vector> 5 +#include <string> 6 +#include <map> 7 +#include <set> 8 +#include <algorithm> 9 +#include <numeric> 10 +#include <iterator> 11 +#include <functional> 12 +#include <complex> 13 +#include <queue> 14 +#include <stack> 15 +#include <cmath> 16 +#include <cassert> 17 +#include <tuple> 18 +using namespace std; 19 +typedef long long LL; 20 +typedef complex<double> CMP; 21 + 22 +class CartInSupermarket { public: 23 + int calcmin(vector <int> a, int b) 24 + { 25 + int L=0, R=*max_element(a.begin(), a.end()); // can do in (L,R] minutes 26 + while(R-L>1) { 27 + int C = (L+R)/2; 28 + (can(a,b,C) ? R : L) = C; 29 + } 30 + return R; 31 + } 32 + 33 + bool can(vector<int> a, int b, int C) { 34 + int sp = 0; 35 + for(auto ai: a) { 36 + int spx; 37 + if(!need_split(ai, C, &spx)) 38 + return false; 39 + sp += spx; 40 + } 41 + return sp <= b; 42 + } 43 + 44 + // Can we process A in C minutes? If so, return minimal necessary split to *spx. 45 + bool need_split(int A, int C, int* spx) { 46 + LL preM = 0; 47 + for(int b=max(0,A/C-1) ;; ++b) { 48 + LL M = cover(C, b); 49 + if(M <= preM) 50 + return false; 51 + preM = M; 52 + if(A<=M) { 53 + *spx = b; 54 + return true; 55 + } 56 + } 57 + } 58 + 59 + // C minutes, b splits. How many we can cover. 60 + LL cover(int C, int b) { 61 + vector<pair<int,int>> stock(1, make_pair(C,1)); 62 + while(b) { 63 + if(b>=stock[0].second) { 64 + b -= stock[0].second; 65 + stock[0] = make_pair(stock[0].first-1, stock[0].second*2); 66 + } else { 67 + stock[0].second -= b; 68 + stock.emplace_back(stock[0].first-1, b*2); 69 + break; 70 + } 71 + } 72 + 73 + LL ans = 0; 74 + for(auto cn: stock) { 75 + if(cn.first<=0) 76 + return -1; 77 + ans += LL(cn.first)*cn.second; 78 + } 79 + return ans; 80 + } 81 +}; 82 + 83 +// BEGIN CUT HERE 84 +#include <ctime> 85 +double start_time; string timer() 86 + { ostringstream os; os << " (" << int((clock()-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000) << " msec)"; return os.str(); } 87 +template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) 88 + { os << "{ "; 89 + for(typename vector<T>::const_iterator it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it) 90 + os << '\"' << *it << '\"' << (it+1==v.end() ? "" : ", "); os << " }"; return os; } 91 +void verify_case(const int& Expected, const int& Received) { 92 + bool ok = (Expected == Received); 93 + if(ok) cerr << "PASSED" << timer() << endl; else { cerr << "FAILED" << timer() << endl; 94 + cerr << "\to: \"" << Expected << '\"' << endl << "\tx: \"" << Received << '\"' << endl; } } 95 +#define CASE(N) {cerr << "Test Case #" << N << "..." << flush; start_time=clock(); 96 +#define END verify_case(_, CartInSupermarket().calcmin(a, b));} 97 +int main(){ 98 + 99 +CASE(0) 100 + int a_[] = {8}; 101 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 102 + int b = 3; 103 + int _ = 4; 104 +END 105 +CASE(1) 106 + int a_[] = {6,6,5}; 107 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 108 + int b = 3; 109 + int _ = 4; 110 +END 111 +CASE(2) 112 + int a_[] = {12,5,6,2,6,8}; 113 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 114 + int b = 4; 115 + int _ = 6; 116 +END 117 +CASE(3) 118 + int a_[] = {15,20,11,13,18,24,25,21,22,10,15,14,19}; 119 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 120 + int b = 0; 121 + int _ = 25; 122 +END 123 +CASE(4) 124 + int a_[] = {671122748,846444748,84701624,608579554,672060899,967957440,31438849,734849843,376589643,904285209 125 +,80693344,211737743,85405464,444633541,293184188,935462519,146753109,972886045,496631016,601669536 126 +,257574086,958464570,6294570,546189534,668105964,601197313,784337929,921840143,70408284,722040626 127 +,253400894,56411549,811940644,152086353,122638884,776352066,118932182,177589709,538122558,127914469 128 +,523761221,290027568,734517444,819458123,699130727,784698122,810265337,283326309,593596316,368671876}; 129 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 130 + int b = 6478; 131 + int _ = 3805054; 132 +END 133 +CASE(5) 134 + int a_[] = {977827843, 601538780, 476956916, 821358251, 646377015, 479421294, 631863623, 446866211, 147800371, 777376159, 997915782, 317155640, 611683333, 461303085, 473215018, 363166652, 39746841, 109934430, 391345044, 41220128, 379970887, 445787345, 801764390, 886145854, 494435459, 974163022, 126739284, 708338618, 775199509, 378383243, 928615727, 606884963}; 135 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 136 + int b = 278304610; 137 + int _ = -1; 138 +END 139 + 140 +/* 141 +CASE(6) 142 + int a_[] = ; 143 + vector <int> a(a_, a_+sizeof(a_)/sizeof(*a_)); 144 + int b = ; 145 + int _ = ; 146 +END 147 +*/ 148 +} 149 +// END CUT HERE