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Artifact aeb9a52588e83f01ff7727a3f63b0b6170b5d0b0

// Dinic's Algorithm
//   O(V E)
// G : bidirectional (G[i].has(j) <==> G[j].has(i))
// F : flow-capacity F[i][j] = Capacity, F[j][i] = 0
// Verified by
//   - SRM 399 Div1 LV3
//   - PKU 1459
//   - CodeCraft 09 CUTS
//   - SRM 465 Div1 LV2
//   - SRM 543 Div1 LV3

template<typename T>
class IdGen
	map<T, int> v2id_;
	vector<T>   id2v_;
	int v2id(const T& v) {
		if( !v2id_.count(v) ) { v2id_[v] = size(); id2v_.push_back(v); }
		return v2id_[v];
	const T& id2v(int i) const { return id2v_[i]; }
	int size() const { return id2v_.size(); }

template<typename Vert, typename Flow, int NV=2048>
class MaxFlow
	IdGen<Vert> idgen;
	vector<int> G[NV];
	Flow F[NV][NV];

	void addEdge( Vert s_, Vert t_, Flow f )
		const int s = idgen.v2id(s_), t = idgen.v2id(t_);
		F[s][t] = f;
		F[t][s] = 0;

	Flow calc( Vert s_, Vert t_ )
		const int S = idgen.v2id(s_), D = idgen.v2id(t_);
		for( Flow total=0 ;; ) {
			// Do BFS and compute the level for each node.
			int LV[NV] = {0};
			vector<int> Q(1, S);
			for(int lv=1; !Q.empty(); ++lv) {
				vector<int> Q2;
				for(size_t i=0; i!=Q.size(); ++i) {
					const vector<int>& ne = G[Q[i]];
					for(size_t j=0; j!=ne.size(); ++j)
						if( F[Q[i]][ne[j]] && !LV[ne[j]] && ne[j]!=S )
							LV[ne[j]]=lv, Q2.push_back(ne[j]);

			// Destination is now unreachable. Done.
			if( !LV[D] )
				return total;

			// Iterating DFS.
			bool blocked[NV] = {};
			total += dinic_dfs( S, D, LV, 0x7fffffff, blocked );

	Flow dinic_dfs( int v, int D, int LV[], Flow flow_in, bool blocked[] )
		Flow flow_out = 0;
		for(size_t i=0; i!=G[v].size(); ++i) {
			int u = G[v][i];
			if( LV[v]+1==LV[u] && F[v][u] ) {
				Flow f = min(flow_in-flow_out, F[v][u]);
				if( u==D || !blocked[u] && (f=dinic_dfs(u,D,LV,f,blocked))>0 ) {
					F[v][u]  -= f;
					F[u][v]  += f;
					flow_out += f;
					if( flow_in == flow_out ) return flow_out;
		blocked[v] = (flow_out==0);
		return flow_out;