Artifact d951e56f7ba4f7799f5806ed81fb7c34b96fbc90
- File
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
The problem was __gshared. Replacing it with TLS fixed the issue. Remaining problem is that "hack.d"'s CloseHandle hack is not working anymore.
(user: kinaba) [annotate]
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
/***********************************************************************\ * ras.d * * * * Windows API header module * * * * Translated from MinGW Windows headers * * * * Placed into public domain * \***********************************************************************/ module win32.ras; pragma(lib, "rasapi32"); private import win32.basetyps, win32.lmcons, win32.w32api, win32.windef; align(4): const RAS_MaxDeviceType = 16; const RAS_MaxPhoneNumber = 128; const RAS_MaxIpAddress = 15; const RAS_MaxIpxAddress = 21; const RAS_MaxEntryName = 256; const RAS_MaxDeviceName = 128; const RAS_MaxCallbackNumber = RAS_MaxPhoneNumber; const RAS_MaxAreaCode = 10; const RAS_MaxPadType = 32; const RAS_MaxX25Address = 200; const RAS_MaxFacilities = 200; const RAS_MaxUserData = 200; const RAS_MaxReplyMessage = 1024; const RDEOPT_UsePrefixSuffix = 0x00000001; const RDEOPT_PausedStates = 0x00000002; const RDEOPT_IgnoreModemSpeaker = 0x00000004; const RDEOPT_SetModemSpeaker = 0x00000008; const RDEOPT_IgnoreSoftwareCompression = 0x00000010; const RDEOPT_SetSoftwareCompression = 0x00000020; const RDEOPT_DisableConnectedUI = 0x00000040; const RDEOPT_DisableReconnectUI = 0x00000080; const RDEOPT_DisableReconnect = 0x00000100; const RDEOPT_NoUser = 0x00000200; const RDEOPT_PauseOnScript = 0x00000400; const RDEOPT_Router = 0x00000800; const REN_User = 0x00000000; const REN_AllUsers = 0x00000001; const VS_Default = 0; const VS_PptpOnly = 1; const VS_PptpFirst = 2; const VS_L2tpOnly = 3; const VS_L2tpFirst = 4; const RASDIALEVENT = "RasDialEvent"; const WM_RASDIALEVENT = 0xCCCD; const RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes = 0x00000001; const RASEO_SpecificIpAddr = 0x00000002; const RASEO_SpecificNameServers = 0x00000004; const RASEO_IpHeaderCompression = 0x00000008; const RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway = 0x00000010; const RASEO_DisableLcpExtensions = 0x00000020; const RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial = 0x00000040; const RASEO_TerminalAfterDial = 0x00000080; const RASEO_ModemLights = 0x00000100; const RASEO_SwCompression = 0x00000200; const RASEO_RequireEncryptedPw = 0x00000400; const RASEO_RequireMsEncryptedPw = 0x00000800; const RASEO_RequireDataEncryption = 0x00001000; const RASEO_NetworkLogon = 0x00002000; const RASEO_UseLogonCredentials = 0x00004000; const RASEO_PromoteAlternates = 0x00008000; const RASNP_NetBEUI = 0x00000001; const RASNP_Ipx = 0x00000002; const RASNP_Ip = 0x00000004; const RASFP_Ppp = 0x00000001; const RASFP_Slip = 0x00000002; const RASFP_Ras = 0x00000004; const TCHAR[] RASDT_Modem = "modem", RASDT_Isdn = "isdn", RASDT_X25 = "x25", RASDT_Vpn = "vpn", RASDT_Pad = "pad", RASDT_Generic = "GENERIC", RASDT_Serial = "SERIAL", RASDT_FrameRelay = "FRAMERELAY", RASDT_Atm = "ATM", RASDT_Sonet = "SONET", RASDT_SW56 = "SW56", RASDT_Irda = "IRDA", RASDT_Parallel = "PARALLEL"; const RASET_Phone = 1; const RASET_Vpn = 2; const RASET_Direct = 3; const RASET_Internet = 4; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { const RASEO_SecureLocalFiles = 0x00010000; const RASCN_Connection = 0x00000001; const RASCN_Disconnection = 0x00000002; const RASCN_BandwidthAdded = 0x00000004; const RASCN_BandwidthRemoved = 0x00000008; const RASEDM_DialAll = 1; const RASEDM_DialAsNeeded = 2; const RASIDS_Disabled = 0xffffffff; const RASIDS_UseGlobalValue = 0; const RASADFLG_PositionDlg = 0x00000001; const RASCM_UserName = 0x00000001; const RASCM_Password = 0x00000002; const RASCM_Domain = 0x00000004; const RASADP_DisableConnectionQuery = 0; const RASADP_LoginSessionDisable = 1; const RASADP_SavedAddressesLimit = 2; const RASADP_FailedConnectionTimeout = 3; const RASADP_ConnectionQueryTimeout = 4; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { const RDEOPT_CustomDial = 0x00001000; const RASLCPAP_PAP = 0xC023; const RASLCPAP_SPAP = 0xC027; const RASLCPAP_CHAP = 0xC223; const RASLCPAP_EAP = 0xC227; const RASLCPAD_CHAP_MD5 = 0x05; const RASLCPAD_CHAP_MS = 0x80; const RASLCPAD_CHAP_MSV2 = 0x81; const RASLCPO_PFC = 0x00000001; const RASLCPO_ACFC = 0x00000002; const RASLCPO_SSHF = 0x00000004; const RASLCPO_DES_56 = 0x00000008; const RASLCPO_3_DES = 0x00000010; const RASCCPCA_MPPC = 0x00000006; const RASCCPCA_STAC = 0x00000005; const RASCCPO_Compression = 0x00000001; const RASCCPO_HistoryLess = 0x00000002; const RASCCPO_Encryption56bit = 0x00000010; const RASCCPO_Encryption40bit = 0x00000020; const RASCCPO_Encryption128bit = 0x00000040; const RASEO_RequireEAP = 0x00020000; const RASEO_RequirePAP = 0x00040000; const RASEO_RequireSPAP = 0x00080000; const RASEO_Custom = 0x00100000; const RASEO_PreviewPhoneNumber = 0x00200000; const RASEO_SharedPhoneNumbers = 0x00800000; const RASEO_PreviewUserPw = 0x01000000; const RASEO_PreviewDomain = 0x02000000; const RASEO_ShowDialingProgress = 0x04000000; const RASEO_RequireCHAP = 0x08000000; const RASEO_RequireMsCHAP = 0x10000000; const RASEO_RequireMsCHAP2 = 0x20000000; const RASEO_RequireW95MSCHAP = 0x40000000; const RASEO_CustomScript = 0x80000000; const RASIPO_VJ = 0x00000001; const RCD_SingleUser = 0; const RCD_AllUsers = 0x00000001; const RCD_Eap = 0x00000002; const RASEAPF_NonInteractive = 0x00000002; const RASEAPF_Logon = 0x00000004; const RASEAPF_Preview = 0x00000008; const ET_40Bit = 1; const ET_128Bit = 2; const ET_None = 0; const ET_Require = 1; const ET_RequireMax = 2; const ET_Optional = 3; } const RASCS_PAUSED = 0x1000; const RASCS_DONE = 0x2000; enum RASCONNSTATE { RASCS_OpenPort = 0, RASCS_PortOpened, RASCS_ConnectDevice, RASCS_DeviceConnected, RASCS_AllDevicesConnected, RASCS_Authenticate, RASCS_AuthNotify, RASCS_AuthRetry, RASCS_AuthCallback, RASCS_AuthChangePassword, RASCS_AuthProject, RASCS_AuthLinkSpeed, RASCS_AuthAck, RASCS_ReAuthenticate, RASCS_Authenticated, RASCS_PrepareForCallback, RASCS_WaitForModemReset, RASCS_WaitForCallback, RASCS_Projected, RASCS_StartAuthentication, RASCS_CallbackComplete, RASCS_LogonNetwork, RASCS_SubEntryConnected, RASCS_SubEntryDisconnected, RASCS_Interactive = RASCS_PAUSED, RASCS_RetryAuthentication, RASCS_CallbackSetByCaller, RASCS_PasswordExpired, // static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { RASCS_InvokeEapUI, // } RASCS_Connected = RASCS_DONE, RASCS_Disconnected } alias RASCONNSTATE* LPRASCONNSTATE; enum RASPROJECTION { RASP_Amb = 0x10000, RASP_PppNbf = 0x803F, RASP_PppIpx = 0x802B, RASP_PppIp = 0x8021, // static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { RASP_PppCcp = 0x80FD, // } RASP_PppLcp = 0xC021, RASP_Slip = 0x20000 } alias RASPROJECTION* LPRASPROJECTION; alias TypeDef!(HANDLE) HRASCONN; alias HRASCONN* LPHRASCONN; struct RASCONNW { DWORD dwSize; HRASCONN hrasconn; WCHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntryName; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { WCHAR[MAX_PATH] szPhonebook; DWORD dwSubEntry; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { GUID guidEntry; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) { DWORD dwFlags; LUID luid; } } alias RASCONNW* LPRASCONNW; struct RASCONNA { DWORD dwSize; HRASCONN hrasconn; CHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntryName; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { CHAR[MAX_PATH] szPhonebook; DWORD dwSubEntry; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { GUID guidEntry; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) { DWORD dwFlags; LUID luid; } } alias RASCONNA* LPRASCONNA; struct RASCONNSTATUSW { DWORD dwSize; RASCONNSTATE rasconnstate; DWORD dwError; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { WCHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szPhoneNumber; } } alias RASCONNSTATUSW* LPRASCONNSTATUSW; struct RASCONNSTATUSA { DWORD dwSize; RASCONNSTATE rasconnstate; DWORD dwError; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { CHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szPhoneNumber; } } alias RASCONNSTATUSA* LPRASCONNSTATUSA; struct RASDIALPARAMSW { DWORD dwSize; WCHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntryName; WCHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szPhoneNumber; WCHAR[RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1] szCallbackNumber; WCHAR[UNLEN + 1] szUserName; WCHAR[PWLEN + 1] szPassword; WCHAR[DNLEN + 1] szDomain; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { DWORD dwSubEntry; ULONG_PTR dwCallbackId; } } alias RASDIALPARAMSW* LPRASDIALPARAMSW; struct RASDIALPARAMSA{ DWORD dwSize; CHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntryName; CHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szPhoneNumber; CHAR[RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1] szCallbackNumber; CHAR[UNLEN + 1] szUserName; CHAR[PWLEN + 1] szPassword; CHAR[DNLEN + 1] szDomain; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { DWORD dwSubEntry; ULONG_PTR dwCallbackId; } } alias RASDIALPARAMSA* LPRASDIALPARAMSA; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { struct RASEAPINFO { DWORD dwSizeofEapInfo; BYTE *pbEapInfo; } } struct RASDIALEXTENSIONS { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwfOptions; HWND hwndParent; ULONG_PTR reserved; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { ULONG_PTR reserved1; RASEAPINFO RasEapInfo; } } alias RASDIALEXTENSIONS* LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS; struct RASENTRYNAMEW { DWORD dwSize; WCHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntryName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR[MAX_PATH + 1] szPhonebookPath; } } alias RASENTRYNAMEW* LPRASENTRYNAMEW; struct RASENTRYNAMEA{ DWORD dwSize; CHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntryName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwFlags; CHAR[MAX_PATH + 1] szPhonebookPath; } } alias RASENTRYNAMEA* LPRASENTRYNAMEA; struct RASAMBW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; WCHAR[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1] szNetBiosError; BYTE bLana; } alias RASAMBW* LPRASAMBW; struct RASAMBA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; CHAR[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1] szNetBiosError; BYTE bLana; } alias RASAMBA* LPRASAMBA; struct RASPPPNBFW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwNetBiosError; WCHAR[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1] szNetBiosError; WCHAR[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1] szWorkstationName; BYTE bLana; } alias RASPPPNBFW* LPRASPPPNBFW; struct RASPPPNBFA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwNetBiosError; CHAR[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1] szNetBiosError; CHAR[NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1] szWorkstationName; BYTE bLana; } alias RASPPPNBFA* LPRASPPPNBFA; struct RASPPPIPXW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; WCHAR[RAS_MaxIpxAddress + 1] szIpxAddress; } alias RASPPPIPXW* LPRASPPPIPXW; struct RASPPPIPXA { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; CHAR[RAS_MaxIpxAddress + 1] szIpxAddress; } alias RASPPPIPXA* LPRASPPPIPXA; struct RASPPPIPW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; WCHAR[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1] szIpAddress; //#ifndef WINNT35COMPATIBLE WCHAR[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1] szServerIpAddress; //#endif static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwOptions; DWORD dwServerOptions; } } alias RASPPPIPW* LPRASPPPIPW; struct RASPPPIPA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; CHAR[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1] szIpAddress; //#ifndef WINNT35COMPATIBLE CHAR[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1] szServerIpAddress; //#endif static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwOptions; DWORD dwServerOptions; } } alias RASPPPIPA* LPRASPPPIPA; struct RASPPPLCPW{ DWORD dwSize; BOOL fBundled; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwError; DWORD dwAuthenticationProtocol; DWORD dwAuthenticationData; DWORD dwEapTypeId; DWORD dwServerAuthenticationProtocol; DWORD dwServerAuthenticationData; DWORD dwServerEapTypeId; BOOL fMultilink; DWORD dwTerminateReason; DWORD dwServerTerminateReason; WCHAR[RAS_MaxReplyMessage] szReplyMessage; DWORD dwOptions; DWORD dwServerOptions; } } alias RASPPPLCPW* LPRASPPPLCPW; struct RASPPPLCPA{ DWORD dwSize; BOOL fBundled; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwError; DWORD dwAuthenticationProtocol; DWORD dwAuthenticationData; DWORD dwEapTypeId; DWORD dwServerAuthenticationProtocol; DWORD dwServerAuthenticationData; DWORD dwServerEapTypeId; BOOL fMultilink; DWORD dwTerminateReason; DWORD dwServerTerminateReason; CHAR[RAS_MaxReplyMessage] szReplyMessage; DWORD dwOptions; DWORD dwServerOptions; } } alias RASPPPLCPA* LPRASPPPLCPA; struct RASSLIPW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; WCHAR[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1] szIpAddress; } alias RASSLIPW* LPRASSLIPW; struct RASSLIPA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; CHAR[RAS_MaxIpAddress + 1] szIpAddress; } alias RASSLIPA* LPRASSLIPA; struct RASDEVINFOW{ DWORD dwSize; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; } alias RASDEVINFOW* LPRASDEVINFOW; struct RASDEVINFOA{ DWORD dwSize; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; } alias RASDEVINFOA* LPRASDEVINFOA; struct RASCTRYINFO { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCountryID; DWORD dwNextCountryID; DWORD dwCountryCode; DWORD dwCountryNameOffset; } alias RASCTRYINFO* LPRASCTRYINFO; alias RASCTRYINFO RASCTRYINFOW, RASCTRYINFOA; alias RASCTRYINFOW* LPRASCTRYINFOW; alias RASCTRYINFOA* LPRASCTRYINFOA; struct RASIPADDR { BYTE a; BYTE b; BYTE c; BYTE d; } struct RASENTRYW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwfOptions; DWORD dwCountryID; DWORD dwCountryCode; WCHAR[RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1] szAreaCode; WCHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szLocalPhoneNumber; DWORD dwAlternateOffset; RASIPADDR ipaddr; RASIPADDR ipaddrDns; RASIPADDR ipaddrDnsAlt; RASIPADDR ipaddrWins; RASIPADDR ipaddrWinsAlt; DWORD dwFrameSize; DWORD dwfNetProtocols; DWORD dwFramingProtocol; WCHAR[MAX_PATH] szScript; WCHAR[MAX_PATH] szAutodialDll; WCHAR[MAX_PATH] szAutodialFunc; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; WCHAR[RAS_MaxPadType + 1] szX25PadType; WCHAR[RAS_MaxX25Address + 1] szX25Address; WCHAR[RAS_MaxFacilities + 1] szX25Facilities; WCHAR[RAS_MaxUserData + 1] szX25UserData; DWORD dwChannels; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { DWORD dwSubEntries; DWORD dwDialMode; DWORD dwDialExtraPercent; DWORD dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; DWORD dwHangUpExtraPercent; DWORD dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; DWORD dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwEncryptionType; DWORD dwCustomAuthKey; GUID guidId; WCHAR[MAX_PATH] szCustomDialDll; DWORD dwVpnStrategy; } } alias RASENTRYW* LPRASENTRYW; struct RASENTRYA { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwfOptions; DWORD dwCountryID; DWORD dwCountryCode; CHAR[RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1] szAreaCode; CHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szLocalPhoneNumber; DWORD dwAlternateOffset; RASIPADDR ipaddr; RASIPADDR ipaddrDns; RASIPADDR ipaddrDnsAlt; RASIPADDR ipaddrWins; RASIPADDR ipaddrWinsAlt; DWORD dwFrameSize; DWORD dwfNetProtocols; DWORD dwFramingProtocol; CHAR[MAX_PATH] szScript; CHAR[MAX_PATH] szAutodialDll; CHAR[MAX_PATH] szAutodialFunc; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; CHAR[RAS_MaxPadType + 1] szX25PadType; CHAR[RAS_MaxX25Address + 1] szX25Address; CHAR[RAS_MaxFacilities + 1] szX25Facilities; CHAR[RAS_MaxUserData + 1] szX25UserData; DWORD dwChannels; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { DWORD dwSubEntries; DWORD dwDialMode; DWORD dwDialExtraPercent; DWORD dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; DWORD dwHangUpExtraPercent; DWORD dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds; DWORD dwIdleDisconnectSeconds; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwEncryptionType; DWORD dwCustomAuthKey; GUID guidId; CHAR[MAX_PATH] szCustomDialDll; DWORD dwVpnStrategy; } } alias RASENTRYA* LPRASENTRYA; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { struct RASADPARAMS { DWORD dwSize; HWND hwndOwner; DWORD dwFlags; LONG xDlg; LONG yDlg; } alias RASADPARAMS* LPRASADPARAMS; struct RASSUBENTRYW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwfFlags; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; WCHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; WCHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szLocalPhoneNumber; DWORD dwAlternateOffset; } alias RASSUBENTRYW* LPRASSUBENTRYW; struct RASSUBENTRYA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwfFlags; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1] szDeviceType; CHAR[RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1] szDeviceName; CHAR[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1] szLocalPhoneNumber; DWORD dwAlternateOffset; } alias RASSUBENTRYA* LPRASSUBENTRYA; struct RASCREDENTIALSW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMask; WCHAR[UNLEN + 1] szUserName; WCHAR[PWLEN + 1] szPassword; WCHAR[DNLEN + 1] szDomain; } alias RASCREDENTIALSW* LPRASCREDENTIALSW; struct RASCREDENTIALSA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMask; CHAR[UNLEN + 1] szUserName; CHAR[PWLEN + 1] szPassword; CHAR[DNLEN + 1] szDomain; } alias RASCREDENTIALSA* LPRASCREDENTIALSA; struct RASAUTODIALENTRYW{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwDialingLocation; WCHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntry; } alias RASAUTODIALENTRYW* LPRASAUTODIALENTRYW; struct RASAUTODIALENTRYA{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwDialingLocation; CHAR[RAS_MaxEntryName + 1] szEntry; } alias RASAUTODIALENTRYA* LPRASAUTODIALENTRYA; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { struct RASPPPCCP{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwCompressionAlgorithm; DWORD dwOptions; DWORD dwServerCompressionAlgorithm; DWORD dwServerOptions; } alias RASPPPCCP* LPRASPPPCCP; struct RASEAPUSERIDENTITYW{ WCHAR[UNLEN + 1] szUserName; DWORD dwSizeofEapInfo; BYTE[1] pbEapInfo; } alias RASEAPUSERIDENTITYW* LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITYW; struct RASEAPUSERIDENTITYA{ CHAR[UNLEN + 1] szUserName; DWORD dwSizeofEapInfo; BYTE[1] pbEapInfo; } alias RASEAPUSERIDENTITYA* LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITYA; struct RAS_STATS{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwBytesXmited; DWORD dwBytesRcved; DWORD dwFramesXmited; DWORD dwFramesRcved; DWORD dwCrcErr; DWORD dwTimeoutErr; DWORD dwAlignmentErr; DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr; DWORD dwFramingErr; DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr; DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn; DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut; DWORD dwBps; DWORD dwConnectDuration; } alias RAS_STATS* PRAS_STATS; } /* UNICODE typedefs for structures*/ version (Unicode) { alias RASCONNW RASCONN; alias RASENTRYW RASENTRY; alias RASCONNSTATUSW RASCONNSTATUS; alias RASDIALPARAMSW RASDIALPARAMS; alias RASAMBW RASAMB; alias RASPPPNBFW RASPPPNBF; alias RASPPPIPXW RASPPPIPX; alias RASPPPIPW RASPPPIP; alias RASPPPLCPW RASPPPLCP; alias RASSLIPW RASSLIP; alias RASDEVINFOW RASDEVINFO; alias RASENTRYNAMEW RASENTRYNAME; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { alias RASSUBENTRYW RASSUBENTRY; alias RASCREDENTIALSW RASCREDENTIALS; alias RASAUTODIALENTRYW RASAUTODIALENTRY; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { alias RASEAPUSERIDENTITYW RASEAPUSERIDENTITY; } } else { // ! defined UNICODE alias RASCONNA RASCONN; alias RASENTRYA RASENTRY; alias RASCONNSTATUSA RASCONNSTATUS; alias RASDIALPARAMSA RASDIALPARAMS; alias RASAMBA RASAMB; alias RASPPPNBFA RASPPPNBF; alias RASPPPIPXA RASPPPIPX; alias RASPPPIPA RASPPPIP; alias RASPPPLCPA RASPPPLCP; alias RASSLIPA RASSLIP; alias RASDEVINFOA RASDEVINFO; alias RASENTRYNAMEA RASENTRYNAME; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { alias RASSUBENTRYA RASSUBENTRY; alias RASCREDENTIALSA RASCREDENTIALS; alias RASAUTODIALENTRYA RASAUTODIALENTRY; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { alias RASEAPUSERIDENTITYA RASEAPUSERIDENTITY; } }// ! UNICODE alias RASCONN* LPRASCONN; alias RASENTRY* LPRASENTRY; alias RASCONNSTATUS* LPRASCONNSTATUS; alias RASDIALPARAMS* LPRASDIALPARAMS; alias RASAMB* LPRASAM; alias RASPPPNBF* LPRASPPPNBF; alias RASPPPIPX* LPRASPPPIPX; alias RASPPPIP* LPRASPPPIP; alias RASPPPLCP* LPRASPPPLCP; alias RASSLIP* LPRASSLIP; alias RASDEVINFO* LPRASDEVINFO; alias RASENTRYNAME* LPRASENTRYNAME; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { alias RASSUBENTRY* LPRASSUBENTRY; alias RASCREDENTIALS* LPRASCREDENTIALS; alias RASAUTODIALENTRY* LPRASAUTODIALENTRY; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { alias RASEAPUSERIDENTITY* LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY; } /* Callback prototypes */ deprecated { alias BOOL function (HWND, LPSTR, DWORD, LPDWORD) ORASADFUNC; } alias void function (UINT, RASCONNSTATE, DWORD) RASDIALFUNC; alias void function(HRASCONN, UINT, RASCONNSTATE, DWORD, DWORD) RASDIALFUNC1; alias DWORD function (ULONG_PTR, DWORD, HRASCONN, UINT, RASCONNSTATE, DWORD, DWORD) RASDIALFUNC2; /* External functions */ DWORD RasDialA (LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS, LPCSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMSA, DWORD, LPVOID, LPHRASCONN); DWORD RasDialW (LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS, LPCWSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMSW, DWORD, LPVOID, LPHRASCONN); DWORD RasEnumConnectionsA (LPRASCONNA, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasEnumConnectionsW (LPRASCONNW, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasEnumEntriesA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPRASENTRYNAMEA, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasEnumEntriesW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPRASENTRYNAMEW, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetConnectStatusA (HRASCONN, LPRASCONNSTATUSA); DWORD RasGetConnectStatusW (HRASCONN, LPRASCONNSTATUSW); DWORD RasGetErrorStringA (UINT, LPSTR, DWORD); DWORD RasGetErrorStringW (UINT, LPWSTR, DWORD); DWORD RasHangUpA (HRASCONN); DWORD RasHangUpW (HRASCONN); DWORD RasGetProjectionInfoA (HRASCONN, RASPROJECTION, LPVOID, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetProjectionInfoW (HRASCONN, RASPROJECTION, LPVOID, LPDWORD); DWORD RasCreatePhonebookEntryA (HWND, LPCSTR); DWORD RasCreatePhonebookEntryW (HWND, LPCWSTR); DWORD RasEditPhonebookEntryA (HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR); DWORD RasEditPhonebookEntryW (HWND, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR); DWORD RasSetEntryDialParamsA (LPCSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMSA, BOOL); DWORD RasSetEntryDialParamsW (LPCWSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMSW, BOOL); DWORD RasGetEntryDialParamsA (LPCSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMSA, LPBOOL); DWORD RasGetEntryDialParamsW (LPCWSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMSW, LPBOOL); DWORD RasEnumDevicesA (LPRASDEVINFOA, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasEnumDevicesW (LPRASDEVINFOW, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetCountryInfoA (LPRASCTRYINFOA, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetCountryInfoW (LPRASCTRYINFOW, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetEntryPropertiesA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPRASENTRYA, LPDWORD, LPBYTE, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetEntryPropertiesW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPRASENTRYW, LPDWORD, LPBYTE, LPDWORD); DWORD RasSetEntryPropertiesA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPRASENTRYA, DWORD, LPBYTE, DWORD); DWORD RasSetEntryPropertiesW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPRASENTRYW, DWORD, LPBYTE, DWORD); DWORD RasRenameEntryA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPCSTR); DWORD RasRenameEntryW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR); DWORD RasDeleteEntryA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR); DWORD RasDeleteEntryW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR); DWORD RasValidateEntryNameA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR); DWORD RasValidateEntryNameW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR); static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { alias BOOL function (LPSTR, LPSTR, LPRASADPARAMS, LPDWORD) RASADFUNCA; alias BOOL function (LPWSTR, LPWSTR, LPRASADPARAMS, LPDWORD) RASADFUNCW; DWORD RasGetSubEntryHandleA (HRASCONN, DWORD, LPHRASCONN); DWORD RasGetSubEntryHandleW (HRASCONN, DWORD, LPHRASCONN); DWORD RasGetCredentialsA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPRASCREDENTIALSA); DWORD RasGetCredentialsW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPRASCREDENTIALSW); DWORD RasSetCredentialsA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPRASCREDENTIALSA, BOOL); DWORD RasSetCredentialsW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPRASCREDENTIALSW, BOOL); DWORD RasConnectionNotificationA (HRASCONN, HANDLE, DWORD); DWORD RasConnectionNotificationW (HRASCONN, HANDLE, DWORD); DWORD RasGetSubEntryPropertiesA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD, LPRASSUBENTRYA, LPDWORD, LPBYTE, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetSubEntryPropertiesW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPRASSUBENTRYW, LPDWORD, LPBYTE, LPDWORD); DWORD RasSetSubEntryPropertiesA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD, LPRASSUBENTRYA, DWORD, LPBYTE, DWORD); DWORD RasSetSubEntryPropertiesW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPRASSUBENTRYW, DWORD, LPBYTE, DWORD); DWORD RasGetAutodialAddressA (LPCSTR, LPDWORD, LPRASAUTODIALENTRYA, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetAutodialAddressW (LPCWSTR, LPDWORD, LPRASAUTODIALENTRYW, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasSetAutodialAddressA (LPCSTR, DWORD, LPRASAUTODIALENTRYA, DWORD, DWORD); DWORD RasSetAutodialAddressW (LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPRASAUTODIALENTRYW, DWORD, DWORD); DWORD RasEnumAutodialAddressesA (LPSTR *, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasEnumAutodialAddressesW (LPWSTR *, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetAutodialEnableA (DWORD, LPBOOL); DWORD RasGetAutodialEnableW (DWORD, LPBOOL); DWORD RasSetAutodialEnableA (DWORD, BOOL); DWORD RasSetAutodialEnableW (DWORD, BOOL); DWORD RasGetAutodialParamA (DWORD, LPVOID, LPDWORD); DWORD RasGetAutodialParamW (DWORD, LPVOID, LPDWORD); DWORD RasSetAutodialParamA (DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD); DWORD RasSetAutodialParamW (DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD); } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { alias DWORD function (HRASCONN) RasCustomHangUpFn; alias DWORD function (LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, DWORD) RasCustomDeleteEntryNotifyFn; alias DWORD function (HINSTANCE, LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS, LPCTSTR, LPRASDIALPARAMS, DWORD, LPVOID, LPHRASCONN, DWORD) RasCustomDialFn; DWORD RasInvokeEapUI (HRASCONN, DWORD, LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS, HWND); DWORD RasGetLinkStatistics (HRASCONN, DWORD, RAS_STATS*); DWORD RasGetConnectionStatistics (HRASCONN, RAS_STATS*); DWORD RasClearLinkStatistics (HRASCONN, DWORD); DWORD RasClearConnectionStatistics (HRASCONN); DWORD RasGetEapUserDataA (HANDLE, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, BYTE*, DWORD*); DWORD RasGetEapUserDataW (HANDLE, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, BYTE*, DWORD*); DWORD RasSetEapUserDataA (HANDLE, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, BYTE*, DWORD); DWORD RasSetEapUserDataW (HANDLE, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, BYTE*, DWORD); DWORD RasGetCustomAuthDataA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, BYTE*, DWORD*); DWORD RasGetCustomAuthDataW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, BYTE*, DWORD*); DWORD RasSetCustomAuthDataA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, BYTE*, DWORD); DWORD RasSetCustomAuthDataW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, BYTE*, DWORD); DWORD RasGetEapUserIdentityW (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, HWND, LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITYW*); DWORD RasGetEapUserIdentityA (LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD, HWND, LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITYA*); void RasFreeEapUserIdentityW (LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITYW); void RasFreeEapUserIdentityA (LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITYA); } /* UNICODE defines for functions */ version(Unicode) { alias RasDialW RasDial; alias RasEnumConnectionsW RasEnumConnections; alias RasEnumEntriesW RasEnumEntries; alias RasGetConnectStatusW RasGetConnectStatus; alias RasGetErrorStringW RasGetErrorString; alias RasHangUpW RasHangUp; alias RasGetProjectionInfoW RasGetProjectionInfo; alias RasCreatePhonebookEntryW RasCreatePhonebookEntry; alias RasEditPhonebookEntryW RasEditPhonebookEntry; alias RasSetEntryDialParamsW RasSetEntryDialParams; alias RasGetEntryDialParamsW RasGetEntryDialParams; alias RasEnumDevicesW RasEnumDevices; alias RasGetCountryInfoW RasGetCountryInfo; alias RasGetEntryPropertiesW RasGetEntryProperties; alias RasSetEntryPropertiesW RasSetEntryProperties; alias RasRenameEntryW RasRenameEntry; alias RasDeleteEntryW RasDeleteEntry; alias RasValidateEntryNameW RasValidateEntryName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { alias RASADFUNCW RASADFUNC; alias RasGetSubEntryHandleW RasGetSubEntryHandle; alias RasConnectionNotificationW RasConnectionNotification; alias RasGetSubEntryPropertiesW RasGetSubEntryProperties; alias RasSetSubEntryPropertiesW RasSetSubEntryProperties; alias RasGetCredentialsW RasGetCredentials; alias RasSetCredentialsW RasSetCredentials; alias RasGetAutodialAddressW RasGetAutodialAddress; alias RasSetAutodialAddressW RasSetAutodialAddress; alias RasEnumAutodialAddressesW RasEnumAutodialAddresses; alias RasGetAutodialEnableW RasGetAutodialEnable; alias RasSetAutodialEnableW RasSetAutodialEnable; alias RasGetAutodialParamW RasGetAutodialParam; alias RasSetAutodialParamW RasSetAutodialParam; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { alias RasGetEapUserDataW RasGetEapUserData; alias RasSetEapUserDataW RasSetEapUserData; alias RasGetCustomAuthDataW RasGetCustomAuthData; alias RasSetCustomAuthDataW RasSetCustomAuthData; alias RasGetEapUserIdentityW RasGetEapUserIdentity; alias RasFreeEapUserIdentityW RasFreeEapUserIdentity; } } else { // !Unicode alias RasDialA RasDial; alias RasEnumConnectionsA RasEnumConnections; alias RasEnumEntriesA RasEnumEntries; alias RasGetConnectStatusA RasGetConnectStatus; alias RasGetErrorStringA RasGetErrorString; alias RasHangUpA RasHangUp; alias RasGetProjectionInfoA RasGetProjectionInfo; alias RasCreatePhonebookEntryA RasCreatePhonebookEntry; alias RasEditPhonebookEntryA RasEditPhonebookEntry; alias RasSetEntryDialParamsA RasSetEntryDialParams; alias RasGetEntryDialParamsA RasGetEntryDialParams; alias RasEnumDevicesA RasEnumDevices; alias RasGetCountryInfoA RasGetCountryInfo; alias RasGetEntryPropertiesA RasGetEntryProperties; alias RasSetEntryPropertiesA RasSetEntryProperties; alias RasRenameEntryA RasRenameEntry; alias RasDeleteEntryA RasDeleteEntry; alias RasValidateEntryNameA RasValidateEntryName; static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x401) { alias RASADFUNCA RASADFUNC; alias RasGetSubEntryHandleA RasGetSubEntryHandle; alias RasConnectionNotificationA RasConnectionNotification; alias RasGetSubEntryPropertiesA RasGetSubEntryProperties; alias RasSetSubEntryPropertiesA RasSetSubEntryProperties; alias RasGetCredentialsA RasGetCredentials; alias RasSetCredentialsA RasSetCredentials; alias RasGetAutodialAddressA RasGetAutodialAddress; alias RasSetAutodialAddressA RasSetAutodialAddress; alias RasEnumAutodialAddressesA RasEnumAutodialAddresses; alias RasGetAutodialEnableA RasGetAutodialEnable; alias RasSetAutodialEnableA RasSetAutodialEnable; alias RasGetAutodialParamA RasGetAutodialParam; alias RasSetAutodialParamA RasSetAutodialParam; } static if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500) { alias RasGetEapUserDataA RasGetEapUserData; alias RasSetEapUserDataA RasSetEapUserData; alias RasGetCustomAuthDataA RasGetCustomAuthData; alias RasSetCustomAuthDataA RasSetCustomAuthData; alias RasGetEapUserIdentityA RasGetEapUserIdentity; alias RasFreeEapUserIdentityA RasFreeEapUserIdentity; } } //#endif // !Unicode