Artifact b9488d42782563c4046ebbbd8bbfb103d3968ebe
- File
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
The problem was __gshared. Replacing it with TLS fixed the issue. Remaining problem is that "hack.d"'s CloseHandle hack is not working anymore.
(user: kinaba) [annotate]
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
/***********************************************************************\ * aclui.d * * * * Windows API header module * * * * Translated from MinGW API for MS-Windows 3.10 * * by Stewart Gordon * * * * Placed into public domain * \***********************************************************************/ module win32.aclui; pragma(lib, "aclui"); private import win32.w32api; static assert (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x500, "win32.aclui is available only if version Windows2000, WindowsXP, Windows2003 " "or WindowsVista is set"); import win32.accctrl, win32.commctrl, win32.objbase; private import win32.basetyps, win32.prsht, win32.unknwn, win32.windef, win32.winuser; struct SI_OBJECT_INFO { DWORD dwFlags; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPWSTR pszServerName; LPWSTR pszObjectName; LPWSTR pszPageTitle; GUID guidObjectType; } alias SI_OBJECT_INFO* PSI_OBJECT_INFO; // values for SI_OBJECT_INFO.dwFlags const DWORD SI_EDIT_PERMS = 0x00000000, SI_EDIT_OWNER = 0x00000001, SI_EDIT_AUDITS = 0x00000002, SI_CONTAINER = 0x00000004, SI_READONLY = 0x00000008, SI_ADVANCED = 0x00000010, SI_RESET = 0x00000020, SI_OWNER_READONLY = 0x00000040, SI_EDIT_PROPERTIES = 0x00000080, SI_OWNER_RECURSE = 0x00000100, SI_NO_ACL_PROTECT = 0x00000200, SI_NO_TREE_APPLY = 0x00000400, SI_PAGE_TITLE = 0x00000800, SI_SERVER_IS_DC = 0x00001000, SI_RESET_DACL_TREE = 0x00004000, SI_RESET_SACL_TREE = 0x00008000, SI_OBJECT_GUID = 0x00010000, SI_EDIT_EFFECTIVE = 0x00020000, SI_RESET_DACL = 0x00040000, SI_RESET_SACL = 0x00080000, SI_RESET_OWNER = 0x00100000, SI_NO_ADDITIONAL_PERMISSION = 0x00200000, SI_MAY_WRITE = 0x10000000, SI_EDIT_ALL = SI_EDIT_PERMS | SI_EDIT_OWNER | SI_EDIT_AUDITS; struct SI_ACCESS { const(GUID)* pguid; ACCESS_MASK mask; LPCWSTR pszName; DWORD dwFlags; } alias SI_ACCESS* PSI_ACCESS; // values for SI_ACCESS.dwFlags const DWORD SI_ACCESS_SPECIFIC = 0x00010000, SI_ACCESS_GENERAL = 0x00020000, SI_ACCESS_CONTAINER = 0x00040000, SI_ACCESS_PROPERTY = 0x00080000; struct SI_INHERIT_TYPE { const(GUID)* pguid; ULONG dwFlags; LPCWSTR pszName; } alias SI_INHERIT_TYPE* PSI_INHERIT_TYPE; /* values for SI_INHERIT_TYPE.dwFlags INHERIT_ONLY_ACE, CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE defined elsewhere */ enum SI_PAGE_TYPE { SI_PAGE_PERM, SI_PAGE_ADVPERM, SI_PAGE_AUDIT, SI_PAGE_OWNER } const uint PSPCB_SI_INITDIALOG = WM_USER + 1; interface ISecurityInformation : IUnknown { HRESULT GetObjectInformation(PSI_OBJECT_INFO); HRESULT GetSecurity(SECURITY_INFORMATION, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*, BOOL); HRESULT SetSecurity(SECURITY_INFORMATION, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR); HRESULT GetAccessRights(const(GUID)*, DWORD, PSI_ACCESS*, ULONG*, ULONG*); HRESULT MapGeneric(const(GUID)*, UCHAR*, ACCESS_MASK*); HRESULT GetInheritTypes(PSI_INHERIT_TYPE*, ULONG*); HRESULT PropertySheetPageCallback(HWND, UINT, SI_PAGE_TYPE); } alias ISecurityInformation LPSECURITYINFO; /* Comment from MinGW * TODO: ISecurityInformation2, IEffectivePermission, ISecurityObjectTypeInfo */ // FIXME: linkage attribute? extern (C) /+DECLSPEC_IMPORT+/ extern const IID IID_ISecurityInformation; extern (Windows) { HPROPSHEETPAGE CreateSecurityPage(LPSECURITYINFO psi); BOOL EditSecurity(HWND hwndOwner, LPSECURITYINFO psi); }