Artifact 63d7357057086331bd1cc60311803d5c048fcaec
- File
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
The problem was __gshared. Replacing it with TLS fixed the issue. Remaining problem is that "hack.d"'s CloseHandle hack is not working anymore.
(user: kinaba) [annotate]
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
/***********************************************************************\ * d3dx10core.d * * * * Windows API header module * * * * Placed into public domain * \***********************************************************************/ module win32.directx.d3dx10core; private import; private import win32.directx.d3d10; private import win32.directx.d3d10effect; private import win32.directx.d3dx10math; const D3DX10_DLL_W = "d3dx10_36.dll"; const D3DX10_DLL_A = "d3dx10_36.dll"; version(Unicode) { alias D3DX10_DLL_W D3DX10_DLL; } else { alias D3DX10_DLL_A D3DX10_DLL; } const D3DX10_SDK_VERSION = 36; extern(Windows) { HRESULT D3DX10CreateDevice(IDXGIAdapter pAdapter, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, HMODULE Software, UINT Flags, ID3D10Device* ppDevice); HRESULT D3DX10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(IDXGIAdapter pAdapter, D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, HMODULE Software, UINT Flags, DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* pSwapChainDesc, IDXGISwapChain* ppSwapChain, ID3D10Device* ppDevice); //TODO HRESULT D3DX10GetFeatureLevel1(ID3D10Device pDevice, ID3D10Device1* ppDevice1); debug(D3D10_DEBUG) { BOOL D3DX10DebugMute(BOOL Mute); } HRESULT D3DX10CheckVersion(UINT D3DSdkVersion, UINT D3DX10SdkVersion); UINT D3DX10GetDriverLevel(ID3D10Device pDevice); } enum D3DX10_SPRITE_FLAG { D3DX10_SPRITE_SORT_TEXTURE = 0x01, D3DX10_SPRITE_SORT_DEPTH_BACK_TO_FRONT = 0x02, D3DX10_SPRITE_SORT_DEPTH_FRONT_TO_BACK = 0x04, D3DX10_SPRITE_SAVE_STATE = 0x08, D3DX10_SPRITE_ADDREF_TEXTURES = 0x10 } struct D3DX10_SPRITE { D3DXMATRIX matWorld; D3DXVECTOR2 TexCoord; D3DXVECTOR2 TexSize; D3DXCOLOR ColorModulate; ID3D10ShaderResourceView pTexture; UINT TextureIndex; } extern(C) const GUID IID_ID3DX10Sprite = {0xba0b762d, 0x8d28, 0x43ec, [0xb9, 0xdc, 0x2f, 0x84, 0x44, 0x3b, 0x06, 0x14]}; interface ID3DX10Sprite : IUnknown { extern(Windows) : HRESULT Begin(UINT flags); HRESULT DrawSpritesBuffered(D3DX10_SPRITE* pSprites, UINT cSprites); HRESULT Flush(); HRESULT DrawSpritesImmediate(D3DX10_SPRITE* pSprites, UINT cSprites, UINT cbSprite, UINT flags); HRESULT End(); HRESULT GetViewTransform(D3DXMATRIX* pViewTransform); HRESULT SetViewTransform(D3DXMATRIX* pViewTransform); HRESULT GetProjectionTransform(D3DXMATRIX* pProjectionTransform); HRESULT SetProjectionTransform(D3DXMATRIX* pProjectionTransform); HRESULT GetDevice(ID3D10Device* ppDevice); } extern(Windows) HRESULT D3DX10CreateSprite(ID3D10Device pDevice, UINT cDeviceBufferSize, ID3DX10Sprite* ppSprite); interface ID3DX10DataLoader { /* TODO: fix vtbl[0] bug extern(Windows) : HRESULT Load(); HRESULT Decompress(void** ppData, SIZE_T* pcBytes); HRESULT Destroy(); */ } interface ID3DX10DataProcessor { /* TODO: fix vtbl[0] bug extern(Windows) : HRESULT Process(void* pData, SIZE_T cBytes); HRESULT CreateDeviceObject(void** ppDataObject); HRESULT Destroy(); */ } extern(C) const GUID IID_ID3DX10ThreadPump = {0xc93fecfa, 0x6967, 0x478a, [0xab, 0xbc, 0x40, 0x2d, 0x90, 0x62, 0x1f, 0xcb]}; interface ID3DX10ThreadPump : IUnknown { extern(Windows) : HRESULT AddWorkItem(ID3DX10DataLoader pDataLoader, ID3DX10DataProcessor pDataProcessor, HRESULT *pHResult, void **ppDeviceObject); UINT GetWorkItemCount(); HRESULT WaitForAllItems(); HRESULT ProcessDeviceWorkItems(UINT iWorkItemCount); HRESULT PurgeAllItems(); HRESULT GetQueueStatus(UINT* pIoQueue, UINT* pProcessQueue, UINT* pDeviceQueue); } extern(Windows) HRESULT D3DX10CreateThreadPump(UINT cIoThreads, UINT cProcThreads, ID3DX10ThreadPump *ppThreadPump); struct D3DX10_FONT_DESCA { INT Height; UINT Width; UINT Weight; UINT MipLevels; BOOL Italic; BYTE CharSet; BYTE OutputPrecision; BYTE Quality; BYTE PitchAndFamily; CHAR[LF_FACESIZE] FaceName; } struct D3DX10_FONT_DESCW { INT Height; UINT Width; UINT Weight; UINT MipLevels; BOOL Italic; BYTE CharSet; BYTE OutputPrecision; BYTE Quality; BYTE PitchAndFamily; WCHAR[LF_FACESIZE] FaceName; } version(Unicode) { alias D3DX10_FONT_DESCW D3DX10_FONT_DESC; } else { alias D3DX10_FONT_DESCA D3DX10_FONT_DESC; } extern(C) const GUID IID_ID3DX10Font = {0xd79dbb70, 0x5f21, 0x4d36, [0xbb, 0xc2, 0xff, 0x52, 0x5c, 0x21, 0x3c, 0xdc]}; interface ID3DX10Font : IUnknown { extern(Windows) : HRESULT GetDevice(ID3D10Device* ppDevice); HRESULT GetDescA(D3DX10_FONT_DESCA* pDesc); HRESULT GetDescW(D3DX10_FONT_DESCW* pDesc); BOOL GetTextMetricsA(TEXTMETRICA* pTextMetrics); BOOL GetTextMetricsW(TEXTMETRICW* pTextMetrics); HDC GetDC(); HRESULT GetGlyphData(UINT Glyph, ID3D10ShaderResourceView* ppTexture, RECT* pBlackBox, POINT* pCellInc); HRESULT PreloadCharacters(UINT First, UINT Last); HRESULT PreloadGlyphs(UINT First, UINT Last); HRESULT PreloadTextA(LPCSTR pString, INT Count); HRESULT PreloadTextW(LPCWSTR pString, INT Count); INT DrawTextA(ID3DX10Sprite pSprite, LPCSTR pString, INT Count, LPRECT pRect, UINT Format, D3DXCOLOR Color); INT DrawTextW(ID3DX10Sprite pSprite, LPCWSTR pString, INT Count, LPRECT pRect, UINT Format, D3DXCOLOR Color); version(Unicode) { alias GetTextMetricsW GetTextMetrics; alias DrawTextW DrawText; } else { alias GetTextMetricsA GetTextMetrics; alias DrawTextA DrawText; } } extern(Windows) { HRESULT D3DX10CreateFontA(ID3D10Device pDevice, INT Height, UINT Width, UINT Weight, UINT MipLevels, BOOL Italic, UINT CharSet, UINT OutputPrecision, UINT Quality, UINT PitchAndFamily, LPCSTR pFaceName, ID3DX10Font* ppFont); HRESULT D3DX10CreateFontW(ID3D10Device pDevice, INT Height, UINT Width, UINT Weight, UINT MipLevels, BOOL Italic, UINT CharSet, UINT OutputPrecision, UINT Quality, UINT PitchAndFamily, LPCWSTR pFaceName, ID3DX10Font* ppFont); } version(Unicode) { alias D3DX10CreateFontW D3DX10CreateFont; } else { alias D3DX10CreateFontA D3DX10CreateFont; } extern(Windows) { HRESULT D3DX10CreateFontIndirectA(ID3D10Device pDevice, D3DX10_FONT_DESCA* pDesc, ID3DX10Font* ppFont); HRESULT D3DX10CreateFontIndirectW(ID3D10Device pDevice, D3DX10_FONT_DESCW* pDesc, ID3DX10Font* ppFont); } version(Unicode) { alias D3DX10CreateFontIndirectW D3DX10CreateFontIndirect; } else { alias D3DX10CreateFontIndirectA D3DX10CreateFontIndirect; } extern(Windows) { HRESULT D3DX10UnsetAllDeviceObjects(ID3D10Device pDevice); //TODO HRESULT D3DX10ReflectShader(void *pShaderBytecode, SIZE_T BytecodeLength, ID3D10ShaderReflection1 *ppReflector); HRESULT D3DX10DisassembleShader(void *pShader, SIZE_T BytecodeLength, BOOL EnableColorCode, LPCSTR pComments, ID3D10Blob* ppDisassembly); HRESULT D3DX10DisassembleEffect(ID3D10Effect pEffect, BOOL EnableColorCode, ID3D10Blob* ppDisassembly); } const _FACD3D = 0x876; HRESULT MAKE_D3DHRESULT(T)(T code) { return MAKE_HRESULT(1, _FACD3D, code); } HRESULT MAKE_D3DSTATUS(T)(T code) { return MAKE_HRESULT(0, _FACD3D, code); } const D3DERR_INVALIDCALL = MAKE_D3DHRESULT(2156); const D3DERR_WASSTILLDRAWING = MAKE_D3DHRESULT(540);