Artifact 3183d8d941c5427def0870a107355b7fbfd6a9ec
- File
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
The problem was __gshared. Replacing it with TLS fixed the issue. Remaining problem is that "hack.d"'s CloseHandle hack is not working anymore.
(user: kinaba) [annotate]
2015-05-05 06:49:05
- part of checkin
on branch trunk
- Working version for update to 2.067.
/***********************************************************************\ * ntdef.d * * * * Windows API header module * * * * Translated from MinGW Windows headers * * by Stewart Gordon * * * * Placed into public domain * \***********************************************************************/ module win32.ntdef; private import win32.basetsd, win32.subauth, win32.windef, win32.winnt; const uint OBJ_INHERIT = 0x0002, OBJ_PERMANENT = 0x0010, OBJ_EXCLUSIVE = 0x0020, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE = 0x0040, OBJ_OPENIF = 0x0080, OBJ_OPENLINK = 0x0100, OBJ_VALID_ATTRIBUTES = 0x01F2; void InitializeObjectAttributes(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES* p, UNICODE_STRING* n, uint a, HANDLE r, void* s) { with (*p) { Length = OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; RootDirectory = r; Attributes = a; ObjectName = n; SecurityDescriptor = s; SecurityQualityOfService = null; } } bool NT_SUCCESS(int x) { return x >= 0; } /* In MinGW, NTSTATUS, UNICODE_STRING, STRING and their associated pointer * type aliases are defined in ntdef.h, ntsecapi.h and subauth.h, each of * which checks that none of the others is already included. */ alias int NTSTATUS; alias int* PNTSTATUS; struct UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PWSTR Buffer; } alias UNICODE_STRING* PUNICODE_STRING; alias const(UNICODE_STRING)* PCUNICODE_STRING; struct STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PCHAR Buffer; } alias STRING ANSI_STRING, OEM_STRING; alias STRING* PSTRING, PANSI_STRING, POEM_STRING; alias LARGE_INTEGER PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; alias LARGE_INTEGER* PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS; enum SECTION_INHERIT { ViewShare = 1, ViewUnmap } /* In MinGW, this is defined in ntdef.h and ntsecapi.h, each of which checks * that the other isn't already included. */ struct OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES { ULONG Length = OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.sizeof; HANDLE RootDirectory; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName; ULONG Attributes; PVOID SecurityDescriptor; PVOID SecurityQualityOfService; } alias OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES* POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES;