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fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: libbz2.lib is build from bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0.6 of 6 September 2010,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: by Digital Mars Compiler Version 8.42n with the following commands
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:   $ dmc -c -o {blocksort,huffman,crctable,randtable,compress,decomporess,bzlib}.c
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:   $ lib -c libbz2.lib *.obj
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzlib.d is a hand written translation of bzlib.h.