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fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: This is the README for bzip2/libzip2.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: This version is fully compatible with the previous public releases.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: ------------------------------------------------------------------
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: This file is part of bzip2/libbzip2, a program and library for
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: lossless, block-sorting data compression.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0.6 of 6 September 2010
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Copyright (C) 1996-2010 Julian Seward <>
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Please read the WARNING, DISCLAIMER and PATENTS sections in this file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: This program is released under the terms of the license contained
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: in the file LICENSE.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: ------------------------------------------------------------------
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Complete documentation is available in Postscript form (,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: PDF (manual.pdf) or html (manual.html).  A plain-text version of the
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: manual page is available as bzip2.txt.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: HOW TO BUILD -- UNIX
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Type 'make'.  This builds the library libbz2.a and then the programs
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzip2 and bzip2recover.  Six self-tests are run.  If the self-tests
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: complete ok, carry on to installation:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: To install in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/man and
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: /usr/local/include, type
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    make install
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: To install somewhere else, eg, /xxx/yyy/{bin,lib,man,include}, type
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    make install PREFIX=/xxx/yyy
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: If you are (justifiably) paranoid and want to see what 'make install'
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: is going to do, you can first do
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    make -n install                      or
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    make -n install PREFIX=/xxx/yyy      respectively.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: The -n instructs make to show the commands it would execute, but not
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: actually execute them.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: HOW TO BUILD -- UNIX, shared library
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Do 'make -f Makefile-libbz2_so'.  This Makefile seems to work for
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Linux-ELF (RedHat 7.2 on an x86 box), with gcc.  I make no claims
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: that it works for any other platform, though I suspect it probably
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: will work for most platforms employing both ELF and gcc.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzip2-shared, a client of the shared library, is also built, but not
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: self-tested.  So I suggest you also build using the normal Makefile,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: since that conducts a self-test.  A second reason to prefer the
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: version statically linked to the library is that, on x86 platforms,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: building shared objects makes a valuable register (%ebx) unavailable
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: to gcc, resulting in a slowdown of 10%-20%, at least for bzip2.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Important note for people upgrading .so's from 0.9.0/0.9.5 to version
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 1.0.X.  All the functions in the library have been renamed, from (eg)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzCompress to BZ2_bzCompress, to avoid namespace pollution.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Unfortunately this means that the created by
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Makefile-libbz2_so will not work with any program which used an older
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: version of the library.  I do encourage library clients to make the
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: effort to upgrade to use version 1.0, since it is both faster and more
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: robust than previous versions.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: HOW TO BUILD -- Windows 95, NT, DOS, Mac, etc.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: It's difficult for me to support compilation on all these platforms.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: My approach is to collect binaries for these platforms, and put them
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: on the master web site (  Look there.  However
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: (FWIW), bzip2-1.0.X is very standard ANSI C and should compile
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: unmodified with MS Visual C.  If you have difficulties building, you
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: might want to read README.COMPILATION.PROBLEMS.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: At least using MS Visual C++ 6, you can build from the unmodified
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: sources by issuing, in a command shell:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    nmake -f makefile.msc
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: (you may need to first run the MSVC-provided script VCVARS32.BAT
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:  so as to set up paths to the MSVC tools correctly).
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: VALIDATION
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Correct operation, in the sense that a compressed file can always be
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: decompressed to reproduce the original, is obviously of paramount
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: importance.  To validate bzip2, I used a modified version of Mark
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Nelson's churn program.  Churn is an automated test driver which
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: recursively traverses a directory structure, using bzip2 to compress
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: and then decompress each file it encounters, and checking that the
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: decompressed data is the same as the original.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Please read and be aware of the following:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WARNING:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    This program and library (attempts to) compress data by
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    performing several non-trivial transformations on it.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    Unless you are 100% familiar with *all* the algorithms
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    contained herein, and with the consequences of modifying them,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    you should NOT meddle with the compression or decompression
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    machinery.  Incorrect changes can and very likely *will*
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    lead to disastrous loss of data.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: DISCLAIMER:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOSS OF DATA ARISING FROM THE
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    USE OF THIS PROGRAM/LIBRARY, HOWSOEVER CAUSED.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    Every compression of a file implies an assumption that the
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    compressed file can be decompressed to reproduce the original.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    Great efforts in design, coding and testing have been made to
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    ensure that this program works correctly.  However, the complexity
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    of the algorithms, and, in particular, the presence of various
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    special cases in the code which occur with very low but non-zero
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    probability make it impossible to rule out the possibility of bugs
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    remaining in the program.  DO NOT COMPRESS ANY DATA WITH THIS
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    SMALL, THAT THE DATA WILL NOT BE RECOVERABLE.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    That is not to say this program is inherently unreliable.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    Indeed, I very much hope the opposite is true.  bzip2/libbzip2
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    has been carefully constructed and extensively tested.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: PATENTS:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    To the best of my knowledge, bzip2/libbzip2 does not use any
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    patented algorithms.  However, I do not have the resources
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    to carry out a patent search.  Therefore I cannot give any
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    guarantee of the above statement.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 0.9.0 (as compared to 0.1pl2) ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Approx 10% faster compression, 30% faster decompression
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * -t (test mode) is a lot quicker
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Can decompress concatenated compressed files
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Programming interface, so programs can directly read/write .bz2 files
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Less restrictive (BSD-style) licensing
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Flag handling more compatible with GNU gzip
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Much more documentation, i.e., a proper user manual
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Hopefully, improved portability (at least of the library)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 0.9.5 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Compression speed is much less sensitive to the input
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:      data than in previous versions.  Specifically, the very
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:      slow performance caused by repetitive data is fixed.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * Many small improvements in file and flag handling.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    * A Y2K statement.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.0 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    See the CHANGES file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.2 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    See the CHANGES file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.3 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    See the CHANGES file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.4 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    See the CHANGES file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.5 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    See the CHANGES file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: WHAT'S NEW IN 1.0.6 ?
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:    See the CHANGES file.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: I hope you find bzip2 useful.  Feel free to contact me at
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: if you have any suggestions or queries.  Many people mailed me with
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: comments, suggestions and patches after the releases of bzip-0.15,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzip-0.21, and bzip2 versions 0.1pl2, 0.9.0, 0.9.5, 1.0.0, 1.0.1,
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 1.0.2 and 1.0.3, and the changes in bzip2 are largely a result of this
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: feedback.  I thank you for your comments.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: bzip2's "home" is
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Julian Seward
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: Cambridge, UK.
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 18     July 1996 (version 0.15)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 25   August 1996 (version 0.21)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:  7   August 1997 (bzip2, version 0.1)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 29   August 1997 (bzip2, version 0.1pl2)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 23   August 1998 (bzip2, version 0.9.0)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:  8     June 1999 (bzip2, version 0.9.5)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:  4     Sept 1999 (bzip2, version 0.9.5d)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:  5      May 2000 (bzip2, version 1.0pre8)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 30 December 2001 (bzip2, version 1.0.2pre1)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 15 February 2005 (bzip2, version 1.0.3)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 20 December 2006 (bzip2, version 1.0.4)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba: 10 December 2007 (bzip2, version 1.0.5)
fcbade7173 2015-04-30        kinaba:  6     Sept 2010 (bzip2, version 1.0.6)