20 checkins occurring on or before 2010-11-09 23:24:09.
| ||
23:24 | [2459e9a821] refactored eof-driven REPL (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
19:28 | [dc93ad8cf6] layered exec expression @lay(...) added (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
16:27 | [0f02103885] let, var, def became layer-neutral definition (not @val). scope splitting (let x=1;let x=2;let y=(let x=3);x is 1) is correctly implemented now. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
15:29 | [77abaf5f42] Fixed broken "lambda" sign in parse.d (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
15:22 | [50811398367b] removed BOM from the source file (fxxk poseidon!!!) (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
15:19 | [d78d700f7a] tenuki REPL bug-fix (now we can continue using REPL after a syntax error) and file interpreter mode. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
15:02 | [7de80acfb8] Added ultra tenuki REPL (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
14:19 | [8de5b49cdf] split tricks module into a separate package. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
01:40 | [aa770610d3] added layered-let (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
| ||
23:59 | [b985f3bf91] refactored parser to change AST to ML-like one. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
21:26 | [80ff567c75] Testing easyAST. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
20:57 | [077506b38c] Generic toString utility added. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
20:45 | [b11090f441] Pretty Printing of unittest success (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
20:42 | [5e407d7cf8] Lexer Refactored so that it can accpet multi-symbol token (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
17:45 | [8d297342aa] Replaced Token.Kind with bool quoted (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
17:05 | [c48ba67854] Changed release build script to ignore d2stacktrace. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
17:01 | [b0d8d7875b] polemy.runtime renamed into polemy.value. Also, in process of changes to use unittest helpers. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
15:19 | [61998c472a] Introduced unittest helpers (assert_eq, assert_throw, etc). Mmigration to it is not done yet. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
13:38 | [12f7f02c46] turned -cov option on (for IDE execution) (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |
01:33 | [172a537bea] operator < and > for integers, for writing Fibonacci function. (user: kinaba, tags: trunk) | |