----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Polemy 0.1.0 by k.inaba (www.kmonos.net) Nov 20, 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <> - Install DMD http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/changelog.html Version 2.050 is recommended. Older or newer version may not work. - Build (for Windows) Run build.bat (for Unix) Run build.sh or use your favorite build tools upon main.d and polemy/*.d. Then you will get the executable "polemy" in the "bin" directory. <> d2stacktrace/* is written by Benjamin Thaut and licensed under 2-clause BSD License. See http://3d.benjamin-thaut.de/?p=15 for the detail. (this package is used only for enabling stack-traces during printing exceptions; it is not used for release builds.) polemy/* main.d All the other parts are written by Kazuhiro Inaba and licensed under NYSL 0.9982 ( http://www.kmonos.net/nysl/ ). <> > polemy starts REPL > polemy foo.pmy executes foo.pmy > polemy -l foo.pmy after executing foo.pmy, starts REPL > polemy -l foo.pmy -l bar.pmy buz.pmy executes foo.pmy, bar.bmy, and then buz.pmy <> Comment is "# ... \n" E ::= // declaration | ("var"|"let"|"def"|LAYER) ID "=" E (";"|"in") E | ("var"|"let"|"def"|LAYER) ID "(" PARAMS ")" "{" E "}" (";"|"in") E | ("var"|"let"|"def"|LAYER) ID "=" E | ("var"|"let"|"def"|LAYER) ID "(" PARAMS ")" "{" E "}" // literal | INTEGER | STRING | "{" ENTRYS "}" | "fun" "(" PARAMS ")" "{" E "}" // function call | E "(" ARGS")" where ARGS ::= E "," ... "," E PARAMS ::= ID LAYER* "," ... "," ID LAYER* ENTRYS ::= ID ":" E "," ... "," ID ":" E ID ::= 'a-zA-Z0-9_...'+ LAYER ::= "@" ID // operators | "(" E ")" | E "." ID | E ".?" ID | E BINOP E | "if" "(" E ")" "{" E "}" | "if" "(" E ")" "{" E "}" "else "{" E "}" // layered exec | LAYER "(" E ")" The following are actually rewritten to function calls: - if (E) then{E} else{E} ==> if( E, fun(){E}, fun(){E} ) - E BINOP E ==> BINOP(E, E) - E.ID ==> . (E, ID) - E.?ID ==> .?(E, ID) - {} ==> {}() - {ID:E, ...} ==> .=({...}, ID, E) Several styles of variable declaration can be used: - fun(x){ fun(y){x} } # K-combinator - fun(x){ let f = fun(y){x} in f } # let-in style - fun(x){ var f = fun(y){x}; f } # var-; style - fun(x){ def f = fun(y){x} in f } # you can use any combination of (let|var|def)-(;|in) - fun(x){ def f(y){x} in f } # syntax sugar for function declaration - fun(x){ let f(y){x}; f } # this is also ok - fun(x){ var f(y){x} } # omitting (;|in) returns the last declared object directly - fun(x,y){x} #< this is not equal to the above ones. functions are no curried. NOTE: Theres no "let rec" syntax, but still recursive definition works def f(x) { if(x==0){1}else{x*f(x-1)} } in f(10) #=> 3628800 yet still the code below also works def x=21 in def x=x+x in x #=> 42. The internal scoping mechanism is a little tricky (this is for coping with the "layer" feature explained below), but I hope that it works as everyone expects in most cases, as long as you don't use the same-name-variables heavily :). <> Polemy is an untyped functional programming language that has - integers: 0, 123, 456666666666666666666666666666666666666789, ... - strings: "hello, world!\n", ... - tables: {car: 1, cdr: {car: 2, cdr: {}}} - functions: fun(x){x+1} as primitive datatypes. Functions capture lexical closures. It is almost 'pure' (except the primitve function "print" and some trick inside scoping mechanisms). <> to be written