----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Polemy 0.1.0 by k.inaba (www.kmonos.net) Nov 24, 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [How to Build] - Install DMD http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/changelog.html Version 2.050 is recommended. Older or newer version may not work. - Build (for Windows) Run build.bat (for Unix) Run build.sh or use your favorite build tools upon main.d and polemy/*.d. Then you will get the executable "polemy" in the "bin" directory. [License] d2stacktrace/* is written by Benjamin Thaut and licensed under 2-clause BSD License. See http://3d.benjamin-thaut.de/?p=15 for the detail. (this package is used only for enabling stack-traces during printing exceptions; it is not used for release builds.) polemy/* main.d All the other parts are written by Kazuhiro Inaba and licensed under NYSL 0.9982 ( http://www.kmonos.net/nysl/ ). [How to Use] > polemy starts REPL > polemy foo.pmy executes foo.pmy > polemy -l foo.pmy after executing foo.pmy, starts REPL > polemy -l foo.pmy -l bar.pmy buz.pmy executes foo.pmy, bar.bmy, and then buz.pmy [Language Reference] See doc/index.html (in Japanese)