

NYSL 0.9982 http://www.kmonos.net/nysl/

Lexer for Polemy programming language.

class Token ;
Represents a lexer token

immutable LexPosition pos ;
Position where the token occurred in the source

immutable string str ;
The token string itself

immutable bool quoted ;
Was it a " quoted " token or unquoted?

Lexer lexerFromFile (T...)(string filename, T ln_cn);
Named Construtors for Lexer

LexerT!(PositionedReader!(CharSeq)) lexerFromString (CharSeq)(CharSeq str, string filename = "<unnamed>", int lineno = 1, int column = 1);
Named Construtor for Lexer

alias Lexer ;
Standard Lexer Type (all you have to know is that this is a forward range of Tokens!)

class LexerT (Reader) if (isForwardRange!(Reader) && is(ElementType!(Reader) == dchar));
Lexer Implementation

bool empty ();
Range primitive

Token front ();
Range primitive

void popFront ();
Range primitive

typeof(this) save ();
Range primitive

struct PositionedReader (CharSeq) if (isForwardRange!(CharSeq) && is(ElementType!(CharSeq) == dchar));
Forward range for reader character by character, keeping track of position information and caring \r\n -> \n conversion.

bool empty ();
Range primitive

dchar front ();
Range primitive

void popFront ();
Range primitive

typeof(this) save ();
Range primitive

const LexPosition currentPosition ();
Get the current position

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