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Differences From Artifact [f44d615cc4428107]:

To Artifact [97a442948c980634]:

10 10 import std.algorithm; 11 11 import std.array; 12 12 13 13 /// Advance args[] to point the argument list fed to the script. 14 14 /// Returns the name of the source file to run, or returns "" if 15 15 /// no filename was given. Also, returns to libs[] the list of 16 16 /// library source to load. 17 +/// TODO: use std.getopt 17 18 18 19 string parseArgv(ref string[] args, out string[] libs) 19 20 { 20 21 args.popFront(); 21 22 22 23 while( !args.empty && args.front=="-l" ) { 23 24 args.popFront();