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Differences From Artifact [d36ee595e22be49c]:

To Artifact [78aa08fe5254309c]:

379 379 {} 0-ary create-empty-table 380 380 . 2-ary table-get 381 381 .? 2-ary table-has? 382 382 .= 3-ary table-set 383 383 384 384 if 3-ary if-then-else 385 385 386 - + - * / % || && 2-ary integer-operations (no short-circuit!) 386 + + - * / % || && 2-ary integer-operations (NOTE! no short-circuit for && and ||.) 387 387 < > <= >= == != 2-ary generic comparison 388 + ~ 2-ary string concatenation (works also for non-string objects) 388 389 389 390 print 1-ary print-to-stdout 390 391 391 392 _isint _isstr _isfun _isundefined _istable 1-ary dynamic-type-test 392 393