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Differences From Artifact [cd1c3d2598ac30ce]:

To Artifact [e0978d70034e5fac]:

245 245 text("non-function ", _f, " is registered as the lift function for ", lay)); 246 246 } 247 247 248 248 Value createNewFunction(Fun e, Table ctx) 249 249 { 250 250 class UserDefinedFunValue : FunValue 251 251 { 252 - Fun ast; 253 - Table defCtx; 252 + Fun ast; 253 + Table defCtx; 254 254 override const(Parameter[]) params() { return ast.params; } 255 - override Table definitionContext() { return defCtx; } 255 + override Table definitionContext() { return defCtx; } 256 256 257 257 this(Fun ast, Table defCtx) { this.ast=ast; this.defCtx=defCtx; } 258 258 override string toString() const { return sprintf!"(function:%x:%x)"(cast(void*)ast, cast(void*)defCtx); } 259 - override bool opEquals(Object rhs_) const /// member-by-member equality 260 - { 261 - if( auto rhs = cast(typeof(this))rhs_ ) 262 - return this.ast==rhs.ast && this.defCtx==rhs.defCtx; 263 - assert(false, sprintf!"Cannot compare %s with %s"(typeid(this), typeid(rhs_))); 264 - } 265 - override hash_t toHash() const /// member-by-member hash 266 - { 267 - return typeid(this.ast).getHash(&this.ast) + typeid(this.defCtx).getHash(&this.defCtx); 259 + override int opCmp(Object rhs) { 260 + if(auto r = cast(UserDefinedFunValue)rhs) { 261 + if(auto i = this.ast.opCmp(r.ast)) 262 + return i; 263 + return this.defCtx.opCmp(r.defCtx); 264 + } 265 + if(auto r = cast(Value)rhs) return typeid(this).opCmp(typeid(r)); 266 + throw genex!RuntimeException("comparison with value and something other"); 268 267 } 269 - override int opCmp(Object rhs_) /// member-by-member compare 270 - { 271 - if( auto rhs = cast(typeof(this))rhs_ ) 272 - { 273 - if(auto i = this.ast.opCmp(rhs.ast)) 274 - return i; 275 - return this.defCtx.opCmp(rhs.defCtx); 276 - } 277 - assert(false, sprintf!"Cannot compare %s with %s"(typeid(this), typeid(rhs_))); 278 - } 268 + mixin SimpleToHash; 279 269 270 + AST afterMacroAST; 280 271 override Value invoke(Layer lay, Table ctx, LexPosition pos) 281 272 { 282 273 if( isASTLayer(lay) ) 283 274 return eval(ast.funbody, lay, ctx); 284 275 if( afterMacroAST is null ) 285 276 { 286 277 auto va = macroAndEval(e.funbody, lay, ctx); 287 278 afterMacroAST = va[1]; 288 279 return va[0]; 289 280 } 290 281 else 291 282 return eval(afterMacroAST, lay, ctx); 292 283 } 293 - 294 - AST afterMacroAST; 295 284 } 296 285 return new UserDefinedFunValue(e,ctx); 297 286 } 298 287 299 288 public: 300 289 /// Add primitive function to the global context 301 290 void addPrimitive(R,T...)(string name, Layer defLay, R delegate (T) dg) ................................................................................ 305 294 override const(Parameter[]) params() { return params_data; } 306 295 override Table definitionContext() { return theContext; } 307 296 308 297 override string toString() { return sprintf!"(native:%x)"(dg.funcptr); } 309 298 override int opCmp(Object rhs) { 310 299 if(auto r = cast(NativeFunValue)rhs) return typeid(typeof(dg)).compare(&dg,&r.dg); 311 300 if(auto r = cast(Value)rhs) return typeid(this).opCmp(typeid(r)); 312 - throw genex!RuntimeException(LexPosition.dummy, "comparison with value and somithing other"); 301 + throw genex!RuntimeException(LexPosition.dummy, "comparison with value and something other"); 313 302 } 314 303 mixin SimpleToHash; 315 304 316 305 R delegate(T) dg; 317 306 Parameter[] params_data; 318 307 319 308 this(R delegate(T) dg)