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Differences From Artifact [6fa9c2c94c01b274]:

To Artifact [3d0cc7f551924493]:

101 101 return prototype.has(i, lay); 102 102 } 103 103 104 104 /// Return the value of index i at layer lay. Throws if it is not set 105 105 Value get(string i, Layer lay, LexPosition pos=null) 106 106 { 107 107 if( i in data ) { 108 - // [TODO] consider forwarding to proto also in this case 109 108 if( lay !in data[i] ) 110 109 throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, sprintf!"'%s' is not set in %s layer"(i,lay)); 111 110 return data[i][lay]; 112 111 } 113 112 if( prototype is null ) 114 113 throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, sprintf!"'%s' not found in %s layer"(i,lay)); 115 114 return prototype.get(i, lay, pos);