* Authors: k.inaba
* License: NYSL 0.9982 http://www.kmonos.net/nysl/
* Convert values between Polemy and D
module polemy.valueconv;
import polemy._common;
import polemy.failure;
import polemy.ast;
import polemy.layer;
import polemy.value;
import std.string;
LexPosition extractPos( Table t )
Layer theLayer = ValueLayer;
if(auto tt = t.access!Table(theLayer, "pos"))
auto fn = tt.access!StrValue(theLayer, "filename");
auto ln = tt.access!IntValue(theLayer, "lineno");
auto cl = tt.access!IntValue(theLayer, "column");
if(fn !is null && ln !is null && cl !is null)
return new LexPosition(fn.data,cast(int)ln.data.toInt,cast(int)cl.data.toInt);
return null;
Value[] tableAsConsList( Layer theLayer, Table t )
Value[] result;
if(auto v = t.access!Value(theLayer, "car"))
result ~= v;
t = t.access!Table(theLayer, "cdr");
return result;
AST[] tableToASTList( Layer theLayer, Table t )
AST[] result;
foreach(v; tableAsConsList(theLayer, t))
if(auto t = cast(Table)v)
result ~= tableToAST(theLayer,t);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, "Invalid AST (non-table in cons-list)");
return result;
AST tableToAST( Layer theLayer, Value vvvv )
Table t = cast(Table)vvvv;
if( t is null )
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, "Invalid AST (not a table)");
auto nodeType = t.access!StrValue(theLayer, "is");
if( nodeType is null )
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, "Invalid AST {is:(not string)}");
auto pos = extractPos(t);
case "int":
if(auto v = t.access!IntValue(theLayer, "data"))
return new Int(pos, v.data);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"int", data:(not int)}`);
case "str":
if(auto v = t.access!StrValue(theLayer, "data"))
return new Str(pos, v.data);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"str", data:(not string)}`);
case "var":
if(auto v = t.access!StrValue(theLayer, "name"))
return new Var(pos, v.data);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"var", name:(not string)}`);
case "lay":
if(auto v = t.access!StrValue(theLayer, "layer"))
if(auto e = t.access!Table(theLayer, "expr"))
return new Lay(pos, v.data, tableToAST(theLayer,e));
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"lay", expr:(not table)}`);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"lay", layer:(not string)}`);
case "let":
if(auto n = t.access!StrValue(theLayer, "name"))
if(auto e = t.access!Table(theLayer, "init"))
if(auto b = t.access!Table(theLayer, "expr"))
string nn = n.data;
auto ee = tableToAST(theLayer, e);
auto bb = tableToAST(theLayer, b);
Layer lay="";
if(auto l = t.access!StrValue(theLayer, "layer"))
lay = l.data;
return new Let(pos, nn, lay, ee, bb);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"let", name:"???", init:"???", expr:"???"}`);
case "app":
if(auto f = t.access!Table(theLayer, "fun"))
if(auto a = t.access!Table(theLayer, "args"))
return new App(pos, tableToAST(theLayer,f), tableToASTList(theLayer,a));
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"app", fun:???, args:???}`);
case "fun":
if(auto p = t.access!Table(theLayer, "params"))
if(auto b = t.access!Table(theLayer, "funbody"))
Parameter[] ps;
foreach(v; tableAsConsList(theLayer, p))
if(auto tt = cast(Table)v)
if(auto ss = tt.access!StrValue(theLayer, "name"))
if(auto ll = tt.access!Table(theLayer, "layers"))
Layer[] ls;
foreach(lll; tableAsConsList(theLayer, ll))
if(auto l = cast(StrValue)lll)
ls ~= l.data;
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, sprintf!`Invalid AST {bad fun params %s}`(lll));
ps ~= new Parameter(ss.data, ls);
Layer[] emp;
ps ~= new Parameter(ss.data, emp);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, sprintf!`Invalid AST {bad fun params %s}`(v));
auto bb = tableToAST(theLayer, b);
return new Fun(pos,ps,bb);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, `Invalid AST {is:"fun", param:???, body:???}`);
throw genex!RuntimeException(cast(LexPosition)null, sprintf!`Invalid AST {is: "%s"} unknown`(nodeType.data));
/// Cons of two pairs
Table makeCons(Value a, Value d)
Table t = new Table;
t.set("car", ValueLayer, a);
t.set("cdr", ValueLayer, d);
return t;
/// Experimental!!! Convert D value (except AST) to Polemy Value
Value d2polemy(T)(T e)
return ast2table(e, delegate Value(AST){ assert(false); });
/// Convert AST to Table so that it can be used in Polemy
Value ast2table(T)(T e, Value delegate(AST) rec)
static if(is(T==BigInt) || isIntegral!(T))
return new IntValue(e);
static if(is(Unqual!(T)==string))
return new StrValue(e);
static if(is(T S : S[]))
Table lst = new Table;
foreach_reverse(a; e)
static if(is(S : AST))
lst = makeCons(rec(a), lst);
lst = makeCons(ast2table(a,rec), lst);
return lst;
static if(is(T : AST))
assert( typeid(e) == typeid(T), text("abstracted: ", typeid(e), " vs ", typeid(T)) );
auto t = new Table;
t.set("pos", ValueLayer, ast2table(e.pos,rec));
t.set("is" , ValueLayer, new StrValue(typeid(e).name.split(".")[$-1].tolower()));
foreach(i,m; e.tupleof)
static if(is(typeof(m) : AST))
t.set(e.tupleof[i].stringof[2..$], ValueLayer, rec(m));
t.set(e.tupleof[i].stringof[2..$], ValueLayer, ast2table(m,rec));
return t;
static if(is(T == class))
auto t = new Table;
foreach(i,m; e.tupleof)
static if(is(typeof(m) : AST))
t.set(e.tupleof[i].stringof[2..$], ValueLayer, rec(m));
t.set(e.tupleof[i].stringof[2..$], ValueLayer, ast2table(m,rec));
return t;
static assert(false, "unknown type <"~T.stringof~"> during AST encoding");