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Artifact 6d85ee04f34c61b78321fc4b8a793d0536f6d670

 * Authors: k.inaba
 * License: NYSL 0.9982
 * Runtime data structures for Polemy programming language.
module polemy.value;
import polemy._common;
import polemy.failure;
import polemy.ast;
import polemy.layer;

/// Runtime values of Polemy

abstract class Value
	override bool opEquals(Object rhs) { return 0==opCmp(rhs); }

class IntValue : Value
	BigInt data;

	this(bool n) { = n?1:0; }
	this(int n) { = n; }
	this(long n) { = n; }
	this(BigInt n) { = n; }
	this(string n) { = BigInt(n); }
	override string toString() const { return toDecimalString(cast(BigInt)data); }
	override int opCmp(Object rhs) {
		if(auto r = cast(IntValue)rhs) return data.opCmp(;
		if(auto r = cast(Value)rhs)    return typeid(this).opCmp(typeid(r));
		throw genex!RuntimeException(LexPosition.dummy, "comparison with value and somithing other");
	mixin SimpleToHash;

class StrValue : Value
	string data;

	mixin SimpleConstructor;
	override string toString() const { return data; }
	override int opCmp(Object rhs) {
		if(auto r = cast(StrValue)rhs) return typeid(string).compare(&data, &;
		if(auto r = cast(Value)rhs)    return typeid(this).opCmp(typeid(r));
		throw genex!RuntimeException(LexPosition.dummy, "comparison with value and somithing other");
	mixin SimpleToHash;

class UndefinedValue : Value
	mixin SimpleConstructor;
	override string toString() const { return "<undefined>"; }
	override int opCmp(Object rhs) {
		if(auto r = cast(StrValue)rhs) return 0;
		if(auto r = cast(Value)rhs)    return typeid(this).opCmp(typeid(r));
		throw genex!RuntimeException(LexPosition.dummy, "comparison with value and somithing other");
	mixin SimpleToHash;

abstract class FunValue : Value
	const(Parameter[]) params();
	Table definitionContext();
	Value invoke(Layer lay, Table ctx, LexPosition pos);

/// Context (variable environment)
/// Simlar to prototype chain of ECMAScript etc.
/// But extended with the notion of "Layer"

class Table : Value
	enum Kind {PropagateSet, NotPropagateSet};
	bool kill = false; // to refactor

	this( Table proto=null, Kind k = Kind.PropagateSet )
		{ this.prototype = proto; this.kind = k; }

	void set(string i, Layer lay, Value v, LexPosition pos=null)
		if( setIfExist(i, lay, v) )
		data[i][lay] = v;

	bool has(string i, Layer lay) const
		if( i in data ) {
			if( lay !in data[i] )
				return false;
				return false;
			return true;
		if( prototype is null )
			return false;
		return prototype.has(i, lay);
	Value get(string i, Layer lay, LexPosition pos=null)
		if( i in data ) {
			// [TODO] consider forwarding to proto also in this case
			if( lay !in data[i] )
				throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, sprintf!"'%s' is not set in layer %s"(i,lay));
				throw genex!RuntimeException(pos, sprintf!"'%s' is killed in macro"(i));
			return data[i][lay];
		if( prototype is null )
			throw new RuntimeException(pos, sprintf!"'%s' not found"(i));
		return prototype.get(i, lay, pos);

	T access(T,S...)( Layer lay, string path, S rest )
		static if( rest.length == 0 )
			if( this.has(path, lay) )
				return cast(T) this.get(path, lay);
			if(auto next = this.access!Table(lay,path))
				return next.access!T(lay,rest);
		return null;

	string toStringWithoutParen() const
		string result;
		bool first = true;
		foreach(k, l2d; data)
			foreach(l,d; l2d)
				if(first) first=false; else result~=", ";
				result ~= k;
				if( l.empty )
					result ~= "(emptylayer)";
				else if( l != ValueLayer )
					result ~= l;
				result ~= ":";
				result ~= text(cast(Value)d);
		if( prototype !is null )
			result ~= " / ";
			result ~= prototype.toStringWithoutParen();
		return result;
	string toString() const
		return "{" ~ toStringWithoutParen() ~ "}";

	Table                prototype;
	Kind                 kind;
	Value[Layer][string] data;

	bool setIfExist(string i, Layer lay, Value v)
		if( i in data )
			data[i][lay] = v;
			return true;
		if( kind==Kind.PropagateSet && prototype !is null )
			return prototype.setIfExist(i, lay, v);
		return false;

	Table c0 = new Table;
	Table c01 = new Table(c0, Table.Kind.NotPropagateSet);
	Table c012 = new Table(c01, Table.Kind.PropagateSet);
	Table c013 = new Table(c01, Table.Kind.PropagateSet);

	assert_nothrow( c012.set("x", ValueLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(12))) );
	assert_throw!RuntimeException( c013.get("x", ValueLayer) );
	assert_nothrow( c013.set("x", ValueLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(13))) );
	assert_eq( c013.get("x", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(13)) );
	assert_eq( c012.get("x", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(12)) );
	assert_throw!RuntimeException( c01.get("x", ValueLayer) );

	assert_nothrow( c01.set("y", ValueLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(1))) );
	assert_eq( c013.get("y", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );
	assert_eq( c012.get("y", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );
	assert_eq( c01.get("y", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(1)) );

	assert_nothrow( c0.set("z", ValueLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(0))) );
	assert_eq( c013.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );
	assert_eq( c012.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );
	assert_eq( c01.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );
	assert_eq( c0.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );

	assert_nothrow( c012.set("y", ValueLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(444))) );
	assert_eq( c013.get("y", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(444)) );
	assert_eq( c012.get("y", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(444)) );
	assert_eq( c01.get("y", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(444)) );

	assert_nothrow( c012.set("z", ValueLayer, new IntValue(BigInt(555))) );
	assert_eq( c013.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );
	assert_eq( c012.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(555)) );
	assert_eq( c01.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );
	assert_eq( c0.get("z", ValueLayer), new IntValue(BigInt(0)) );

	// [TODO] define the semantics and test @layers