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Artifact aa33baeb81b75ef67037f701fc6741947b404a98

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<h2><a name="nysl">License( NYSL version 0.9982en )</a></h2>
  A. This software is &quot;Everyone'sWare&quot;. It means:
    Anybody who has this software can use it as if you're
    the author.

    A-1. Freeware. No fee is required.
    A-2. You can freely redistribute this software.
    A-3. You can freely modify this software. And the source
        may be used in any software with no limitation.

  B. The author is not responsible for any kind of damages or loss
    while using or misusing this software, which is distributed
    &quot;AS IS&quot;. No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied.
    You use AT YOUR OWN RISK.

<h2><a name="address">About Us</a></h2>
<dt>K.INABA ( <a href="" target="_top">kMonos.NET</a> )</dt><dd>
</dd><dt>SB ( <a href="" target="_top">SB Room</a> )</dt><dd>
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