History Of Ticket 016da31d51cdd150a34d774a38706c50bfb0705a
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Ticket change [675fb88f60] (rid 70) by kinaba on 2012-07-14 12:26:01:

  1. Change priority to "Immediate"
  2. Change resolution to "Fixed"
  3. Change status to "Fixed"

Ticket change [2db2d6c30f] (rid 67) by kinaba on 2012-07-14 12:19:23:

  1. Change comment to "See https://twitter.com/qnighy/status/223972897960632322 https://twitter.com/qnighy/status/223976092460007425. It is reset."
  2. Change severity to "Critical"
  3. Change status to "Open"
  4. Change title to "Address the edge case of water rising."
  5. Change type to "Code_Defect"