Check-in [41c73506fb]
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SHA1 Hash:41c73506fb52453343279288a023495328b756e7
Date: 2012-07-15 11:05:53
User: kinaba
Comment:Gets razor.
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Diffs: redesign
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Tags And Properties

Modified src/game.d from [de7a471045510ac0] to [89ef01bfcc63d3cd].

253 253 int y = robot.y; 254 254 int x = robot.x; 255 255 assert( this[robot] == 'R' ); 256 256 int lambda = 0; 257 257 bool dead = false; 258 258 if( '\\' == this[y+dy,x+dx] ) 259 259 lambda++; 260 - if( " \\.O".count(this[y+dy,x+dx])==1 ) { 260 + if( '!' == this[y+dy,x+dx] ) 261 + razor++; 262 + if( " \\!.O".count(this[y+dy,x+dx])==1 ) { 261 263 this[y,x]=' '; 262 264 this[y+dy,x+dx]='R'; 263 265 robot = new Pos(y+dy,x+dx); 264 266 } else if(dy==0 && '*'==this[y+dy,x+dx] && ' '==this[y+dy*2,x+dx*2]) { 265 267 this[y,x]=' '; 266 268 this[y+dy,x+dx]='R'; 267 269 this[y+dy*2,x+dx*2]='*';