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Artifact 1a5a3d16d8e421dcdd2ef681d8a800c8f467c947

public import std.algorithm;
public import std.array;
public import std.conv;
public import std.range;
public import std.stdio;
public import std.string;
public import std.typecons;
public import std.math;
import std.c.stdlib;

// To avoide the following ICE:
//   src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(4552):
//     Error: function std.algorithm.count!("a == b",string,char).count
//     compiler error, parameter 'value', bugzilla 2962?
//     Assertion failure: '0' on line 717 in file 'glue.c'
int count(T,V)(T[] a, V v)
	int cnt = 0;
	foreach(e; a)
		if(e == v)
	return cnt;

void application_exit() nothrow

template DeriveCreate()
	this(TS...)(TS params)
		this.tupleof = params;

template DeriveCompare()
	bool opEquals(Object rhs) const
		return tuple(this.tupleof) == tuple((cast(typeof(this))rhs).tupleof);

	int opCmp(Object rhs) const
		return tuple(this.tupleof).opCmp(tuple((cast(typeof(this))rhs).tupleof));

	hash_t toHash() const
		hash_t v = 0;
		foreach(mem; this.tupleof) {
			v *= 11;
			static if(__traits(compiles, v^=mem))
				v ^= mem;
				v ^= typeid(mem).getHash(&mem);
		return v;

template DeriveShow()
	string toString() const
		string str = text(typeof(this).stringof, "(");
		foreach(i,mem; this.tupleof) {
			if(i) str ~= ", ";
			str = text(str, this.tupleof[i].stringof[5..$], ":",  mem);
		return str ~ ")";